Treasure Adventure World pre-orders are now LIVE!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Zyloss

    Zyloss Subatomic Cosmonaut

  2. Bazoril

    Bazoril Void-Bound Voyager

    I hesitate to admit this because i don't wish to complicate the conversation and it's not really appropriate to admit but i think it's normal because i have been lucky enough to have been involved in indie game development in the past, frankly I'll also admit I'm biased towards developers due to this if i believe they are respectable. Your looking at this wrong, they are not all doing the same thing every day. It's nearly impossible to tell you when exactly the game will be ready. The only thing they could do is give you a time-frame the beta will be ready before then HOLD the beta off for that entire time till it's released or release the content in an unacceptable below standards state. (and yes it's clear that the team does not feel the beta is in an acceptable state for your first impression of playing it.)

    I'm sorry but you can accept that or you can not accept that, that's your choice. I don't think it's unreasonable to want to play the game as soon as possible and i understand the expectations to have it before a certain date in your mind but frankly i advise you in the future that if your going to fund a game's development to not view the date as set in stone because your going to be severely disappointed. It's not exactly wrong to have these expectations and neither is anything you posted an unreasonable outlook or expectation.... But it's normally not realistic.

    *Shrugs* It's easy for me to say though, i don't feel the need to play starbound right now and a lot of the negative posts regarding wanting the beta now are from people who wish to play starbound much more than me. It's very easy to miss that fact ^.^ I can say though with some certainty though to try to be more patient because it will be worth the wait.
    Sir Ginger Ale likes this.
  3. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Looks a good game here for Starbound, Plus waiting for one game I love to go beta is enough for me right now.........I may pre-order closer to the release of treasure island, This game is still in the early stages like Starbound used to be and I don't fancy waiting to years for it :)

    EDIT : Sorry if my post seems cynical but when I paid for Starbound I assumed I would get instant beta and was disappointed (This was my own fault for not reading correctly) but im sure I was not alone on this mistake, but now I know the full story behind Starbound I appreciate the work the devs do, so I sit patiently waiting for this game first before going down the same road again.
    cwolf042 likes this.
  4. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm here for Starbound. Sorry to disappoint.
  5. Retrovet

    Retrovet Void-Bound Voyager

    I think we can all agree the wait is hard because we KNOW Starbound is going to be amazing and everything else pales in comparison...
    Kormos likes this.
  6. Zyloss

    Zyloss Subatomic Cosmonaut

  7. ganas

    ganas Master Chief

    Kormos likes this.
  8. Lance Hancock

    Lance Hancock Existential Complex

    No bart said the full release won't be here till 2014. Beta is coming 2013 no mater what. That is what I am sure they ment to say
  9. Showbiz

    Showbiz Void-Bound Voyager

    What annoys me is that I've ordered the game to play it a few months before release. Not just a few days.
    I'm not mad, just a bit dissapointed.
    Anyway, Starbound is going to be great.

    Sorry for bad english.
    Nemesis-489 likes this.
  10. Ortales

    Ortales Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's what we are trying to say, the devs have confirmed that Starbound won't be released on 2013 (not the Beta, the game), and in their FAQ, their Roadmap, even in their IRC banner they state "Starbound out in 2013", not "Beta out in 2013".
    Keadin likes this.
  11. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    Heh, your English is better than some native English speakers.
    ShadetheDruid and Showbiz like this.
  12. imrevned

    imrevned Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This community...

    Ogma and greenman like this.
  13. Showbiz

    Showbiz Void-Bound Voyager

    Haha, thanks! :love:
    I'm very pleased to hear that!
    greenman likes this.
  14. jolijar

    jolijar Master Chief

    The game looks good but with all the preorders I already Have I think I am gonna wait this one out. maybe if I hadn't bought 5 preorders of starbound :rofl:
    For a split second I thought it was a post about release... well played....
    Anyone else notice that the boat looks alot like the boat from the waterworld in starbound?
  15. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    no... The Mariner's ship was a trimaran (Three Hulls)
  16. Boamere

    Boamere Space Spelunker

    You're Welcome ;) ( I do think the moaning has gone on long enough though)
  17. jolijar

    jolijar Master Chief

    okay let me rephrase...
    Doesn't the ship from the Starbound water preview look like the boat from that game on the front page
    SumoMoses, Showbiz and greenman like this.
  18. Boamere

    Boamere Space Spelunker

    Yeah it does :eek:
  19. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    my mind.... shattered.
  20. imrevned

    imrevned Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Implying there's reasoned/valuable input currently in the thread.

    Edit: Would like to add - I don't think reasoned/valuable input is even needed in this thread as there is nothing to discuss. The Starbound devs are simply promoting another game that is being published by Chucklefish, and people are getting upset for silly reasons.
    Evangelion likes this.

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