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Tiy question for community: Ideas for weapon mods

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by NewLiar, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    Eh, depends. It'd be okay if the portal stayed there after you put the weapon away, basically a portal gun as it were. Otherwise it'd be kinda lame.
  2. Being able to shoot through portals would open many doors.
    Doors to AMAZING TRICKSHOTZ N00B :giggle:
  3. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    I want swords of Light. So maybe a Light mod can scorch or energy burn other enemies, and a polar opposite, a shadow mod, which can engulf and cause continual damage to an enemy.
  4. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    I dunno about light and dark, but I would like glowing weapons at least. That way I don't have to hold a torch up or keep placing torches.
  5. Silverduke1

    Silverduke1 Giant Laser Beams

    or other lightsources correct?
  6. Does the Sword of Light include a Hero of Light God Tier Hoodie? ;)
  7. Cellbind

    Cellbind Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't really view it as something like the portal gun, I think of it as more of an unstable and potentially catastrophic means of cutting through space-time to hit opponents. The side effect of making portals is, of course, making a connection between two planes.
  8. Silverduke1

    Silverduke1 Giant Laser Beams

    so would it be like a double edged sword
    Cellbind likes this.
  9. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    That would be a nice touch. :rainbow:
  10. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    well guns have been shown to have flashlight son them. I don't see why swords can't glow to match that utility :D
  11. Silverduke1

    Silverduke1 Giant Laser Beams

    i was referring to lightsources other then torches :zzz:
  12. Feltenix

    Feltenix Void-Bound Voyager

    Why not do something like say a Chekhov Mod that makes it so when the player is near death the weapon slays several nearby enemies and then vanishes; it wouldn't even need to be equipped to work. Or say something like a Blood Thirst property that makes it so the weapon does extra damage, but must always do damage where a miss does damage to the player. Possibly even some type of Temporal Damage Burst that doesn't do damage until a miss occurs; but all previous hits add up and have some sort of extra boost applied. A Wild Card style mod where every swing of the weapon uses a different effect based on the type of weapon or its base rarity. Maybe an Anti-Buff mod where the more positive buffs the player has the lower damage the weapon does but having debuffs makes the weapon stronger. The last thing I can think of for now is a Confused Weapon that has the stats inverted and the other mods misnamed.
  13. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    Light and Shadow weaponry are a must!
  14. [Blender]: Swings constantly since attack button is hit, cannot be stopped. Consume energy while swinging. Stops when energy is over. Also does a bit more damage.
    [Verminous]: Chance to infect target on hit. Infected mob after death leaves 1 to 3 small friendly creatures with short lifespan, which fights by your side.
  15. RikSharp

    RikSharp Pangalactic Porcupine

    Like Where's Wally's Walking Stick?
  16. Ichthyodactyl

    Ichthyodactyl Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Pages and pages of good ideas. I won't read them all, because I wouldn't remember them all by the time I was done anyway, so sorry if these have been suggested before;

    Mines - hits implant target with delayed-explosive device (maybe also cause them to seek other enemies during the countdown? could be some sort of incendiary parasitic implant?)
    Lantern Zombie - 'killing' an enemy with this weapon would cause them to follow your character around slowly and passively while giving off bioluminescent light (before eventually dying in some hopefully gruesome fasion)
    Fossilize - 'killing' an enemy with this weapon causes the corpse to rapidly condense into a small pool of resources, which could then be picked up or mined.
    Liquify - As fossilize, except that target would create a pool of water. I'm not sure under what circumstances this would be useful, but not everything has to be utilitarian, does it? :p
    Contagion - more or less the same as the Mine suggestion, except that the target enemy would start to seep with toxic gases which would then infect other nearby creatures.
    ~Various other slavery-related effects: Causing target to seek nearby enemies (sort of like creating a temporary tracking hound), Causing target to immobilize and attack any creatures (players or NPCs or both) passing by for a duration, Causing enemies to dig holes/build strutures with materials (dropped items) found nearby, Causes target to seek specific resources (or resource types; wood, stone, ore, food, etc.)
    Parasite - this bio-engineered, symbiotic weapon would require consuming enemies to sustain itself. Killing too few enemies would eventually cause the weapon to 'die', killing enough might even grant extra bonuses, larger size, extra abilities, etc. (A potentially interesting idea would be one that actually 'reserves' some of your characters health to function, representing it's symbiosis to the wielder, effectively reducing the character's health pool while in use, but giving it other abilities like life steal, etc.)
    Statuette - killing a creature with this weapon would cause a sudden paralization and preservation of the creature as a stone-like statue that could then be placed as furniture in-game.

    Just some ideas I had. It's hard to think of things that would be easily implemented into a game like this.
  17. purywury

    purywury Void-Bound Voyager

    This could be a pretty useful mod when spelunking or on a planet without a sun or any form of light! I like it! Maybe the enemy can also become a Husk in which u can hide, to sneak past heavily guarded area's.. ( a little bit like Bear Grylls crawling inside a dead camel http://static.quickmeme.com/media/social/qm.gif ) I know it's pretty messed up, but think of it in a more friendly "controllable-mech-way"
    pitfall likes this.
  18. KidDiz

    KidDiz Void-Bound Voyager

    Deductive: If this weapon would overkill an enemy, all the damage that would be unnecessary to kill the enemy would be stored until your next attack. This effect stacks.
  19. wizzard

    wizzard Aquatic Astronaut

    Heated-blade de-buff: Slowly scorches the target's skin seconds after the initial hit which causes it to take severe damage and might hinder him from fleeing. (can be stopped by jumping into water)
    Paralysis de-buff: (better or more likely on blunt weapons) Will cause the target to move slower, swing slower and cause less damage.
    Poison/bleed de-buff: will work like the "heated-blade de-buff" but can only be healed with specific medicine (if at all)
    Concussion: Paralysis' Stronger equivalent, will make the target unable to fight at all for 2-3 seconds.

    Pesticide: Extra Damage against Florans or Flowers
    EMP: Extra Damage Against Robots and microelectronics.
    Saprolegnia : Extra Damage against Hyotls
    pitfall likes this.
  20. pitfall

    pitfall Big Damn Hero

    So we have what the mod does, why don't we apply names to these mods?
    Let's say a sword has three parts: The blade, the guard, and the hilt. Each one of these parts of a sword can be modified, but only once per item (another mod would replace the old one).
    Let's say I have a fire blade, a shield guard, and a custom-fitted hilt. The fire blade obviously sets my sword on fire, the shield guard allows me to block without a shield, and the custom hilt lets me swing faster. What do you guys think?
    Keeper likes this.

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