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Tiy question for community: Ideas for weapon mods

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by NewLiar, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Iznano4nik

    Iznano4nik Big Damn Hero

    what about upgradable mods? Kill 10enemy - little shockwave. Kill 100 - medium etc etc:)
  2. Klengo

    Klengo Void-Bound Voyager

    Some less negative mods:

    Thundering - Chance on hit to produce a loud CRACK!, Confusing enemies for a short time.

    Luminescent - Weapon passively glows. Effect stacks with any natural glowing effects the weapon may already have.

    Luxurious - Weapon is worth more to vendors. Yay!
  3. Lucaine

    Lucaine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It won't be. It'd be more useful against large projectiles based on power, but not quantity.
  4. slaticus

    slaticus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The image that came to mind was hitting the mario bombshells back with a baseball bat.
  5. KidDiz

    KidDiz Void-Bound Voyager

    Phantasmal: (1-handed weapons only) You cannot hold another item (in your hands) when wielding this weapon; instead, when this weapon is equipped, you gain a copy of it in each hand.
    Protective: When swinging the weapon, the weapon is swung as if you were facing left AND right.
    Rebellious: Deal Triple damage, but take 1% of the damage you deal with this weapon to yourself.
    todayisok likes this.
  6. Flameofice

    Flameofice Pangalactic Porcupine

    A couple for bazookas/rocket launchers:

    Blaze: Leaves behind fire in the radius of its explosion. Inflicts damages and ignites enemies, but disappears after a few minutes.

    Frost: Freezes everything in the explosion radius. Slows down monsters that are hit and makes the area of effect all slippery.

    Rocket Jump: Allows the player to rocket jump, with the damage and everything. Probably a rare one on high-tier equipment.

    Flaming Cannonball: Only found on ones with both Rocket Jump and Blaze. Upon rocket jumping, the player is set on fire, and they both ignite, briefly stun, and deal damage to any enemy they make contact with. The player will still take fire damage, and they will also deal with a split-second stun period on impact.
  7. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    Another simple mod would be Glowing, allowing you to get light from your weapon while it's out.

    For example...

    Fiery: Adds On Fire debuff, provides a small, pulsating radius of reddish orange light while not in water.
    Starlight: Small, constant radius of any color
    Power: Ignores a certain amount of enemy defense, adds a medium, pulsating radius of blue light.
    Luminescent:Medium, pulsating radius of any color
    Glowing:Medium, constant radius of any color
    Electric: Flickers randomly between small, medium, and large radius of blue-ish white. Chance to add Stun debuff. Damages player when it flickers to large size while the player is in water with it.
    Solar: Large, constant radius of the local sun's color.
  8. Billybob-Mario

    Billybob-Mario Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Paint mod: changes the color of an enemy when hit. There would be different colored versions.
  9. Sgt. Sprocket

    Sgt. Sprocket Parsec Taste Tester

    On multiplayer, swinging your sword at someone that has no pvp on will pick them up, allowing you to use your friend as a blunt force melee weapon.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  10. Talking weapons. That is all.
    lulitsian likes this.
  11. Duex

    Duex Cosmic Narwhal

    a sword that upon getting a kill its damage goes up by a certain %, but if you swing and miss it returns to normal
  12. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    A sword to what ever it kills turns into a statue - except bosses.
    Could be called Medusa.

    So you can litter your house with "trophy" kills.
    Trowzers and blind sniper like this.
  13. Soup

    Soup Giant Laser Beams

    Borderlands 2 has a few of those. They have pretty bad attitudes.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  14. TehLonelyDonut

    TehLonelyDonut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wrote a thread the other day on gun mods.
    But this is melee.

    Anywho, I think that tactical weapons are just as useful.
    Maybe a knife that crits on backstabs, but makes you turn into them, so as not to trip off security systems.
    *yes this is just the Eternal Reward from TF2*

    Do you remember Bane?
  15. Aeronaut

    Aeronaut Pangalactic Porcupine

    Catalytic: All damage taken by the target is passed on to any other enemies that also have this effect from your weaponry. Lasts a comparatively short time.

    Chaining: Boosts the damage output of consecutive hits on a target by a certain percentage. The bonus is completely removed when the weapon strikes nothing. Cannot be used to boost the damage of other weaponry.

    Marking: Any enemies hit by the weapon emit light for a short amount of time.

    Viral: Enemies spread this effect (applied on hit) and any other negative effects on themselves to other enemies on contact.

    Warping: The weapon's fire is mirrored at half-damage by a phantasmal copy of itself somewhere on-screen. The copy's location changes at random after every swing/shot, but always swings/shoots in the same direction as one held by the player.

    Chaotic: The weapon changes size, damage, and attack rate after every swing/shot.

    Numbing: Damage from the weapon is applied at the end of a two-second-long countdown effect on the target. Cannot stack, but can have multiple instances applied to a single enemy.

    Punctual: The weapon inflicts slightly increased or decreased damage depending on the in-game time. For instance, it might deal more damage at "6:30" or "8:00" in-game than it would at "3:26" or "7:18".

    Honorable: The weapon applies a "Dueling" effect to only a single enemy at a time. Only that enemy can be hurt by the weapon while the effect is active.

    Therapeutic: The weapon applies a healing-over-time effect on the target after dealing damage.
    Hruse likes this.
  16. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    OHgod it's the healing shiv all over again!
  17. Zhang

    Zhang Aquatic Astronaut

    Hmm, I haven't read this whole thread, so sorry if any have been suggested already! I'll try to keep from saying anything blindingly obvious. :)
    • Knocks opponent into air (think air juggling).
    • Knocks the player into the air (imagine fighting a flock of flying enemies with a skill like this).
    • Decreases player knockback for a period of time on a successful hit (this would be super useful to a melee build!).
    • "Phases" the opponent away for a period of time. They can't move, but they don't give or take damage. Wouldn't work on "bosses". Could be represented by making their sprite partially transparent, perhaps. A smart player could combine this with ranged weapons for maximum usefulness. If that seems a little too overpowered, you could make it so the opponent phases in and out for a few seconds after the initial effect wears off, making it harder (or even impossible) to hit them with ranged weapons.
    • Making the opponent hit suffer a "boomerang" effect. They're knocked away before being pulled back towards the user. Think of it like a deadly version of Paddle Ball. :rofl:
    • Super-powered knockback. Sends your opponent flying further. The first few blocks that they hit on the horizontal plane will get destroyed. (Imagine the Dragon-Ball Z esque punching someone so hard they go flying through a mountain, but not so ridiculous as to be overpowered or take out vast swathes of terrain).
    • Alternate super-powered knockback. Any other creatures that the knocked back entity hit take a bit of damage and get a knockback of their own (theirs doesn't deal damage or transfer force). The original creature takes a bit of extra damage for each creature it hits.
    • Slippery (could be combined with an ice effect). Your opponent is knocked back, and suffers from decreased friction. They slide away from you and will have issue gaining speed to approach you. If the effect lasts long enough it could make it so dodging your opponent rather than hitting them again will cause them slide off in the other direction.
    • Hit-multiplier-bonus: more damage for hitting more opponents with a single blow of the weapon. Could be a nice risk/reward tradeoff. (Taking on larger groups makes them easier to kill, but if you mess up you're likely going to be hurting badly!).
    • Repeat-hit-bonus: The more times you hit the same creature in a row (without hitting another creature) the more bonus damage you get. Kind of the opposite train of thought of the above bonus, this one would encourage you to take on foes one-on-one. This should have a timer that will cause the bonus to decrease if you don't hit your foe again in a reasonable period of time.
    • Ethereal/Ghostly/Phasing blade. Simply put, it will let you hit targets through a wall. Might be a bit too OP, but it's a thought.
    • Synchronization: The more teammates you have running a weapon with this buff, the more damage everyone does! Hurrah teamwork! Might need to be range-limited.
    • Pet-Directing: I'm not sure how pets will work, but if they can attack and if you can't direct them normally, it might be nice to have a weapon ability that will "paint" a target for your pet to attack!
    • Rare-finder. If enemies can drop rare items, this will increase the chance of them dropping their rare loot. Might want to combine this with a large damage debuff to make it less of a "general purpose" weapon and more of a strategic choice for rare hunting.
    • Rear Shielding: when swung it will project a forcefield at the player's back that will block projectiles and knockback very close enemies. The shield should be very short lived, and possibly have a separate timer to determine when it can be used, just to prevent it from being too easy to just block your whole back all the time.
    If I think of any more I'll be sure to post them. :)
  18. Rekalty

    Rekalty Friend of the Night

    I want a sword that has 2 extra hands for quillon/hilt, that hold a dagger each. You know, a Two-handed Sword.
    NewLiar and blind sniper like this.
  19. Aerliss

    Aerliss Big Damn Hero

    Similar mod for spears, but they don't return. Throw, pause, regenerate in hand. Bit slower but more damage, I'd figure!
    Maybe it would be an alt-fire, so you could still swing it normally, if it were a 2-hand spear. Left swings, right throws.
    NewLiar likes this.
  20. Good' ol' Munchkin, eh?;)

    [Handmade]: Has a higher chance of critical, but also a higher chance to miss.
    [Kinetic generator]: Recovers 1 Energy every time it swung.
    [Armor-piercing]: A chance to ignore enemy's shield.
    [Radio-active] (was already suggested I think): Enemy slowly loses health, glows in darkness and hurts a player/other mobs in close range.
    [Mutagene]: Moderate chance to replace a part of attacked mob with any other procedurally generated part (IDK how it would work but sounds great :virorb:)
    [Cloning]: Moderate chance to create player's clone on hit. Clones will fight for you, but disappears from a single hit dottebayo!
    [Anti-gravity]: Chance to negate/reverse enemy's gravity field for a time. (In zero-g mobs becomes helpless when jumps or knocked up)
    [Nanotechnological] -
    [Improbability Generator] - these two just groovy names, please add effects you want to be for these:)
    Hruse, Rekalty and Walross like this.

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