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Tiy question for community: Ideas for weapon mods

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by NewLiar, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    hmm here are a few that i haven't seen in the list, unless i missed them:

    Payday-Mod: make targets drop money on every hit with the modified weapon

    Antigrav-Mod: make targets float uncontrollably for a short time, after the antigrav effect ends a slowfall effect is applied

    Changeling-Mod: if you damage another player or npc with this weapon, it turns into a copy of his/her weapon

    I hope those haven't been posted already.
  2. [Non-lethal]: Always leaves one health point to the attacked mob. (May be useful if you try to catch a monster)
  3. Lucky The Wolf

    Lucky The Wolf Aquatic Astronaut

    Voodoo: you can control monster\player for limited time. Night voodoo effect longer that day.
  4. Zody

    Zody Weight of the Sky

    Kinetic capacitor: The weapon contains a highly advanced device that allows it to store kinetic energy, when the weapon is swung normally the capacitor gains charge. This kinetic charge can then be unleashed to magnify an otherwise normal attack into a devastatingly powerful blow. There are two general types of kinetic capacitors, one type that unleashes it's charge every X attacks (when the capacitor has hit full charge the energy is unleashed in the following strike), and one that unleashes it as a special attack. Capacitors can have different capacity, which determines how much charge can be stored and different efficiency, which determines how quickly it charges.
  5. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    K.I.T.E. Field: The Kinetic-Ionizing-Propulsion-Externalizer field modifier adds an amount of knock-back proportional to the current player and enemy movement speed, with proportional energy drain. The faster either(or both) moves, the more knock-back it has. WARNING: Using on large enemies or on extremely fast enemies will cause the user to be knocked back as well.
  6. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    if you hit a enemy with a sword, you'll do a fast combo one in a while -the rarer the sword the faster the combo speed-
  7. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    Konami [Weapon] :: it plays a little noise when you use your directional controls and main/secondary attacks to input the infamous code.
  8. Electroman

    Electroman Big Damn Hero

    List tl;dr. I hope no one else said this.

    Bacta-Coated: Your weapon of choice becomes Star Wars lolarious as you hit your enemy for 90% of their full health. They are then automatically healed back in after a time that is dictated by the weapon's rate of fire. They will always be healed before you can hit them again. It is impossible to kill using a weapon with this mod. It's for joke PVP lulz! :lolwut:
  9. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    If I see any of you maggots running away from the frontline, I'll shoot you myself!
  10. Yuzipi

    Yuzipi Space Hobo

    It's such a long read so I haven't a clue if this has been said.
    The weapon creates a white outline around an enemy, say if I was in a cave, darkened out with no source of lighting, I would easily get mauled by bears or the such because I'd not know where the enemy was, now with an outline, you are guaranteed to survive more often.

    Just a thought.
  11. Fantastic Mr. Legion

    Fantastic Mr. Legion Phantasmal Quasar

    Colossus reach: Sword has a chance to extend to amazing lengths and each attack will make you slam the sword on the ground damaging enemies
    Electric Boogaloo: Has a chance to shock an enemy and make them have an uncontrollable spasm
    Trance Chords: Attacks have a chance to send a bouncing soundwave (plays sounds) forward that knocks back enemies and stuns them temporarily
    Caustic Corruption: Attacks have a small chance to turn the enemy inside out, making them explode.
  12. Yuzipi

    Yuzipi Space Hobo

    Forcefielding Sword: A sword which creates a enemy-zapping forcefield when you are injured severely.
  13. JPandaGamer

    JPandaGamer Industrial Terraformer

    Damn, I can't use my colors because I'm on my phone...
    Whatever, I've got a nice idea.

    Chaos: Chaos is measured in levels (Chaos-12 would be chaos level 12).Highest level of chaos is 30, lowest is 3. When a weapon with chaos attacks, it has a 70% chance to initiate chaos, where it picks a random ability from its list. Each level of chaos lengthens its list by 1. Each ability has an equal chance to proc. Weapons with chaos have very high damage, as they have a lot of abilities with negative effects. One example of a negative ability is one that can randomly teleport you when you hit something, or one that damages you rather than the enemy. A high ranking positive one would be disarming, % bonus damage, 1hko, super knockback or entering a high powered avatar state. Each ability on the list has a minimum requirement for chaos levels to obtain, like 1hko would require max level chaos (this is to create balance, as a level 30 chaos at 70% to proc would make it around 2% to get the 1hko ability). There will be roughly a 3/2 ratio between negative and positive abilities, respectively.

    Tl;dr: Chaos: 70% chance to use a random ability/ get a radom buff/debuff. Chaos varies in levels; higher levels extend the list of abilities the weapon can use.
    Edit: I've been too busy to fix up the original post on a comp, so I just made a Tl;dr for you to use
  14. Yuzipi

    Yuzipi Space Hobo

    Web Sword: A sharp, glistening greatsword with a slick of silver running down the middle, trimmed with refined gold. It is strong and useful and sometimes traps the enemy in a dome of web, enclosing the opposer in a sticky... strangely soft, nasty end.
  15. Anris

    Anris Phantasmal Quasar

    Phantom sword:attacks have a % chance of phase shifting an enemy for a short time,making them harmless.
    Gene stealer:a sword that has a chance of turning an enemy in a passive mob for a while.
    Reverse vengeance:a mod that makes attacking enemies take damage,and you take damage if you attack for a while.
    Yuzipi likes this.
  16. Mastaf

    Mastaf Big Damn Hero

    Chargables (only for Two-Handed)(LMB is attack and RMB is special by default)
    Version 1: Charges power on each hit, which, when full, can be unleashed as a powerful special attack by RMB.
    Version 2: Drains % of health and stores it, can be used whenever you want, it restores health by RMB.
    Version 3: The same as 2, but with Energy (just a thought).
  17. JPandaGamer

    JPandaGamer Industrial Terraformer

    -still on my phone, so sorry if there are typos or if it runs on (hard to gauge how much I type out on here)-
    Phoenix mod: consumes heavy amounts of energy to perform medium damaging fire-based attacks. When all energy is consumed, damage is greatly reduced, but it increases your energy regeneration rate massively for a short period of time.
  18. NewLiar

    NewLiar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Don't worry, I'll update the list tomorrow. ;)
  19. JPandaGamer

    JPandaGamer Industrial Terraformer

    Awesome, I'll be sure to refine my posts by then (I should be able to cut my chaos post in half at least xD)
    NewLiar likes this.
  20. HappyVader

    HappyVader Big Damn Hero

    I think somebody mentioned a teleporting weapon that teleports to the enemy.

    So, I got to thinking...

    What if you had a melee weapon with a chance to teleport the ENEMY into the air 10 meters? Whether the fall would hurt them or not, it would be hilarious, and can even be a useful tool for getting away from creatures (especially if it didn't matter if underground, and creatures got stuck in the rocks ~_^)

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