Barfs CATS? I'm not even mad. Just gotta clean em up a little and they'll be fluffy in no time! EDIT: Too many cats as in you EAT the cats, and got sick and now you threw the cats back up? You're not supposed to eat them silly! You're supposed to d'awwww and lol.
Oh my god it's adorable! All the little baby mice oh my gosh. And the cat looks soooo annoyed. lul. The two that look like they're sleeping just killed me a little. You deserve a basket of kittens. [DOUBLEPOST=1433828050][/DOUBLEPOST] That gif is pretty much this whole thread so far. Pretty much. Yeah.
Just a little...but there's a balance to everything! They're also floofy and adorable too. I'm sorry you had mean kitties. I had one named Maui that would bite anyone that touched her for no good reason (raised her from a kitten, never abused or anything, just didn't like people.) But she slept in my sisters miniature Cinderella barbie doll pumpkin carriage, it was adorable. EDIT: I looked for a picture, but I guess I don't have it anymore. Just imagine a fluffy mean kitty sleeping in this
Agggghhh I want all of them. That 'Gotch ya nose, gotch ya etc etc' got me. I d'aaawww'd hard. So cute! EDIT: I need a scanner, not only for art, but for all my old kitty pictures I have from when I was a kid. SO MANY KITTENS! I need an ocelot too.