
Discussion in 'Games' started by Zetlin97, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. Crossfang

    Crossfang Supernova

  2. hatakesans

    hatakesans Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think that was bait and we all have fallen for it....
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.

    LOL BALL Existential Complex

    It's still super childish to troll on forums like these.
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  4. hatakesans

    hatakesans Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I totally agree.
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  5. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

    I literally did write on the comment "Flame", also, i don't understand how people can feel something for a game, something virtual, and people who reply to my comment are including characters, and that's literally an example, it's a game, i can even change the sprites to something horrible, mostly because i can and i realize it's not real.

    umg da fileengs

    by the way, why's there an undertale forum inside a starbound community?????
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2016
  6. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    nah you're just dead inside, that's all.
    you're the sort of person who thinks "why should i bother reading this book? none of the characters or events are even real!"
    (actually this is only one thread, not a forum. people can make threads about whatever they want to discuss.)
    (also please do not post multiple times in a row. if you have something to add, append it to your last post to save forum space)
  7. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

    I am not dead inside, the difference between me and almost all of you (probably) is that i realize and know the characters are NOT REAL, if i killed everybody in a game why would you tell me that? they're not real, i am not a real killer.
  8. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    is there an echo in here? here? here?

    anyway, if it helps you get over your grief, you keep telling yourself that c:
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  9. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    btw acorrding to a "anti-troll rule list" im ignoring the fact that the person here is wrong in so many ways
    Im gonna show 3 errors
    1. This thread is inside AN OPEN COMMUNITY SUB-FORUM (the whole forum is only the site where is an starbound sub-forum and many others)
    2. Did you really seen anybody thinking that sans is real and spiders really make spider donuts? No? I think so.
    3. Why the hell you come here to flame people without having any + from it? You are just breaking your reputation maam
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
    Gilligan Lanley and Brassqund like this.
  10. LOL BALL

    LOL BALL Existential Complex

    Telling people that it's weird to feel for characters in a game is completely unimaginative and it makes you look (no offense) dead, plain, and empty inside.
    They look as if they have emotions.
    It feels real.
    Therefore, people start to have feelings towards them as well.
    Now let's end this, shall we? X3
  11. hatakesans

    hatakesans Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  12. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    First of all, please don't double-post.

    There isn't an Undertale forum in the Starbound community. There is an Undertale thread on the Chucklefish forum, in the gaming subforum along with a number of other games people wish to discuss. Perfectly acceptable; we have threads about Warframe, Final Fantasy and Don't Starve, among others.

    Acting in an immature manner only undermines your argument. And I'm using the term 'argument' loosely here.

    Yes. We know. We saw it.

    And thanks for letting us know it was literal, although I never thought it was metaphorical to begin with.

    Could be deep, meaningful characters that people connect with. Could be a world they enjoy exploring and want to see improved or protected. Could be a villain they genuinely dislike. Could simply be a story they enjoy playing through. There are any number of reasons people can 'feel' for a game.

    In fact, you use the term 'feel' in a very general way. Everyone has felt something when playing a game. Fear in a horror game. Excitement in an action game. Triumph after a particularly difficult challenge. Humans are emotional creatures by nature, and it's perfectly natural for pieces of fiction to elicit an emotional response to some degree. It doesn't have to be openly weeping when a character dies, or shouting at the villain through the computer monitor, but there will be something.

    As opposed to metaphorically an example?

    Characters are an integral part of fiction, and their importance cannot be downplayed. They are the people who inhabit the setting, and are the ones affected by what takes place in it. Games are especially good at this, being an interactive medium; since you are in control of a character, you will have an effect on the others around you. Could be Mass Effect-style loyalty and romance, or Telltale "[character] will remember this". With the correct writing, any piece of fiction can have engaging characters and observable character development as the plot progresses.

    Why are you pointing this out again? We knew it was a game before you ever even registered your account.

    Do it. I mean it. Go and make a mod to do it, assuming you have the skills to do so.

    How often do you use your creativity to provide the world with entertainment? Toby Fox made Undertale, which went on to be wildly successful and entertain a lot of people. And he wouldn't be the first solo developer to do that. Dust: An Elysian Tail is a regularly-cited example. Even Minecraft, one of the most popular and influential games ever, began as a solo project. The people behind these sorts of games have brought more joy to people than you or I ever will.

    I find it amusing how you use 'because I can' as an excuse, all the while belittling people for something that doesn't affect you in the slightest.

    Why do people feel for a game? Because they can. And since feeling for a game does not automatically equate to believing it's real, by your own logic they are now completely justified, and you have rendered your own 'argument' invalid.

    Now you're resorting to generalizations. Not a promising sign.

    Nobody is claiming they are. You're coming up with the idea yourself, and accusing people of believing something they have never claimed to have believed.

    Because not all characters in a game are necessarily hostile. I killed countless bandits and conjurers and vampires in Skyrim, but never townsfolk or guards or merchants. I could kill most, if not all, if I so desired. But why should I?

    You can say this as many times as you like. If people never believed it in the first place, it won't make any difference.

    You've displayed antipathy towards emotional response, a near complete lack of interpersonal empathy and boldly antisocial behaviour. Textbook signs of psychopathy.

    Does that mean I believe you're a psychopath? No. Your online behaviour isn't always an accurate representation of your real-life behaviour. But I do bring it up as an example of how poor an impression you're making.
  13. TTStooge

    TTStooge Big Damn Hero

    Apologies if this has been asked before but what are ya'll's theories on Toby's mysterious project?
    My bet is maybe for something about Gaster, but there's always the possibility that it will be something else entirely.
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  14. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    obviously he's going to do something with that quiche he found
  15. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    QUICHEdence? I think not!
    Jonesy, Gilligan Lanley and Benkinz99 like this.
  16. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

  17. TTStooge

    TTStooge Big Damn Hero

  18. hatakesans

    hatakesans Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "Flashbacks of Giygas"


  19. Brassqund

    Brassqund Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Gilligan Lanley and LOL BALL like this.
  20. LOL BALL

    LOL BALL Existential Complex

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