
Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by DNAY!, Oct 8, 2012.



  1. YES

  2. NO

  3. DIE!!!

  4. 7

  1. Affero

    Affero Contributor

    But does any types of stone even conduct electricity? Just asking ^^ I like the idea however
  2. DNAY!

    DNAY! Ketchup Robot

    I just noticed: In the poll, 7 people have ticked "7" as the answer... You guys are so awesome!
    Dr scoobie likes this.
  3. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    I'm particularly drawn to this idea. Especially with it being a good source of energy. Could you possibly add a Thunderstone lightning rod of some sort?
    Many times as effective at gathering energy than your average steel/iron lightning rod, even more so if it's Refined.
    DNAY!, Axe Garian and Affero like this.
  4. Reynbowz

    Reynbowz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1000 cool points for cameo cute Blinkachoo critters affected strangely by the thunderstones.
  5. DNAY!

    DNAY! Ketchup Robot

    I will probably update this thread on Monday... I'll be gone for the weekend so you guys will have to wait... Sorry, don't hit me!
  6. danpanda

    danpanda Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Really like this idea! :) As an underwater based character how about this - If any thunderstone items used in water then all nearby creatures (including self) take damage. Thunderstone armor not wearable underwater etc..?
  7. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    *Imagines wearing Thunderstone Armor, & jumping into a body of water, then watching a hell of a lotta Water Monsters get electrocuted to death while I gain 3-4 Levels in 2 seconds...* :rofl:
    DNAY! likes this.

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