Modding Help Understanding Color Options

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by matthew57778, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. matthew57778

    matthew57778 Phantasmal Quasar

    So i was looking into a file on starbound called floran.species and was looking at the color selection options when creating a character i'm trying to figure out what all and each hex file stands for:

    "bodyColor" : [
    { "ffca8a" : "c4d0a5", "e0975c" : "a3af83", "a85636" : "7f8760", "6f2919" : "5e6142" },
    { "ffca8a" : "d08c9f", "e0975c" : "b27082", "a85636" : "874e62", "6f2919" : "603347" },
    { "ffca8a" : "d8d695", "e0975c" : "b9b778", "a85636" : "908a56", "6f2919" : "685f3a" },
    { "ffca8a" : "a6cbd2", "e0975c" : "7ca7af", "a85636" : "558287", "6f2919" : "386362" },
    { "ffca8a" : "cb86d6", "e0975c" : "ac6ab7", "a85636" : "7e498c", "6f2919" : "542f64" },
    { "ffca8a" : "b7d179", "e0975c" : "8eab59", "a85636" : "808a44", "6f2919" : "5e6534" },
    { "ffca8a" : "b9997a", "e0975c" : "9f7761", "a85636" : "85594a", "6f2919" : "6a3e36" },
    { "ffca8a" : "a8c2c4", "e0975c" : "8ba4a6", "a85636" : "677f7f", "6f2919" : "485b59" },
    { "ffca8a" : "e47068", "e0975c" : "c54848", "a85636" : "952f45", "6f2919" : "65223a" },
    { "ffca8a" : "e3da89", "e0975c" : "c5bd6d", "a85636" : "9a8d4c", "6f2919" : "705f32" }

    What does each hex value mean are they all colors or are some codes for parts of the species?
    I noticed 1st 3rd 5th, 7th values are all the same corresponding to the previous lines but the 2nd 4th 6th 8th are different values corresponding to the previous lines, What does that mean?
  2. projectmayhem

    projectmayhem Spaceman Spiff

    Ill break down the first line for you, then you should be able to get the rest. It helps to look at it like this....
    "ffca8a" : "c4d0a5",
    "e0975c" : "a3af83",
    "a85636" : "7f8760",
    "6f2919" : "5e6142"

    So, the first part ffca8a tells the game, choose every pixel of this color.
    c4d0a5 tells the game, now change the chosen pixels to this color.

    Same goes for the other 4 parts. You noticed they all have the same 4 hex codes, thats the coloration of the body in the PNG file.
    So basically, each line it telling the game to color the default PNG file a different way.
    So if you make a custom species, its good to know this ahead of time, so you dont use too many colors when making your png.
  3. matthew57778

    matthew57778 Phantasmal Quasar

    Wow pretty complicated.

    So all the hex's are colors just the one on the left is used different to the one on the right.
  4. projectmayhem

    projectmayhem Spaceman Spiff

    Right. The first hex value is the color used in the png file. Thats why you see the same hex values , because each line in the species file is for a different body color when you are creating your character.
    The second value in each set is the color that will appear when you select that option.
  5. matthew57778

    matthew57778 Phantasmal Quasar

    So if i wanted to add a really black color to shirt and pants where would i put the hex value?
  6. projectmayhem

    projectmayhem Spaceman Spiff

    I'm not 100% for sure on how dye works, I dont know if you can add more dye options. But here is an example from the T-shirt chest slot.

    "colorOptions" : [
        // RED
        { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" },
        // BLACK
        { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" },
        // GREY
        { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" },
        // WHITE
        { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" },
        // RED
        { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" },
        // ORANGE
        { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" },
        // YELLOW
        { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" },
        // GREEN
        { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" },
        // BLUE
        { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" },
        // PURPLE
        { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" },
        // PINK
        { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" },
        // BROWN
        { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }
    As you can see, ffca8a - e0975c - a85636 - 6f2919 are the default colors for the shirt. If you open up the png file, those are the colors you would see. If you want to see exactly what these colors look like, you can use or open the png file and use the color picker tool (looks like an eye dropper).

    So, the line that says //Black takes each of these default colors and sets it to a black themed color. You can edit them to make it a darker black if you want.

    I wish I had a screen capture program, I'd give you a video guide to make it easier, but my software only works when I'm in a game.
  7. matthew57778

    matthew57778 Phantasmal Quasar

    what file is this found in?

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