"Sheepdog? You mean wooly wolves? Damn things come around at midday and raid us for a bunch of our Shrylchraisi... They often work in junction with this plauros... Nasty baddie that plauros... Best keep out of sector eight if you want to remain a solid mass... Terrace? Nah, he ain't a herder. Just some company for Gennisse... 'Bout as old as her too... The Shrylchraisi over there are the main herding and guard animals." she points at one of the creatures... "They guard the house and fields from most other creatures. Even the plauros. The wooly wolves are their only predator around here, that's why they work with the plauros... They smell just like Terran sheep, so the Shrylchrais doesn't regard it as a threat or a predator... Then they swarm it and devour the poor Shryl alive..."
The floran gives a confused look... "... What? We recovered you from a crashed pod in sector twelve, presumably you were trying to escape the border and make it to some planet outside of the treisian system... Apparently all the way from veridian according to our calculations... So... Who are you and what are you doing here if you aren't an escapee from veridian?"
"A crashed pod? Where there any Novakid brands left in it, if so it might have been the rough riders intercepting my teleport."
His ship suddenly rumbles violently. Fons is flung to the opposite wall as gravity is suddenly deactivated for a moment...[DOUBLEPOST=1447294376][/DOUBLEPOST] Jareix is still heading towards them, still a ways behind, but now limping as fast as he can... there seems to be profuse bleeding coming from his leg... "GET THE ENGINE STARTED! QUICK!" He suddenly lurches as a roped harpoon suddenly appears out of his shoulder... he is yanked back and stumbles a bit before he manages to successfully pull out the harpoon... the bloodstained barb retracting from a hooded figure following close behind him...
She rubs her chin thoughtfully... "That would explain a lot... We thought you were another one of those novareapers... You know? Those guys that harvest brands and plasma from novakids?"
Dusty isn't sure of what a wooly wolf is, but continues to play with the pack of chetwahns. After a half-hour of rough housing, Dusty is tired and asks the Apex girl to take him back to his friends. She obliges and once he reaches the A-45 he climbs ontop of the car and lies down, completely exhausted. Seeing Rairi and Howard standing around all serious, but no Syril made Dusty wonder what happened to them. Dusty: Hey guys, where are the others? Did they go off on their own? By the way, keep away from the tentacle faces. They eat wolves.
"Understood." "That's... disturbing. And I think they're inside." Its Harold you sonofa- *punching sound*
Another two figures appears from around the corner. Jareix pulls out his gun and fires behind him with an insanely loud noise. One of the figures suddenly seems to have suddenly gained a massive hole where his chest should have been whil the gun seems to have separated. half of the handle still remaining in Jareix's hand, while the rest of it flew off, still attached to the handle by some sort of cord. As the gun body starts quickly retracting to the handle, Both of the figures shoot their guns, one harpoon embedding in his other leg, the other one in his flank. Jareix is pulled to the ground and painfully dragged along the ground towards the masked figures as a third one comes out with a large bag. Jareix is slapped with some nano-wrap bandages, bound in Hardlight cuffs, and gagged on a piece of cloth before being sacked and dragged off elsewhere still kicking and struggling...
A female penguin in pirate's garb reading a piece of paper appears on the holoscreen. She looks strikingly similar to Dreadwing, whos bounty was recently claimed by some unknown character. "laugh maniacally, glare evilly while grinning at camera, and state the following... So, mister and slash or miss race, you think you can just wander about my synonym for territory thinking you are synonym for safe? Well then think again, for I, name, will... you will now reveal your plans to- you know what? Skrew this! How about I just threaten to blast your ship with an EMP and a plasma cannon if you don't willingly allow us to take you hostage for an immense city of anarch. If you escape alive, I swear I'll let you go with your ship and throw in he loot from the other peoples ships AAND let you join my crew. Sound good?" she says flinging the paper. [/COLOR]
[/COLOR][/QUOTE] "Not in the slightest." As Fons says this, he powers on the Marlin's thrusters, primes the Laser Cutter, straps himself into the seat, and switches on the G-Force countermeasures. "I advise that you warn your captain." With impressive speed, the ship rises and initiates a course to orbit. With the course locked, he attempts to locate the source of the hail.
The moment he reaches orbit, his ship engine immediately shuts down. Out of the porthole he can see what looks like dreadwing's ship, but colored black, much larger, and with red accents with what is assumed to be her insignia. The ship is moving towards him...
Somewhat worried, Fons tries using the smaller maneuver thrusters, which are connected to a separate, smaller generator.
They fail as another EMP bolt hits the ship, deactivating nearly everything save life support. The ship is suddenly beginning to be drawn towards the larger dreadnaut ship.
Fons turns his seat to face the entry hatch. Still strapped in, he grabs his handgun and aims it towards the hatch.
The hatch opens to reveal about seven penguin soldiers wielding bazookas, machine guns, and gauss rifles, three in the background armed with snipers, and then a row of four in front of the seven with riot shields.
This isn't ideal. "Alright... What did you want again?" Desperate now, Fons attempts to aim the turrets with the AR setup. @Jareix Cryvix