Jokerswildnight updated Umbreon Race with a new update entry: V1.5: new sprite!! Read the rest of this update entry...
Sir... Once again its linking to v1.4 download you may need to post a link to the v1.5 download Also my deepest apologies for having to bring this issue to your attention again just well.. Someone needs to. AAHHH~ never mind I see where you made your mistake in your update announcement you called it v1.5 when its v1.4 hehe may need to fix that typo sir ^^
Jokerswildnight updated Umbreon Race with a new update entry: Final cosmetic Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello so far a nice mod but can you fix the tech console nanosuit/console you dont need custom ones just use the human textures it just bugs me when i go to change my nanosuit (say from cold to heat) the tech screen just has static so if its not a bother can you fix that thank you and have a good day
Jokerswildnight updated Umbreon Race with a new update entry: New AI Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks for The S.A.I.L update but i feel i may have confused you with my last post What i was talking about was not S.A.I.L but the tech Screen Just Go to S.A.I.L And Click show me my tech and the Texture with the nano suit will be blank/Static your missing the tech screen files they should in the following folders: mods\Umbreon\interface\ai\suits in that folder is the basic texture (No NonoSuit) the files would be called "RaceName-male" "RaceName-female" so for you mod it would be Umbreon-female Umbreon-male There also a Tech Folder in The root Folder at mods\Umbreon\tech\skins In the folder There are four more folder one for each Nano Suit So it becomes mods\Umbreon\tech\skins\breathprotection mods\Umbreon\tech\skins\coldprotection mods\Umbreon\tech\skins\heatprotection mods\Umbreon\tech\skins\radiationprotection The files in these folders are named the same as the ones in interface\ai\suits sorry if this is a long post but i don't know how to add spoilers Yet again Have a good day
Jokerswildnight updated Umbreon Race with a new update entry: Tech fix Read the rest of this update entry...
For whatever reason, I downloaded the mod and installed it correctly, but the race didn't appear in the character select. Can anyone help me?
the mod dose not have a race icon, just click on the first empty race icon. and just to check you are using a race menu extender.
Like afalloutguy mentioned, there is currently a bug with the menu icon, and thus it won't currently show up. I don't know why, but it won't. Make sure you have a race extender installed, and then pick the first empty race box, it should be the umbreon race.
Oh!!!! I didn't have a race extender It's working fine now. And I love it, even if it is a human clone. At the moment. Good job tho.
I am more than happy to accept help. Just a note though, i'm not so great at scripting, and funriture, weapons, and even the ship require scripts to work properly (if i'm not mistaken) so if you know someone who's good with scripts too, that would be fantastic.