I don't know if I am late, but anybody see cat sh*t one. Also if I anybody already asked this I apologize for asking a second time. Also only the manga has cats in it, the mini movie does not.
What? About the whole thing?[DOUBLEPOST=1433903555][/DOUBLEPOST]Also while Cup'o'Tea may have been joking, I actually felt physically sick after looking at all those cats. Also I have a cat... I wanted the animal that shall not be named on this forum.
I approve of all of these pictures. I always think of how grumpy cat must feel when they're posing her with all of these negative things, and she's probably such a loving cat.
'It that shall not be mentioned'. It's in da rulez, yo. This thread is the very glorification of cats and everything kitty. UPDATE: At 11 am today (12 hours from now for me), I am going to go choose my kitten out of a litter that will be weaned in less than a week! YYYEEEESSSS.
GREAT!!! Also I think I know how passing out is like now... I stayed up a couple days then decided to watch Dilbert on my couch... I fell asleep, and it was like 6:00 pm and I slept till 10:00 am