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Tiy question for community: Ideas for weapon mods

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by NewLiar, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Zone IV

    Zone IV Industrial Terraformer

    Has Extreme Doomtastic Gore been mentioned yet? Like every time you hit an enemy a laughable amount of pixelated blood spews out.
  2. NewLiar

    NewLiar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll update the list later today guys, so if you want to edit your text (making it a bit more condensed would be great!) you still have some time to do that. ;)
  3. WackyWocky

    WackyWocky Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ok, let me have a go!

    - Aerial Launch: Upon a successful Crit. Hit., enemy is launched into the air and is stunned while doing so. If carefully aimed, it can fling enemies into pits and/or lava, though the randomness of Crit.s nerfs this.

    - Chiro (Bat) Swarm: A summoning ability, creates a swarm of bats or bat-like creatues (bugs, rats, etc.) at the area of use. They do an DoT to an area, possibly causing poison etc. No knockback.

    - Gamma Burst: Upon a Crit., ALL Energy is depleted, but in return, a huge ray of gamma radiation is spewed from the barrel. This does massive damage, and upon kills will "Evaporate" the enemy.

    - Nova Noise: A powerful short-time shield lasting a second expands from you character, has high knockback and deflects attacks. Does no damage.

    More to come. :giggle:
    Mianso likes this.
  4. Zomgmeister

    Zomgmeister Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Continuous swings: if default setting for melee weapon attacks is one swing per attack, this mod makes it possible to swing indefinitely by holding the button. Like Phaseblade in Terraria.
    Autoattack: swings automatically when is able to hit a foe, you don't need to press button at all. The weapon for a lazy person.
    Energized: uses energy for each swing, provides some additional damaging effect or whatever. Still can be used if there are no energy, but as a simple kinetic melee weapon, with way lower efficiency.
    Energetic: uses energy for each attack, can't be used at all if there is not enough energy. Attacks are "elemental" (fire, electricity, cold, radiation, whatever) in nature, and they are more powerful than ones on non-energetic weapons of comparable level because of this noticeable drawback.
    Flambeau: like "energized", but uses flamethrower fuel to cover swings with a nice flaming coat. Could be used in other variations with other kinds of ammo.
    Charging Strike: does not swings on button press, but swings on button release. The longer you hold it, the more power it gains, up to reasonable cap. Could be combined with energized/energetic to use energy. Very good for well-timed oneshot kills or opening attacks.
    Duplicating: has a moderate to high chance to split an enemy into two similar enemies. This is actually bad, because each one of new enemies has identical offensive powers. But these duplicates have halved health: if an enemy had 100 hitpoints after being struck by duplicating weapon (which has damage ability, of course), each duplicate will have only 50 hitpoints. In theory, it may be interesting to try and split an enemy into as much copies as it is possible, then to use AoE attack on everyone. Plus, each duplicate drops full loot, as if it has been normal, "full" enemy.
    Broken: can't be used, but can be repaired somewhere.
    Dull: can be used, but should be repaired for full efficiency. Kinetic damage is diminished (by 10-90%), but other sources of damage (like "Flambeau") or abilities (like "Duplicating") are working fine.
  5. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Quake core(dual handed hammers):Right clicking will hit the ground sending dirt chunks flying forward.
  6. JPandaGamer

    JPandaGamer Industrial Terraformer

    Massive Mod: Weapon is larger than average, but can root you to the walls or the floor if you hit them.

    Soulstealer Mod: 2% chance to 1hko living enemies (so discluding mechanic enemies... and bosses, obviously)
  7. NewLiar

    NewLiar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've updated the list again! ;)
    Don't forget to read the list before posting.
    blind sniper likes this.
  8. Aeronaut

    Aeronaut Pangalactic Porcupine

  9. NewLiar

    NewLiar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  10. Aeronaut

    Aeronaut Pangalactic Porcupine

    The suggestion is for them to belong to certain races initially, but ultimately they'd still end up as something available to everyone. I really don't mind if they're presented without being attributed to a race. :p
  11. What the strange links here and there? They looks kinda random:cautious:
  12. NewLiar

    NewLiar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's some weird thing my pc does, it makes random links to commercials, I should probably find out why, but Im to lazy to. :p

    I've added your ideas to the list. ;)
    Aeronaut likes this.
  13. Such things viruses usually do. Check on your droid computar should you.:yoda:
  14. Dagorran

    Dagorran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I too, feel left out. :(
  15. Gravik

    Gravik Existential Complex

    Furious: deals less damage than normal, but its power grows as you hit an enemy in succession
    Dark: The weapon evolves after it has killed enough
    Harmless: the weapon does no damage, but has a monstrous knockback
    Split: The weapon is moderately weak, but it hits twice
    Overdrive: after taking/doing enough damage you gain a buff for a short while that gives you immense power
    Polite: You don't do much damage until the enemy has hit you
    Sweeping: You get 1/5 of your hp back if you finish a enemy with full health on one hit
    Glitching: random buff/debuff/status/elemental property
  16. NewLiar

    NewLiar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I´m sorry if you feel left out, but I didn´t add it, because there were already a couple of suggestions involving explosions.
  17. LulItsIan

    LulItsIan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Warding: Attacks cause a white sphere to circle the wielder, reducing the damage of the next attack they take by 25% of their weapon's damage. ICD based on attack speed. There can be up to 3 wards circling the wielder.
    Timeshift Zone: Attacks cause a color-inverted circular zone to appear around your enemy. (w/ an ICD) Enemies inside the zone are slowed in both movement and attack speed. Allies inside the zone get a boost.
    Fire Mote: Attacks have a chance to spawn a fire mote, a small wall-clipping fireball minion that flies after a random enemy. Deals 10% of your weapon's damage per second to enemies touching the mote. Lasts a few seconds.
    Gaining Power: Weapon initially does 80% of its original damage. Every time it hits an enemy, it'll do an additional 10% of its damage up to 130% of its original damage. (Once per swing) It goes back down 10% in damage every couple of seconds of not attacking.
  18. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine

    Gravity bullets I think would be a form of explosive ammunitons that creates a well that pulls anything closer. It would give the weapon utility out of combat which is always a good thing.

    My own ideas here is non-lethal mods for us pacifists and researchers. Stun, knockdown, nets, roots, EMP, and disarming mods of various AOEs and variables of effects. Utility mods like grappling hooks, tracking darts, grenade launchers, and physics bending things.
    Unrelated but would be useful to a ranged character. Bombs of various kinds and lethality.
    Also something like a mix between the spazer and the wave beam from metroid would be cool. Armcannons​
    Posted this on the lesser known post that came after this one. Decided to move this post here since that one is dying.
  19. Cellbind

    Cellbind Pangalactic Porcupine

    Wormhole: If you swing at air, it will create a temporary portal to a certain range (depending on the power of the mod). This portal will allow projectiles and, if it's large enough, players/npcs to pass through. If an enemy is in the spot where the other end of the portal appears, he will take melee damage from the weapon cutting through him as well. Swinging the weapon multiple times in the same spot, on the same portal, could cause an explosion.
  20. Silverduke1

    Silverduke1 Giant Laser Beams

    that could be epic

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