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Outdated Underground Chocolate Biome Techest fix

An underground spawning biome made completely of chocolate!

  1. DoomFire

    DoomFire Existential Complex

    DoomFire updated Underground Chocolate Biome with a new update entry:

    Techchest fix

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. Xentor Antarix

    Xentor Antarix Ketchup Robot

    Indeed, hope that was the problem.
    If I would find so many Chockbioms than for example Sandbioms.... :)
  3. Xentor Antarix

    Xentor Antarix Ketchup Robot

    Seems that helped. I found bye the way a Milk Lake :)
    DoomFire likes this.
  4. DoomFire

    DoomFire Existential Complex

    OOOoooohhhhh really?
    So I guess the milk does spawn. Awesome! ^ - ^
  5. Xentor Antarix

    Xentor Antarix Ketchup Robot

    Is there perhaps a way to add the C Biom to the lush planet generator too ?
  6. Necrovore

    Necrovore Pangalactic Porcupine

    If possible can you add any customs liquids you have in this mod to http://starbounder.org/Modding:Liquids:Mods for those of us working to make our mods compatible with others? Having the liquid ID# and the raw item name allows us to add it to any device designed to handle liquids made in other mods.
  7. DoomFire

    DoomFire Existential Complex

    Oh gosh, I literally had that open as I was adding it to the mod but completely forgot to add it there. I'll do it now!

    I potentially could, I'll likely do that in the next update or fix. ^ - ^
    I had a reason for not, I just can't remember it, so it can't have been that important hehe.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2015
  8. Necrovore

    Necrovore Pangalactic Porcupine

    Um...kinda helps if the name of the liquid is actually the same name as is used in the config files :p You've switched 'liquid' and 'choc' in the name.[DOUBLEPOST=1424587911][/DOUBLEPOST]Spigot has been updated to handle liquid chocolate! Hope you all enjoy and please report any bugs you may come across if you choose to use the mod. ;)
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2015
  9. FuNiOnZ

    FuNiOnZ Big Damn Hero

    DoomFire, I am experiencing a crash with the coffee drink (log below)

    [02:18:36.722] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("effect")
      ToolUser::tick(bool, bool, EntityMode)
      _Function_handler<void (shared_ptr<Entity>), WorldClient::update()::{lambda(shared_ptr<Entity>)#3}>::(_Any_data, shared_ptr<Entity>)
      EntityMap::forAllEntities(function<void (shared_ptr<Entity>)>)
  10. AlexQuinn13

    AlexQuinn13 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ok checked twice just to be sure but when I try to use the chocolate bed it crashes my game. No error code or whatever just closes the game as if it wasn't running at all. Weird! So I will remove it for now.
  11. AlexQuinn13

    AlexQuinn13 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Is there any way to increase the chances of finding this? I've searched like 10 planets so far with no luck. :(
    It's getting kind of annoying! Ok who a I kidding it's more than annoying. . .
  12. Xentor Antarix

    Xentor Antarix Ketchup Robot

    Cool would be a kind of detector.
    I guess it apears not so less, but your chance to hit it while digigng aorund is very low.
    You must imagine that it is only a relativ small subbiom and ONLY underground.
    So you can dig and miss it nearly outof screenrange.
  13. AlexQuinn13

    AlexQuinn13 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well I take my time and try to look all around with the matermanipulator as much as I can. Guess I gotta keep trying!
  14. eLe

    eLe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I figured out one a the reasons why chocolate biomes weren't spawning; you have to either generate new bits of universe, or regenerate your universe.

    Otherwise, they don't spawn very far underground on medium an above planets.

  15. AlexQuinn13

    AlexQuinn13 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I tried going farther away to see if new areas in the map would spawn it with no luck. Guess I can try deleting the universe files. Don't know how to regenerate the files.
  16. eLe

    eLe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pretty much the only way I know how is to regenerate the universe. :/
  17. AlexQuinn13

    AlexQuinn13 Pangalactic Porcupine

    How do you do that?
  18. Altered_Nova

    Altered_Nova Big Damn Hero

    The crafting recipe for milk in this mod is really bugged. It requires "liqupaperidmilk" which doesn't exist and defaults into a Perfectly Generic Item at the crafting table, and it outputs "Boiled Pearlpeas" which has to be a copy-paste error.
  19. shichibukai44

    shichibukai44 Aquatic Astronaut

    En + 20h de jeu avec ce mod je n'est absolument pas trouvé où ce trouve ce biome. J'ai chercher sur les planètes forestière et désertes et je n'est rien trouvé.
  20. Inny

    Inny Space Kumquat

    C'est un biome souterrain. Il m'a fallu une dizaine de planètes mais j'ai fini par le trouver sous un désert. Courage ! :)

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