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Tiy question for community: Ideas for weapon mods

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by NewLiar, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. TehLonelyDonut

    TehLonelyDonut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Can we get a banhammer?
    Like a mod that makes who ever gets hit be banned from that server? (could only be used by admins)
  2. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    I smell a new contest.
  3. Zhang

    Zhang Aquatic Astronaut

    No offense but this is not a good idea. People who're about to get banned would just play a fun game of "try and hide behind people and keep away from the mod". There'd also be a lot of people who'd be inundating support with questions of "I accidentally banned my friend 'cuz I didn't know this awesome hammer did that, how can I let him back on the server?". It would be nice however if it were a little automated animation that played when someone got banned. Kind of like how Guild Wars has a Grim Reaper that pops up to take away banned players.
  4. Dwagon

    Dwagon Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I'd fully expect mods to turn up abusing that function maliciously too.
    Though one has to anticipate griefing of any sort with free-range mods.

    Still, one that actually disconnects the player seems like a bad idea to me.
  5. Zhang

    Zhang Aquatic Astronaut

    Mods will abuse banning people on their servers no matter what. There's really no stopping that. But it's a bad idea to encourage turning banning and being banned into a game rather than a cold sterile command and a punishment.
    Dzelda likes this.
  6. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    As an admin of multiple Minecraft and Tekkit servers, I have to agree with the said post above quite wholeheartedly. Banning isnt something I like to do to people for fun, nor should it be turned into a game. I end up having to do alot of it, but I really do not like having to throw people off of servers, if only because they should have known better than to set a crater in spawn. Or make a giant penis from a mercurial eye. Or any dozen amounts of nasty terrible things that nonetheless, the ascertain they did not do, Their cousins did, please let me out of jail, please let me out of jail, please let me out of jail, please let me out of jail, please let me out of jail, please let me out of jail, please let me out of jail, fuck this server *poofs off with your jail*

    Actions like that do not make me glad. They make me wonder what kind of parents would spawn a kid like that. They make me wonder what the heck humankind has come to. And in the end, I wonder even more why people would ever want to make that a game.

    Trolls love that kind of idea. Theyd log in just to mess things up and hide behind people so youd hit the innocents and ban them instead of the jerk who did it,and look like a fool. Dont buy into the tactics. Dont give them the attention. Alot of server players fall into that trap, by yelling at them and telling the griefers to stop. Of course theyre not going to stop wrecking the place. Theyre griefers. The really serious ones, they love your screaming. They WANT you to be mad. Want to make a troll mad? Ignore them. Tell them that its okay to do it. That its done nothing. Then when the admin gets on, and hears you whispering in their ears that they did it, instead of screaming at the trolls to stop, suddenly those trolls stop smiling. *cough*

    And beyond this ramble, my moral would have to be: Banning isnt something you do with a hammer like it was a really terminal clown act with nitroglycerin, its something you do with a good deal of discipline and authority.
  7. TehLonelyDonut

    TehLonelyDonut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Maybe you could target only a certain person?
  8. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    make a special command.
    /ban [player_name]
    if you have admin status in the server, this will cause you to use a hilarious animation involving giant hammers and the sound of woopee-cushions.
    and also bans your target.
    TehLonelyDonut likes this.
  9. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    Personally, I think it'd be more tasteful to summon a vampire who smashes the victim with a steamroller, myself.
  10. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    or this.
    Melissia likes this.
  11. I'm still hung up on personifying mods/ curses.
    The Enlightened Grue likes this.
  12. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    this shotgun keeps gathering its spent shells and turning them into water bottles. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH ALL THESE WATER BOTTLES?!
    pigrocket and FluffyRabbit like this.
  13. LulItsIan

    LulItsIan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Illumination - Striking enemies causes them to light up for 5 sec. This also reduces their defensive stats by 3%/6% (1H/2H)

    Explosive - Every time you hit an enemy, a tiny explosive gets embedded in them. They get a debuff called "Explosive." which stacks up to 5 times and lasts for 3 sec. (5 sec. for 2h weapons) When the debuff expires, the victim explodes for damage equal to 25% of both of your weapons damages per stack.

    Toxic - When you hit an enemy, they are sometimes (25% 1h/50% 2h) poisoned with a debuff called "Toxic." This lasts for 20 sec. and stacks up to 10 times. It deals damage equal to 10% of your weapon's damage every 5 seconds.

    Virus - When you hit an enemy, they are sometimes (25% 1h/50% 2h) infected with a debuff called "Virus." This lasts for 20 sec. It deals damage equal to 25% of your weapon's damage every 5 seconds. Whenever it deals damage, it spreads to a nearby aggro'd hostile target.

    Moisturizer (Ranged only) - Every shot you make with your gun shoots out a tiny ball of water as well, pushing the target back depending on the weapon's speed. (If there are elemental resistances, then they could get a debuff called "Moist" that increases the nature/electricity/whatever damage they take by some percent)
  14. TheWalrusLivesInMe

    TheWalrusLivesInMe Void-Bound Voyager

    Makes the npc/character dance.
  15. Zain Hallows

    Zain Hallows Existential Complex

    would love to see a necromancer buff....summons a permanant skeleton...or bone spider(?) would be cool
  16. FireDrake204

    FireDrake204 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Steadfast: Attacks against a foe have a chance to give yourself Crowd Control (Immoblization, knockback, stuns etc.) immunity for 4 seconds. Has an internal 8 second cooldown.

    Monk: Small chance on hitting an enemy to release a pulse that heals nearby allies.

    Sickness: Attacks have a low chance to inflict a debuff that reduces all healing by 60%

    Perpetual Battle: Attacks give you passive tiny health regeneration and a small increase in armor rating. This can stack up to 10 times. Internal cooldown of 1 second (so rapid fire weapons don't insta-stack)

    More later if I can think of any.
  17. pwnload

    pwnload Big Damn Hero

    There should be a sword that has like a 2% chance on death the enemy mob will revive and become your pet :D
  18. Frag Sandwich

    Frag Sandwich Zero Gravity Genie

    Spasmodic: Attack speed and critical hit chance randomizes within a set percentage range between attacks. It's never the same thing twice!

    Intangible: The weapon has a chance to ignore armor damage reduction bonuses but does significantly less damage overall.

    Prismatic: The weapon randomly cycles between elemental damage types every attack.

    Crushing: Increased knockback and a chance to slow/stun an enemy. Slower attack speed.

    I'll post more if I can think of any.
  19. WaitingSilence

    WaitingSilence Big Damn Hero

    How about a gravity mod where the sword pulls in a small nearby asteroid that falls at the position of your cursor.

    Liquid fire mod: consumes a type of fuel on swing, but each swing throws out a liquid like alcohol or gas that covers an area on the ground in flames for a few seconds that deals damage over time and ignites enemies. This mod may have several variants, such as throwing out liquid nitrogen that deals cold damage, electrified water for shock damage, or acid for corrosive damage that reduces armor.

    rocket propelled speed mod: makes drawing and slashing the meele weapon near instant. Although the slash is fast there is a small cooldown between attacks to prevent 10+ attacks per second.

    stored nano bot mod: your meele weapon has stored nano bots on it. They slowly heal you while not in combat, but after slashing an enemy they transfer over and you lose the healing buff but the enemy begins to take damage over time. Can have higher levels to allow more nanobots that will increase the number of enemies it can effect at once and the passive healing when not in combat.
  20. LulItsIan

    LulItsIan Pangalactic Porcupine

    There should be one that temporarily reanimates enemies you kill as much weaker zombies. O:

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