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Bug/Issue Those who can’t plant seeds, please read

Discussion in 'Support' started by peropero83, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. peropero83

    peropero83 Space Hobo

    Change into Tap to move & Joystick & Buttons
    and plant the seeds by clicking second button.
    This will temporarily enable to plant seeds before they fix the bug.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • peropero83

      peropero83 Space Hobo

      Also you can do fishing by tapping first button(left button)

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      • patdski

        patdski Poptop Tamer

        Thanks for the tip. I find the virtual buttons to be nearly impossible to use. It also doesn’t fix the fact that my character doesn’t move where I click (the grid is still misaligned).
          Lukelawsonll likes this.
        • Lukelawsonll

          Lukelawsonll Space Hobo

          I am also having the same problem. I am playing on a iPad air 2, I have no problem with the tap to move and auto attack feature on my iPhone. This problem extends out to not being able to tap on people to talk to them, Plant seeds by holding the seeds and tapping on the plowed plot, and misalignment of where I am tapping. It is almost like the box it shows where I'm moving is way further than where it puts me. I cannot stand having to use the buttons so I will wait until this bug is fixed as it works on my phone and the tap to move/auto attack is a fantastic mechanic to have And would be great to include onto my iPad when it is fixed.
          • Heidi

            Heidi Space Hobo

            i have the same problem :/ i can't fix it with any of the upper solutions ..
            • Beatrice1

              Beatrice1 Yeah, You!

              I can’t plant anything and I lost my game I was on year 5 in the fall

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