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Tiy question for community: Ideas for weapon mods

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by NewLiar, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Dagorran

    Dagorran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wait, why is it beeping?! - Small chance of your weapon exploding. Harming you, any monsters, and the environment. :DD (Yes you loose the weapon... maybe, up to the devs on that part :p.)
  2. Shooting Star

    Shooting Star Existential Complex

    oh oh I know

    Status effect.

    Starcall when you kill an enemy with the MELEE weapon it has a chance after a short delay the corpse will sparkle purple and a purple star comes out thesky what does half the damage of your melee weapon? with a not to big explosion radius
  3. NIkolaiM88

    NIkolaiM88 Orbital Explorer

    Gunblade, On hit effect: 10% chance to fire your gunblade after succesful attack, dealing tripple damage, and stunning the target for 1.5 sec.
  4. NewLiar

    NewLiar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I put every idea so far in a list (Might be some duplicate ideas in there, please tell me if there is). Please read it before posting your ideas, so I can easily add it to the list.
    Some really great ideas so far! :D
    Walross and blind sniper like this.
  5. Zhang

    Zhang Aquatic Astronaut

    I think that you may have missed a few of my ideas that don't seem to have any appreciable duplicates. But all of my explanations were quite long-winded as well. ;)
  6. NewLiar

    NewLiar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll take a look at them now and add them to the list. ;)

    Edit: I've added one more, the rest we're a bit too similar to other ideas. I love them tough!
  7. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Your weapon could be extra heavy, or have rocket boosters strapped to it speeding it up, causing a tremor upon impact with the ground, causing AOE damage and possibly stunning nearby enemies and causing flying enemies to drop to the ground.
  8. Zhang

    Zhang Aquatic Astronaut

    Yer awesome NewLiar :up:

    Edit: You still missed a few of my more fun ideas like the one that knocks enemies through terrain. :( But they're all in the thread and I'm sure the Devs will still see them. :)
    NewLiar likes this.
  9. Aeronaut

    Aeronaut Pangalactic Porcupine

    Now that I think about it, I believe it would be rather interesting to have certain player species find specific bonuses more often than others! I don't think it would be a good idea to offer these bonuses exclusively to their respective species, of course, but I think it would be neat if the "other" species had to purchase/find the ability to add these to weaponry.

    Crafty - Enemies killed will sometimes drop more items than usual.

    Paranoid - Deals more damage to enemies that you cannot see.

    Social - More enemies nearby? More damage.

    Trusty - Low on health? More critical hits.

    Vengeful - Hit by an enemy? Hit back harder.

    Acrobatic - Deals increased damage while the user isn't touching the ground.

    Gusty - Has a chance to trap an enemy in a small tornado.

    Hawk-Eyed - Has a higher chance to critically hit enemies near the end of its range.

    Perching - Deals higher damage to enemies at lower elevations.

    Sonic - Has a small chance to emit a damage-less, high-knockback sonic boom. (Melee-Only)

    Devolving - Has a small chance to slow and shrink an enemy.

    Experimental - Damage is severely reduced, but the weapon randomly inflicts a variety of effects.

    Mathematical - Damage is calculated based on a set mathematical pattern instead of probability.

    Neo-Primitive - Who needs to fire a ranged weapon when you could just whack an enemy with it? Converts the affected ranged weapon into a swung melee weapon with the same sprite, speed, damage, and effects. (Ranged-Only)

    Retroactive - All attacks on the same enemy deal the same damage as the initial hit.

    Blooming - Has a small chance on hit to spawn a flower-shaped flurry of spikes from an enemy, poisoning the enemy and anything around it.

    Carnivorous - Deals increased damage to organics and decreased damage to Florans. Cannot harm environmental plant life.

    Entangling - Shots (even those that miss) have a chance of spawning tumbleweeds that slow enemies. (Ranged-Only)

    Photosynthetic - Drains HP from the opponent on hit and gives part of it to you, but only in sunlight.

    Pollenated - Has a small chance of "growing" a low-health clone of the player from the corpse of an enemy to fight as a friendly NPC for a short time.

    Aquatic - Has no ill effects from being submerged and pierces a percentage of armor when the target is underwater.

    Deep - Pulls enemies downward when attacking from a lower elevation.

    Hydrating - Steals a small amount of health and energy on hit from underwater enemies.

    Scalding - Burns the target for damage over time. Does not go away underwater.

    Sonorous - Small chance on hit to echo damage to anything nearby via sound waves.

    Conductive - Small chance on hit to shock an opponent, draining some of its HP to fill your Energy.

    Galvanized - Projectiles/blades pierce a percentage of enemy armor.

    Grounding - Will sometimes smack aerial enemies with enough force to ground them. Can also briefly immobilize terrestrial targets.

    Overclocked - Increased attack speed, but requires (and drains) energy when fired/swung.

    Reprogrammed - The weapon's appearance is that of something much less harmful. "Reprogrammed Umbrella", for instance, might be a flamethrower or a powerful (but short) battleaxe.
  10. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Space hawk:If you hit an enemy mid air,you start gliding to the ground.
    Mirror module: (for two handed weapons) right clicking turns the player backwards and attacks,useful against enemies attacking from behind
    Cluster razor:If blocked,sends blade fragments flying in the area,25% damage
    Combo addicted gravity disturber:On hit,the player and the enemy jumps 2 blocks
    Samurai slash:hits multiple enemies,The player may hold the attack button for 1 second while moving,releasing it will cause all enemies in the player path take damage.
    FluffyRabbit likes this.
  11. FluffyRabbit

    FluffyRabbit Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Caustic Finale: A poison effect that lasts for 2 seconds, if the enemy is killed within this timeframe, he explodes and all other enemies within explosion radius take damage and a 1 second version of the poison effect (allowing for chain reaction like explosions). Explosion could affect user to prevent it from being too overpowered or the bonus could be only on very rare weapons. Insipired by Caustic Finale skill from DotA, hero SandKing.

    Sonic Punch: Attacking with melee will knock the enemy back a fixed distance (no matter the size/weight of the enemy) and will make the affected drop their weapon . Or the flag (yay for ending stand offs!). Name could do with a change. Inspired by Tribes Ascend perk Sonic Punch.
  12. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    Massive damage to enemies at 15% or lower Health.
    Also rips the target's head off on a kill! :mwahaha:
    Opens the doors for some hilarious kill messages in PvP.

    Shield Breaker:
    Deals a small amount of "real" damage through a block.
    Simple, makes overly block-happy NPCs and players waste less time.

    Very slow attack speed.
    Instead of visibly swinging the weapon the user just instantly teleports forwards a short distance, provided there is no wall to block him/her.
    After the teleport and a short delay damage is dealt (unless blocked) to anyone standing in the path that was teleported through.

    Basically it's the classic Ninja/Samurai thing where somebody ridiculously fast unsheathes his Katana, appears behind his victim and then the victim's bodyparts start falling off a few seconds later.

    In practical terms you probably want to Dual Wield melee weapons and have this on your Right Click weapon.
    It helps you close the gap and get behind targets. Nice replacement for a Shield.

    It seems Mianso sort-of-but-not-quite ninja'd me on this one. :)

    Energy Injection:
    User's Energy is drained on each swing and injected into the opponent, dealing extra damage.
    No extra effect if no Energy is available.

    Deals a lot of extra damage. Drains a LOT of the user's own Energy when swung.
    If no Energy is available it starts to feed on the user's Life instead! :zombie:
    Steals enemy Life on successful hits. Heals the user and provides a temporary damage buff on a kill.

    The damage bonus and the on-kill buff and self-heal motivate the player to go on a murderous rampage to keep up the buffs and heals!
    ...which will probably end up with them getting too greedy.
    "LastDay's soul was devoured by his own Cursed Scythe+5 of Doom" :facepalm:

    Also it'd be hilarious for those DayZ-style permadeath servers if the Cursed weapons also had kill counters for the amount of people who killed themselves by using it. ;)
    Mianso likes this.
  13. Zellman

    Zellman Existential Complex

    This one made me laugh. I pictured the hilt of your sword being one of those motion-powered flashlights with the magnet and coil in the handle.

    Enemy: "why does your sword sound like something is loose when you swing it?"
    Starbounder: "Because I believe in renewable energy, jerk!"
    Sword: "shicky-shicky-shicky SLASH! "
    Sensuna, blind sniper and LastDay like this.
  14. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Pierce the heavens(spears):Triple the range,emit light when attack(Light is op,this should be a legendary mod :rofl:)
    Heh,ninjas. :ninja:
    I mean,ninjas
    LastDay likes this.
  15. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    [Weapon] of Unbridled Glee :: causes any enemy hit to have a 35% chance to light up like a glitter-vampire for 60 seconds
    *melee only* [Weapon] of the Disgruntled Clown :: swinging this weapon so that it only hits air will cause it to launch a banana-cream pie that sticks to enemies. and has a (non-environmental damage) stick of dynamite poking out.
    [Weapon] of the Baker :: may randomly cause a loaf of freshly baked bread to fall from the sky, damaging any enemies it hits for 2 points
    *ranged only* [Weapon] of the Butcher :: strange quantum physics mean that every bullet/ammo instead fires an equally damaging sausage or honeyed-ham
    [Weapon] of the Candlestick Maker :: any enemies killed by this become collectible Wax Statues*

    * I think I read somewhere that temperature has an affect in Starbound, so melting or permanent storage would be possible with these. No, I can't recall where or if they removed the idea, but it would be neat if I really am remembering something correctly for once.
  16. Yep, it was my inspiration:D

    [Breath-taking]: Replenish your oxygen-meter on hit.
  17. Think you may have missed some of mine as well.

    Put them here:
    Shifting: Causes opponents hit by this weapon to go invisible for a few seconds. It's not very helpful, is it?
    Insane: Puts an "insane" token on the foe. The more insane tokens they have on them, the more likely they will hallucinate, get vision ailments, and do things they did not intend to do.
    Forgiving: Deals more damage the LESS it hits someone.
    Chronic: Things hit by this weapon either slow down or speed up. (Including projectiles)
    Snowball Effect: Projectiles get larger the more the crash into.
    Temporal: Does an after-strike for a slight amount of damage a second after the original strike in the same location.
    Chronic: Things hit by this weapon either slow down or speed up.
    Material field: Lays a field of small objects that give an effect, such as damage, slowing, poison, healing, etc, where you swung the object.
    Sprouting: Saps health from opponents, but can be removed my not standing still.

    These are the one's I can't find duplicates of.
  18. Duplicates at least twice (Does "deflect"="bounce back"? My Engrish is not perfect)
    The rest are missing, though.
    Darthkitten likes this.
  19. Oh jeez. I don't think I meant to C+paste that one. You're right, that one's on there already. Ignore it.
  20. NewLiar

    NewLiar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think I fixed it, have a look if it's correct.
    blind sniper likes this.

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