Universe Tree Library (UTL) Moto: Need Information We've got it News/Research I guess [it provides knowledge like a library does] Location: cords z:0 x:0 y:0 History: Not much is known about the origins of the UTL except that it just appeared sometime around the start of the 3 trillion year of the life the universe. Soon after this strange appearance the company began to grow into its current giant tree like state and soon all forms of information began to flood the library regardless of were it came from it has become a major source of information. Some speculate a ancient race built the library as a storage facility for information but died off soon after its creation. Some companies get upset with it for having access to classified information that isn't accessible to the general public and charges ridiculous prices to people wanting this information, that could very well benefit them. It is known to act as a backup for companies wishing to save their information from destruction when asked. Prices: -Public book/information/Blue prints rental: 100 pixels a day -Classified book/information/Blue prints rental: 100,000 pixels a day -Solve a problem: 5,000 pixels -Back up information: 50,000 pixels per terabyte Return options [all are free] -Self-returning book (books brings itself back at end of rental period) -Bring it in yourself Code of Ethics 1.Be kind to customers 2.We specialize in renting out information 3.We also specialize is coming up with answers to questions that seem to be impossible to solve or figure out. We rent out to all customers regardless of politics Miscellaneous information -Killing people in the library will cause you character to be ejected out of a cannon into the area outside the library the majority of the time [You are just removed not banned] -As such Death is not permanent in this Role-play as your character if killed will be rebuilt by nanobots that store your information on moment of entry and deletes it on moment of exit Allied Corps: Rival Corps: Employees: (all employees are able to go in dungeons) -Seed AI: Silverduke1 -Chief Book Dungeon Explorer: Rex (gunmanrex), Headphoner (Headphoner), Talon Whitemane (Lithium) -Head Librarians: Brenda (Dawn*), Vultha Sjach (Bughunter), Xagoss (Trollzor) -Librarians:Hiring -Check out Librarians: Hiring -PartTimers: Alexander Rin(Prophet of Deceptions), Hiring -Front Line Researchers/field: Ariexe (Ariexe), Hiring Want to join? Provide this Character name: Job applying for: Background: Race(not limited to Starbound races): Description of appearance/ picture: Weapon: Reason for wanting to join: Level: You start off with abase level of 1 unless you've gone in a book dungeon before being hired Profiles Name: Silverduke1 Job: Seed AI Race: Seed AI Background: The computer system that runs the company. Appearance: http://s888.beta.photobucket.com/us...ngs/MeLarge_zps31447349.jpeg.html?sort=3&o=18 - Hair Color: Orange - Eye color: One blue, One Green - Height: 4'11' (150cm) - Skin: Snow white Weapon: Energy claws Level: ? Name:Rex Job:Chief Book Dungeon Explorer Background:Unknown Race, Spell sword(or spell mace) Race:Android Appearance: Wears a bunch of scale plate armor that hides identity Weapon:Mace (novice), few Spells Level: 4 Skills: -Titan's Roar (Stuns opponent) -Star Shot (Holidays 2012): Release A Great Ball of Star Energy upon your opponent weakening their defense as well Name: Headphoner Job: Chief Book Dungeon Explorer Race: Human Background: Dark red with a bit of black Appearance: Wear headphones, a trench coat, and a pair of red-tinted sunglasses - Hair color: Red - Eye color: Also red - Height: 5'9" - Skin: White Weapon: Hidden Weapon (Novice) mainly uses revolver Level: 4 Skills: -Dual Shot (2 hidden guns fired quickly) -Festive Song: Boosts Attack Power Character name:Talon Whitemane Job applying for:Chief Book Dungeon Explorer Background:Unknown due to tribal interference Race: Floran Description of appearance/ picture: -emerald green skin -blood red hair -draped in tribal huntsmen apparel Weapon: hipscar crystal dagger/pearl spear Level: 4 Skills: - Name: Brenda Job: Head Librarian Background: background? where's the background? Race: HumanAppearance: Wears heart-shaped headphones, a red tunic, and a black barrett- Hair color: Brunnette- Eye color: Brown- Height: 5"1'Weapon: Morningstar Level: 4 Skills: - Name Vultha Sjach Job: Head Librarian Background:I am the "Darastrix Daron" (Dragon Knight) Race: Dragon Appearance: Well my profile pic is me. Except without the hat. I weigh over 100 tonnes Weapon:Ma claws Level: 4 Skills: - Name: Xagoss Job: Head Librarian Background:i enslaved an entire solar system. the people there did what they were told, and if not they were immediatly executed. but one day they stood up to me and rebelled. a few days later they had taken back the hole solar system. but i escaped, and became an outcast, a washed up overlord. Race: Vorgon Appearance: orange belly, kinda centipede like, has 6 legs, 2 arms, 2 antennae, a black exoskeleton,and 4 glowing blue eyes 2 on each side of face. height: 10 ft Weapon:mandibles, and overlord scepter Level:1 Skills: - Character name: Alexander Rin Job: Part Time Librarian Background: One of the last surviving superbeings, head of a massive part governmental corporation and very loving of information Race: Superbeing Appearance: Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, Dark green armour with no helmet Weapon: Plasma Tomahawk and ORP pistol Level: 1 Skills: - Character Name: Ariexe Job : Front Line Researcher Background: a runaway floran who wants to evolve from his tribes "tradition" Race: floran Appearance: View attachment 32485 Weapon: Pistol Level: 1 Skills: - Dungeons: - A dummies Guide Section [Floors 15. Floors cleared 2.] Dungeon Level 1 - Ultimate Guide Series Section [Floors 15. Floors cleared 0.] Dungeon Level 2 - Return Bin [Floors ???. Floors cleared 0.] Dungeon Level ??? (Minimum entry level of 5) Arena Bosses (fight these bosses to level up quickly to catch up with the story groups levels): -Snearpent (combine pokemon sneasle and a serpent. Weakpoint: Crystal on head and feathers on tail) [Recommended fight level 1] -Book Golem (A golem made of books need I say more. Weakpoint: Magic Glyph on back) [Recommended fight level 2] -Poptop ,herbicide, (A young poptop with herbicide leaking out its mouth. Weakpoint: Herbicide Can in Mouth) [Recommended fight level 3] Allies/Sponsors - Alpha Corp "check yourself before you colonize yourself, hire Alpha corp. to insure you are safe before you are unsafe!" [Please notify me if I'm missing something or am breaking any rules i will change it appropriately in response]
thank you very much -takes check and sends it to account- how would you like to return the books we have the -Self-return at end of rental period option -Bring it in yourself option both are free
-wal slides open and cannon slides foward- Fire in the hole -fires cannon sending gunman fling at 300mph-
yes here you go, Yggdrasil 200,000 year edition - pulls out extremely dusty tome- if you would like an older version please tell me, and how many days do u plan on renting this book
WWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE------ *When he reaches a distance some 2000feet away, Rex disappears in a flash of blue light*