Hey everyone, I've spent the last 2 nights digging around the awesome Storm API! During the process I developed a little Mod for skipping time. I can't guarantee that this will not break anything. It didn't during my testing but eh.. Just have that up your mind. It's simply adding a button to the ingame menu, which will let you skip time in 10 minutes Intervals Download: https://mega.nz/#!ZZRkFIII!J-UzwfMYo1LmfTNSTkNv3gn1pvh1owShm6-h-j9sBIM Github: https://github.com/democore/TimeSkipper How to install: 1. Get Storm: http://community.playstarbound.com/...y-use-1-05-before-posting-i-will-know.108484/ 2. Unpack the mod in the %appdata%\StardewValley\Mods Folder. So that it looks like this: 3. Now start the StormLoader.exe in your Game Folder. Hope it works for everyone!
Hmm, maybe you could add a backwards in time button too? Though I suppose that's more likely to break things. Great mod though. Going to try it now.
It strongly depends on how the original programming was done. If the code is written in a way which only handles stuff in the right order, it's most likely going to create problems. I'm gonna try it anyway and see how it goes!