Modding Help Trying to finish my first mod, but it crashes my game

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Crombell, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. Magnusito

    Magnusito Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Cool, i will take a look to your code when you upload it then, i'm very interested in changing Swoosh to custom made ones.
  2. Erynn

    Erynn Space Spelunker

    Is your .metadata file correctly filled in and/or do you have one?
  3. Crombell

    Crombell Space Hobo

    I made another post about this and already got it solved, I was following a guide calling the '.metadata' file '.metdata'. Renaming it as '.metadata' fixed the issue, and the mod is already uploaded on the steam workshop.
  4. Erynn

    Erynn Space Spelunker

    Woops sorry! Didn't check the date, I guessed that your response would be around the same time as Magnusito's. But glad to hear you got it fixed! :)

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