Treasure Adventure World pre-orders are now LIVE!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Von Marlon

    Von Marlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    Only people at fault for that are themselves. Pre orders should (as common sense seems to be a tad lacking these past years), come with a warning. "please remember, we have not confirmed a release date as of yet so please take that into consideration when placing an order and certainly DO NOT click if you possess patience of a 2 year old!"
    donkeyjones and Luna like this.
  2. Kormos

    Kormos Void-Bound Voyager

    With a working product at i49 I think the information most of us are concerned with is when are we getting our hands on something playable? Most here will defend CF and I completely understand that, but many people are already expecting to hear another push back in the release date. I want the game to be amazingly polished and fun, but Beta does not equal polished or complete. The real issue I see is if CF releases a Beta, will everyone understand what a Beta is and what to expect. I know not everyone will see things my way and this is my opinion, but I am sure some out there can agree with most of what I have to say.
    Wagnouf and Metaphoenix78 like this.
  3. Gernapious

    Gernapious Space Spelunker

    I really hope they update and have a link from their main page. It can be kinda hard to find the pre-order page from just going to their homepage.

    Thanks to Rho and her Twitter, I was one of the first 15 people to buy the game :rofl: :rofl:
  4. Weegeemang

    Weegeemang Pangalactic Porcupine

    Saw "LIVE", thought beta was here. ._.
    somadrop and Pingeh like this.
  5. JNC

    JNC Tentacle Wrangler

    "next indie classic..." Treasure adventure whatever cant touch Starbound! If you guys would hold the extra content updates for beta than maybe the rest of the world would have a chance to see that. You gonna let these guys release before you!? Common team Starbound! Release beta and lets get testing already!
  6. Lance Hancock

    Lance Hancock Existential Complex

    So this look like Zelda but 2D. Hmmm nice I guess but was expecting somthing on starbound. I mean this is the starbound website are all and not the chuckle fish general website even though chuckle fish is making booth games.
    Pingeh likes this.
  7. arrjaytea

    arrjaytea Sandwich Man

    I largely agree with all of this. The updates are incredibly well appreciated, and I'm well aware that it's no easy task that Chucklefish has taken on here in development.

    All of that said, I'm also getting to the point where everything has worn a bit thin and my excitement for the game has waned considerably. Why exactly that has happened isn't clear to me - it's not just that it's taken so long for the game to hit beta, but likely a combination of factors that have drawn my attention away.

    At this point I think I've long resigned myself to the fact that I should just be happy if they hit their deadline of 2013 for the beta. It's probably an effort to not continue to get my hopes up, but yeah - was a little annoyed to see the Starbound blog covering another game, asking for preorder funds, when Starbound doesn't actually appear to be that close to the beta.
  8. Oarius

    Oarius Subatomic Cosmonaut

    there is no such thing as bad/negative publicity - any publicity raises awareness

    is another one of those people that believes a beta is overdue but still waiting while feeling a bit shafted out of a product~
  9. MizuhoChan

    MizuhoChan Tentacle Wrangler

    No thanks, I think I'll continue to regret paying for Starbound already, rather than handing you some more money for something I won't be getting anytime soon =)
    Jim Jones and SumoMoses like this.
  10. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    "I can't believe this video game is taking OVER A YEAR to be developed !!"

    Nemesis-489, donkeyjones and Luna like this.
  11. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    How dare they put info about another game on here, this is clearly the Starbound (only!) site!

    Kristopher, Mopy, TheKeyLimit and 8 others like this.
  12. seevenup

    seevenup Contact!

    or just look at the url, i cant find a chucklefish word there.
    and the word "play" should be changed to "readabout"
  13. Bazoril

    Bazoril Void-Bound Voyager

    At the risk of raining on your parade I'm only here for Starbound and i promise you on release i will have wandering adventures searching among the stars and the valleys of strange worlds for treasures.

    Oh and also? Rebirth.
    Pingeh likes this.
  14. Chamomileable

    Chamomileable Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "We Don't Know" is not a release date I'm going to trust enough to give money to again.
  15. Fireb4llz

    Fireb4llz Aquatic Astronaut

    No offense but I thought this was the STARBOUND dev blog.
    Pingeh likes this.
  16. claudekennilol

    claudekennilol Space Kumquat

    22 posts before anyone had anything positive to say. Shame on you all.
    Ogma likes this.
  17. SnakeX

    SnakeX Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The amount of ungrateful, self-entitled whining and complaining is really embarrassing to see. I would say this community is better than that, but when half of it is full of spoiled brats I'm not so sure.
    donkeyjones likes this.
  18. Murkiness

    Murkiness Space Spelunker

    This game looks amazing! I would love to pre-order it, but I feel the need to learn more about the game before hand. Good luck with the game development! I think it will be a real winner.
  19. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It's fine, it's their website can do what they want. Ifyou just want to support the starbound team that's fine too. No one is forcing you to buy it.Speaking of other kickstarter games, has anyone seen mighty no. 9 yet? It's being made by keiji Inafune(the guy who made the megaman franchise). This game was green lighted in 2 days! If you like his work you should check it out.
  20. MadDog

    MadDog Void-Bound Voyager

    Chucklefish wants bigger car :D
    Pingeh likes this.

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