[IF YOU WISH TO MAKE A CHARACTER, POST THE FORM OVER ON THE OOC THREAD HERE: http://community.playstarbound.com/...racter-submissions-and-plot-discussion.96633/ ] Stardate: 3854 A.E. Location: Gamma Epsilon 743 III star system, planet verdian, the S.S. star cutter (freight class novakid ship) A penguin in a suit, fedora, and snappy looking shoes with a "godfather-like" accent is busy rattling off a company insurance and policy sheet to a trio of mercenaries (two basitin, and one Ningen), and a human. "Alright, so head honcho, Mr. Dancer, is having me babysit you... Whatever yous are... And wants me to read this here company insurance policy... Unfortunately, Mr. Big-boss is a bit of a cheapskate and didn't bother making a holo tape. So insteads, I'm gonna have to read it from this here... Paper? I think it's called? Whatever's...*Ahem* 'Thank you brave mercenaries for accepting our job request here at Dancer industries. We have hired you for the honor of protecting our top of the line quality merchandise for the safety of our company. Please note that dancer industries is blah blah, payed in full. Blah blah blah, yards yada yada, *quack quack quack*, dangerous machinery, something something not responsible... blah blah blah incinerated, exploded, imploded, sucked out to space, decapitated, dismembered, disemboweled, shot dead, stabbed to death, fried to death, frozen to desth, poisoned to death, corroded inside out by toxic gasses, drowning in septic fluid, liquified by industrial chemicalses, devoured by floranses, eaten by grapes, or bludgeoned to death by other mercses for corporate espionage...'" He pauses briefly for a quick breath... "Now... Any questions?"
Rairi pipes up. "Hey, how much are we actually getting paid? Or is that revealed at a later time during our employment?" Oliver joins in. "Yes, I'd like to know the same." Harold doesn't pitch in his thoughts, but instead is lost in them.
*At the watchers base* Clockblink: So, what you are saying is that i am going to have to look after them? NAME: PACATOTL [CLASIFIED] POSITION: LEADER OF WATCHERS *all the other data is marked as classified* Pacatotl: Yes, altough normally this would be a job for Elyte. (Pronounced elite) Clockblink: Then why dont you give him this job. Pacatotl: Correction, we dont know Elytes gender. Clockblink: Im not going to get an answer am i. Pacatotl: Correct. *clockblink leaves for the teleporter room* (look my name changed)
The penguin pulls out another sheet of paper. "Alright, here's your rates... 'You will be paid 500px per hour of transport. in the case of delays, price is an additional 200px. In the case of raids, a successful defense is worth 1Kpx. You will also gain an additional 250px for every confirmed kill and 500px per confirmed capture. If a piece of merchandise is lost, destroyed, or stollen; you will be charged 1/5 the price of the item. (This deduction will apply to all you mercenaries. So youse better keep them goods safe). At the end of transport, you will be paid 5Kpx minus quadrant tax and expenses.' He crumples up the peice of paper and tosses it aside. "Any more questions? 'Cause I'm tired of reading..."
Rairi took his scythe off his back. "No... No more questions. I just want to get started." He made a mischievous grin.[DOUBLEPOST=1441990367][/DOUBLEPOST]// Yes, I did change Rairi's look completely. And yes, I will be doing character portraits that go along with my characters. It's fun
The penguin backs up as Rairi draws his scythe. the other nearby penguin and novakid guards draw their weapons. (novakids drawing revolvers and rifles, the penguins assault rifles and bazookas) "woah! woah! hold your horses there pal... no need to be swinging that thing about unless we're being boarded. and when that happens, you'll know by the loud, flashing, red lights."
"Not necessarily. And one is already here, you know. It snuck on when we were about to head into orbit." He points to the other nearby penguin. "You there. You let it on board. Are you that daft, or are you working with it? In any case, we need to watch our backs and wait for it to show itself." // Alright, if anyone wants to be the intruder to introduce their character, feel free.
"wait... are yous sayins that some jerk off prick had the audacity to sneak aboard one of Varmint Dancer's ships?"
An arrow flew into the wall next to the penguin. Clockblink: *Suddenly appears out of thin air* Actually, there`s two intruders. *vanishes*
Rairi cloaks himself in flame to stop any incoming projectiles. "Nicely done, escaping my detection there. Since you so foolishly showed yourself, I can now detect your presence. Good luck trying to get another shot in... I'll be waiting for you to try."
A female voice sounded through the ship, "Im afraid thats a false signal Rairi, i have gone ahead and used some ancient technology to fool you." Suddenly the female voice is joined by the voice of the intruder. "You did not actually see me there and neither is the arrow real"
The penguin, now coming out from behind he crate he was cowering behind, pipes up his thoughts... "Was it really of the necessities to shoot a pointy stick thing at us? And what's this about the universe explodins?"
The penguin gets up and dusts himself off before angrily stomping towards the glitch. "Now you listen here bub! You don't make the rules around here, varmint does, an' I am here in place of him because he has better things to be spending his time on. Now you tellin' me that that "arrow" that you shot wasn't real? It's right-" he stops when he looks over to where it had landed, only to see nothing but wall. "There... Wha? Bu- but... *harumph* alright, you've got tricksy sticks, so what? You're still gonna tell me what this is about blowin up... Cause I'm too rich to die, and varmint would not like that... And you wouldn't like varmint to not like you... Or me for that matter..." *snap* the military penguins all point towards the glitch... "Now, youse gonna tell me what the name of the holy mackerel is going on..."
Im afraid none of you can kill me, and varmint has been informed of this by my boss, so thats most likely not going to be a problem. ((its a floran with an upgraded glitch arm, read the character sheet again))
The penguin makes a sign and the penguins and tanks lower their weapons... One of them accidentally firing the impact cannon at his feet, launching himself across the room... "Damnit Carl! Anyway, you may be on the good side of the boss, but I still don't like he look of yous glitchses..." He turns away and trips on one of the smaller cases of merchandise... "Owses! I think I brokes my beakses" he then gets up, and waddles away with his damaged pride, before smacking into a glass door reading "Deck C: Cafeteria, Quarters, more storage" , fumbling with the controls, and opening it to the lower deck before tripping and falling down the humanoid-sized stairs when the elevator door opens And a random Avian janitor coming out, knocking the unfortunate penguin with his cart down the four flights of stairs...
Clockblink: So this is what you meant with watch out for carl, right Terra. name: Terra Alignment:Watchers Job:Tech Gender: Female *The rest is classified* The same female voice as earlier sounds from his mechanical arm. "Yup thats what i meant" Clockblink:"well id better go find a hiding place"