Treasure Adventure World pre-orders are now LIVE!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    It's on the front page, and the definition of "forum" is a place for public discourse and discussion about a topic or topics.

    Quit whining for the sake of whining that people are saying things you don't like. A good number of us are having a reasoned, rational debate about why this post is one that raises problems, tempers and issues with said publisher
  2. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Reasoned and rational? Pretty words you like to hide behind but with no real weight behind them. I've read all the pages and there was nothing calm and reasoned about it.
  3. Xeven

    Xeven Master Chief

    For the record, everyone.. if you carefully read the post our staff posted on page 5, She did state that if you are unhappy with your decision to pre order this game, than you can get a refund.

    Now, I'm not trying to antagonize anything, or stir up drama, but I'm pretty sure she just said you have your option. It's up to you to wait patiently, or get your money back. I myself spent 45 for a 4 pack and even though I am a little worn out from the whole ordeal, and i feel the principle outweighs the amount of money spent, I'm still a patient guy, and I DO understand no one is the same as I am, we're all different and do things our own way, so I'm not bashing any of you at all with this post. I've seen all of the posts up til the point in which I'm writing my own post, and even though shes stated this, people are still arguing over something that shes tried to compromise, meaning you guys just overlooked what she wrote and decided to nitpick reasons to complain even more, that's YOUR faults.

    Again, not trying to be rude, just keeping it fair. Everything is defined by choices, you know.. We make the choice to pre order, and wait it out, yes its taking a while and that's bearable, there's some great games that never saw the light of day despite their high expectations and wait times, and they would have been gold if they did, but such is life, things happen, at the very least we do get to see progress here, even if we can't particularly have control in it (meaning play the game ourselves at the moment) like i said from the beginning, either stick around and be patient, or request your money back, and wait til it's open to play, by then you can do what you want from there. ^^
  4. GoldenAgeOf

    GoldenAgeOf Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm sure we can all be factors if we believe in ourselves
    Keadin and Retrovet like this.
  5. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I hardly hide. I'm more than happy to debate a topic with someone that can debate and provide facts and information.

    and my stance is, and still remains, that Armagon's front page post about TAW and the suggestion that it should be preordered is in bad form and taste.
  6. Ortales

    Ortales Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm tired of trying reason on this forum only to be met with denialists like you insulting our posts, because what you are doing is insulting.
  7. drizzt119

    drizzt119 Astral Cartographer

    I think at the current speed it is impossible to release the full game in 2013 and i dont think that it will be released in 2014.
    lets look back, i am not long in this forum but i watched some gameplay videos from may.
    in may the game looked really fine (just tier 1 but it was ok).
    now after 4 months we are in tier 2 and i dont think its finished.
    So with the current speed of development we will have the full game in ~2018.
    now will a much player say, after the basic things are done it will be a lot faster to develope.
    thats true but if the tiers will be different from each other, with unique techs that change your gameplay it will be a lot more coding before its done.
    and there will be a hell lot of bugs that must be fixed on thousends of thousend lines.
    i dont really think that the game will be released in 2018, i personally think that it will be full realesed in 2014 but more likely in 2015.
    and i think the beta will be first released in early 2014.
    but i really hope the beta will come out this year like molly said to me :pwease:

    But thats just my opinion
  8. Lance Hancock

    Lance Hancock Existential Complex

    Lets hope they don't. Because I think if they did the rage would be epic on the forums.
  9. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Except it's not. Chucklefish only publishes it. As the publisher they have the requirement to *shocked gasp* advertise it. Putting the self perceived sins of the development of Starbound on top of this game opening preorders is beyond uncalled for.
  10. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    TAW has it's own website and forums. Chucklefish may be a publisher but their primary project is a development company for a specific game. Considering the last attempt to "advertise" one of their products caused so much community backlash (Yog's demo) why would you expect this to cause harmony and peace?
    Jim Jones and Paddon like this.
  11. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    You're right. I should know by now how selfish and arrogant this userbase has become. Hoping for an improvement in behavior and overall decency was a pipe-dream all along.
  12. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    Chucklefish can't control the misunderstandings of the fanbase (and most of the backlash against these advertising "events" is because of misunderstandings), so it makes more sense to just ignore that and get on with what they need to do. Well, they could try to explain it, but we saw from the Yogscast demo that the purpose can be explained 100 times and people will just ignore it.
    cwolf042 likes this.
  13. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    For someone who claims to despise such things, you are certainly being the most antagonistic, arrogant and insult slinging out of the people posting here.

    Because it isn't selfish at all to demand that people get off the thread you don't like to see them in.
    Jim Jones likes this.
  14. Retrovet

    Retrovet Void-Bound Voyager

    Self perceived?! Well I for one agree with cwolf042. Wouldn't go as far as calling it a sin but more lightly "in bad taste" as cwolf042 said. And the thing is I'm happy with waiting I preordered for the soundtrack which I love. Thing that though is the whole reason Chucklefish didn't go with kickstarter is probably because they didn't want to be pinned to a release date...
  15. Ortales

    Ortales Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So thinking the game was going to be released in 2013 at the time the preorder opened is a misunderstanding?
  16. Lynx189

    Lynx189 Void-Bound Voyager

    Still waiting on another pre-order of mine...hmm.
    Pingeh likes this.
  17. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Fair point. But there are a fair number of us that understand it WAS an attempt to advert the game and draw attention to it. It doesn't soothe the "I really REALLY want to play this game... it's almost 2014" itch any.

    Yes things do happen to push back development, but it feels like they are putting some priorities in front of others, I.E. advertising at a convention instead of taking that week to continue working on finishing the game.
    Pingeh, Rin-Kin and Retrovet like this.
  18. Kormos

    Kormos Void-Bound Voyager

    You must not have read all of it, let me leave a few reasoned examples....

    First from Metaphoenix78:
    "First I want to say something positive. I want to applaud chucklefish for the amount of time they have spent keeping the community informed about the progress with this game. I've been a kickstarter backer for many projects that flat fell short in this regard, and I want to say I'm thrilled with the way this community management has been handled.

    With that said, I have been waiting for this game for a year now... I have put my money where my mouth is to fund it's development, I spread info about it through social media, told my friends about it in painful levels of detail, and hung onto every detail of every update. I feel like Im in a relationship with a woman and got stuck in the "friend zone". No matter how patient or excited Ive been, she runs off to a gaming festival and lets a bunch of other guys play with her (metaphorically speaking). There is soo much getting ready to come down the pipeline with a whole new console generation, multiple exciting games, and yet I sit here faithfully watching and waiting for something solid to hang on to for this game. I must be honest though, the wait and the hype is wearing thin, and like that guy in the friend zone Im getting tired and frustrated as summer came and went but there is still no light at the end of this tunnel. I supported wanderlust because it would help CF, I supported Risk of Rain hoping it would help CF, and I supported stardew valley to help CF and here comes another requesting my support... I can't do it anymore...

    Maybe you released info about this game way too early in production, and maybe you had to show off and let people play at insomniac because it was great for your marketing and PR, but you took my money and right now I feel a little sad and cheated that summer is now gone and others who did not support CF like I and much of this community have were the first to experience what I hope is an amazing product. I apologize in advance for anyone who feels insulted about my view, but I don't think I can possibly be alone in this regard..."

    Second from myself:
    "With a working product at i49 I think the information most of us are concerned with is when are we getting our hands on something playable? Most here will defend CF and I completely understand that, but many people are already expecting to hear another push back in the release date. I want the game to be amazingly polished and fun, but Beta does not equal polished or complete. The real issue I see is if CF releases a Beta, will everyone understand what a Beta is and what to expect. I know not everyone will see things my way and this is my opinion, but I am sure some out there can agree with most of what I have to say."
    Jim Jones, Keadin, Pingeh and 3 others like this.
  19. Zyloss

    Zyloss Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So tell me. Why is this post such an issue?
  20. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Paddon and Retrovet like this.

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