Alright, I just had an interesting idea for a Starbound RP! Here's how it will go: A bunch of characters on a passenger ship flying to another city-planet are attacked by pirates and crash land on a tropical planet with no signs of other intelligent life. All there are are animals, jungle and sand. (Basically, this will be like LOST or Lord of The Flies, but more sci-fi elements and user-created characters, of course.) Rules: USE COMMON SENSE! Or else you will probably get your character killed and/or you will be kicked from the RP! I'm the GameMaster, that means that I control where the story will go, but I will try not to be corrupt. Please don't argue with me. No Metagaming. In other words, what's in OOC stays in OOC. At any time there is a maximum of 12 main characters. This includes the guys who survive the initial plane crash! Also, you can only have a maximum of 2 total characters, whether they be main or side characters! You are allowed to have a custom inventory for your character, but it must be basic and not have OP items and it must be limited! Please, for the love of god, no God-Modding, AKA OP characters! Please make a character sheet to sign up that at least matches the minimum requirements listed in Sign Up. Have fun and don't be a jerk OOC, if your character is a jerk in the roleplay they will be treated like one. Sign Up: Again, please at least match these minimum requirements when signing up a character, I will check it out and there is a good chance (Unless there are too many people already signed up) you will be signed up! Name: (Self explanatory, please full name) Age: (Again, self explanatory) Sex: (Wow this stuff is getting obvious) Physical Characteristics: (Try to be as specific as possible, such as: Height, Build/Muscle Mass, Hair and Eye Color, etc. Also state some pros and cons with their physique (IE, fast runner but low upper-body strength).) Personality: (Pros and cons with their more mental characteristics. For example; Kind and caring, but quick-tempered.) Items: (Simple tools and clothing your character starts out with, such as a hunting knife or clothing. Don't have any OP items, please.) Current Characters: Name: Burn Race: Novakid Age: 31 Sex: Male Physical Characteristics: Tall and lanky, purple skin, flame-like corona and omega-shaped brand. Isn't very strong but is good at being stealthy. Personality: He's not afraid to hurt anyone who gets in his way, and is generally uncaring to anyone who isn't affiliated with him. However he is hesitant to kill and is paranoid about his brand being damaged. He is clever and quick-thinking. Items: Wears a dusty brown longcoat and slacks,a navy blue scarf, and an expensive linen cowboy hat. He also carries two revolvers. This is still a WIP!
This looks interesting, and therefore I will probably join once I think up a character.[DOUBLEPOST=1446937719][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, you seem to have forgotten the Race section in the app.
Name: Burn Race: Novakid Age: 31 Sex: Male Physical Characteristics: Tall and lanky, purple skin, flame-like corona and omega-shaped brand. Isn't very strong but is good at being stealthy. Personality: He's not afraid to hurt anyone who gets in his way, and is generally uncaring to anyone who isn't affiliated with him. However he is hesitant to kill and is paranoid about his brand being damaged. He is clever and quick-thinking. Items: Wears a dusty brown longcoat and slacks, a navy blue scarf, and an expensive linen cowboy hat. He also carries two revolvers.
Name: Seedtalker Vando Age:23 Sex: Male Race: Avian Physical Characteristics: Kinda short, White feathers and a hawk like beak. Weak but fast, he excells in avoiding attacks and providing distractions. Personality: Wants to learn about everything, leading to him becoming a scientist. he is also Very friendly to anything except Hylotls,altough he sometimes may try to experimnet on people. Items: Wears clothes a typical scientist would, along with some glasses. He Always carrys a simple pistol with him.