Union of Soviet Socialist Planets (USSP)(Roleplay)

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Ctc9592, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Updated the Thread any if I could get some feedback from you guys on what you think be awesome :D
    BrutorDragon likes this.
  2. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    I like it, but it needs spoilers...
    But tis good.
  3. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Well the update was Removing the Spoilers haha
    BrutorDragon likes this.
  4. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    I seeX3

    I think the spoilers were ok on the Ranks at least
  5. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Thanks for your feedback I'll see what everyone thinks then I might change some stuff around.

    Also I fixed the Lore to make sense with the Earth's destruction and all....:D
    BrutorDragon likes this.
  6. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Sensible Earth Destruction...

    Only in Starbound...
  7. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Well Idk about sensible it was Giant Tentacles attacking the Earth but who knows maybe it'll be explained more
    BrutorDragon likes this.
  8. warlord212

    warlord212 Orbital Explorer

    Yay! New lore! I like it. A few run on sentances *Pushes up his nerd glasses* but other than that it's good.
  9. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Were suppose to be Communist! Not Grammar Nazis!
    Finn Learson likes this.
  10. warlord212

    warlord212 Orbital Explorer

    Secret USSP Grammar police! Fear us...
  11. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    We are now Allied with the New Floran Kingdom perhaps one day we can convert them to our cause!
    onerb2 likes this.
  12. StarWalker

    StarWalker Void-Bound Voyager


    Why you wish to join: For the promise of helping others and the community part of Communism.

    Skype: Psinoob

    Have you been in trouble with the mods before? If yes, why?
    For being a dog. *Arf* (Just kidding.)

    In Game

    Character’s name: StarWalker (Shorten to Star)

    Gender: Female

    Division Wanted: Labor

    Race: Avian

    Biography: Star was a slave that worked her way to the top of the food chain on one of the pirate ship orbiting space. She noticed that a heavy supply of chemical weapons were loaded on to the ship. With a bit of cunning she manage to swipe some of the keys from various members. She manage to get a few of her fellow slaves to the escape pods before activating the timer on the weapons. The ship was flooded with deadly chemicals as she escaped. She landed on a planet in control of the USSP. Not knowing anytihng about them or the planet she manage to build herself a colony of fellow slaves. After a few run in with the USSP she decided to offer herself and her people to the USSP with the promise that they wouldn't be slave and could continue to be equals under communism with the USSP. She is in a holding cell now awaiting the Premiers answer.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  13. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    While it was a good App I don't think there is a Dog race.
  14. StarWalker

    StarWalker Void-Bound Voyager

    I changed it. HOw about now?
  15. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Better. We welcome you Comrade!
  16. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    Just here to follow up on the alliance request. As long as you all let people think for themselves, the Stargazers are with you. Single member that it is... *clears throat* anyways, seek the secrets, peace out.
  17. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Good, just make a application and I will put you down in the rosters.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  18. StarWalker

    StarWalker Void-Bound Voyager

    Star bows to the Premier, "We shall not forget this mercy and we will work hard to earn it."
  19. Sir.drake

    Sir.drake Cosmic Narwhal

    So i am back from not getting alerts.
  20. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Missed a lot Comrade

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