Union of Soviet Socialist Planets (USSP)(Roleplay)

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Ctc9592, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    i already put a bio, is it ok now?
  2. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    I like these very much mind making just a General Signature that anyone could use?
    onerb2 likes this.
  3. warlord212

    warlord212 Orbital Explorer

    Ya! It's good! Accepted Comrade! Welcome to the USSP! Down with the bourgeoisie! But anyways ya welcome, hope you enjoy it. Geez so many military... no workers... Meh I'll get the red governor to get all our precious resources >:3
  4. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Well they are a Worker Class still just we talk to them directly
  5. Marianne Asteri

    Marianne Asteri Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    Out Of Character

    Age: 17

    Why you wish to join: That sexy banner caught my eye. And I love Communism! Not enough to take over the world but enough to want to join an army that takes over many extraterrestrial planets. :rofl:

    Skype: Primustan

    Have you been in trouble with the mods before? If yes, why?: Yes, for being way too awesome. jk Nope.

    In Game

    Character’s name: Marianne Asteri

    Gender: Female

    Division Wanted: Military

    Race: Pseudo-dragoness (Half human and half alien dragon) [Won't elaborate more on how that came to be unless anyone is interested to hear it.]

    Biography: Mari is the leader of a large and powerful mercenary organisation with enough manpower to be considered a small nation. They are technologically advanced with a focus on defensive armour tactics with thickly armoured tanks and totally opposite offensive shocktrooper tactic wielding infantry. Her own fighting style is to either catch the enemy by surprise or hit them while remaining totally undetected.
    They would have grown significantly over the years (Timeline starts during the Cold War. Yes, my character would be goddamn ancient but they have the technology! And she still looks great! :megusta:) but still not enough in numbers to rival that of the old USSR but they do have the firepower and tactical superiority of an elite fighting force. This of course would catch the USSP's eye as it would be foolish to let this sort of power be borrowed by a rival nation.
    Mari is sympathetic to the Communists as she herself was brought up in Soviet Russia and rose into the position she is in only several decades after their fall. So they reach an agreement and contract the X.DF's (Xenos Drakos Fylates horrible name but I can't think of anything better) services.
    By this time, the X.DF would have a sizable fleet with several million personnel, all pseudo-dragons. With their relatively ancient flagship (built in the 21st century) which is 10KM long and 2.5KM wide.
    I can write more. But you'll have to ask me what you want to know more about. This is pretty much just a summary. :rofl:
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
  6. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    well, i can be both o_O
  7. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    ok, it can be just ussp in the middle, the nickname i made for myself, if anyone want's one i can make with their nick too :D

    i'll make it when i get home :D

    Out Of Character

    Age: 17

    Why you wish to join: That sexy banner caught my eye. And I love Communism! Not enough to take over the world but enough to want to join an army that takes over many extraterrestrial planets. :rofl:

    Skype: Primustan

    Have you been in trouble with the mods before? If yes, why?: Yes, for being way too awesome. jk Nope.

    In Game

    Character’s name: Marianne Asteri

    Gender: Female

    Division Wanted: Military

    Race: Pseudo-dragoness (Half human and half alien dragon) [Won't elaborate more on how that came to be unless anyone is interested to hear it.]

    Biography: Mari is the leader of a large and powerful mercenary organisation with enough manpower to be considered a small nation. They are technologically advanced with a focus on defensive armour tactics with thickly armoured tanks and totally opposite offensive shocktrooper tactic wielding infantry. Her own fighting style is to either catch the enemy by surprise or hit them while remaining totally undetected.
    They would have grown significantly over the years (Timeline starts during the Cold War. Yes, my character would be goddamn ancient but they have the technology! And she still looks great! :megusta:) but still not enough in numbers to rival that of the old USSR but they do have the firepower and tactical superiority of an elite fighting force. This of course would catch the USSP's eye as it would be foolish to let this sort of power be borrowed by a rival nation.
    Mari is sympathetic to the Communists as she herself was brought up in Soviet Russia and rose into the position she is in only several decades after their fall. So they reach an agreement and contract the X.DF's (Xenos Drakos Fylates horrible name but I can't think of anything better) services.
    By this time, the X.DF would have a sizable fleet with several million personnel, all pseudo-dragons. With their relatively ancient flagship (built in the 21st century) which is 10KM long and 2.5KM wide.
    I can write more. But you'll have to ask me what you want to know more about. This is pretty much just a summary. :rofl:[/quote]

    I don't think there's a playable race that's half human half dragon in the game o_O


    here, a signature that anyone can use, but if you guys want it i can make it with your nicks, just ask me :D
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
  8. Marianne Asteri

    Marianne Asteri Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    For roleplaying purposes I am. However, I'm going to play a Hylotl in game since that's the closest thing I guess. :megusta:
    onerb2 likes this.
  9. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    oh, ok :D
  10. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Hmmmm....Welcome to the USSP seeing as we have multiple Military personnel and little workers do you mind being a worker but when we need military support we can draft you back in?

    Very nice If you could somehow make it like my signature just with your stuff and the image on the left of mine (I can get it for you) that would be great.

    Also after thinking I decided that all non-labor classes besides Scientific and titles with Red in them will be also a worker when no fighting is necessary,
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
    onerb2 likes this.
  11. warlord212

    warlord212 Orbital Explorer

    Comrades! We also need scientists and researchers! Workers are also needed desperately too. Military is fine and full of new conscripts ready to fight for the glory of the USSP!
  12. StarshiyLeytenant

    StarshiyLeytenant Cosmic Narwhal

    We all live in a red submarine, a red submarine, a red submarine!~
    onerb2 likes this.
  13. warlord212

    warlord212 Orbital Explorer

    Quick! Workers Build us a red submarine!
    onerb2 likes this.
  14. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Like said in another post all Military Personnel for the time being ,and until we get a larger worker force, will have a sub job as a Worker
  15. Sir.drake

    Sir.drake Cosmic Narwhal

    Song time
  16. StarshiyLeytenant

    StarshiyLeytenant Cosmic Narwhal

    This seem to be more appropriate
    onerb2 likes this.
  17. Sir.drake

    Sir.drake Cosmic Narwhal

    More than my song .
  18. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    onerb2 likes this.
  19. StarshiyLeytenant

    StarshiyLeytenant Cosmic Narwhal

    History lesson + song :V
    Ctc9592 likes this.
  20. Sir.drake

    Sir.drake Cosmic Narwhal

    Not to me listened to that song 30 times .

    onerb2 likes this.

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