Toak's Sprites

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Toakongu834, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    You make dem shizzles mechshizzle!?
  2. MechaShizzle

    MechaShizzle Subatomic Cosmonaut

    no from the portal2 after hours for the ios
  3. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    oh...well then...-__-
  4. SlowPokeCris

    SlowPokeCris Void-Bound Voyager

    can u do my profile pic into a sprite
  5. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    Sorry for the period of inactivity guys! I've just been a little busy coding Zrunner and studying for exams.... but Here's Dante's request... the Cyber Ninja!
    Dante likes this.
  6. Hey, um, you've got all the new people on your list except for me. I don't know if you just missed me, or if there's some other reason.
  7. Varn

    Varn Subatomic Cosmonaut

    oh man, if you're still taking requests then please make a star trek avatar; great work by the way.
  8. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    Lol what kind? Borg? Federation? Klingon? Data? :3
    777eza likes this.
  9. Varn

    Varn Subatomic Cosmonaut

    just the standard federation outfit, though id like to see what you can do with borg =]
  10. Alexblex

    Alexblex Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Are requests closed?
  11. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    Nope.... Otherwise it would say it on the OP
  12. Alexblex

    Alexblex Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    [​IMG]Ok Can you make a combine prison guard?
  13. Dante

    Dante Aquatic Astronaut

    OMG EPIC <3 <3 <3 THANK U :DDD
  14. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    Okay next request..... It's a little chibi... but 777eza's ROBO SCORPION! I love the eye on this thing :rofl:
    777eza and blind sniper like this.
  15. Vapor Horologium Corpus

    Vapor Horologium Corpus Weight of the Sky

    oh umm do you know any good tutorials for pixel art i am not to sure where or how to begin so i wanted to see if there were any you reccomended
  16. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    uh idk... I kinda went off of a little past experience and experimentation....
    MY process for pixel art is this (Tips I gave to Terror Byte):
    I find a good references first.... after that, I usually assemble a pallette of the common colors(teke em from the reference image). And after that I find a good pose, and experiment with that.... When that's done, i fill in the colors.... Alsi.... dont rely on black outlines... it looks unnatural... just modify the darkness on the color, so its wither lighter or darker for shading.
  17. Vapor Horologium Corpus

    Vapor Horologium Corpus Weight of the Sky

    aight cool and what do you use for your art program i have photoshop
  18. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    Photoshop is good for high detail artwork, but I would not suggest using it for it for pixel art....I use a combiination of ms paint and
    ditto101 likes this.
  19. Roytje

    Roytje Star Wrangler

    User: Kye
    What you want made: Garrus from mass effect
    Reference Pic (If Possible):

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