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Outdated The Wings of Kluex v1.3

Avians will call you the reincarnation of Kluex with these!

  1. RetroCyrus

    RetroCyrus Void-Bound Voyager

    I will definitely keep something like that in mind for the next version, thank you for the feedback!
  2. ymri

    ymri Void-Bound Voyager

    How many are you for this mod ? And how much coders, spriters ect ... And also how loong does it take to make a mod like this ? Because I'm intrested in making mods myself ..............
  3. RetroCyrus

    RetroCyrus Void-Bound Voyager

    There are two of us!
    One programmer/coder: Me
    One artist: aaaddd4747

    This mod took us about a week to fully prepare into its current state AFTER initial post. (We posted v1 on Nov. 2, and v1.3 Nov. 7)
    But to even create v1 took me personally about two weeks; to figure out how Starbounds modding system worked, how the language syntax worked, etc. and then to actually come up with an idea and lay it out.

    I know this doesnt answer too much, but feel free to message me personally and I will see if I can go further in depth on how to help you prepare yourself and the things you will need!
  4. ymri

    ymri Void-Bound Voyager

    OK thanks alot ! And actually it answer pretty much alot xD ! And thanks, if I need your help I'll PM you !
  5. baltosaa

    baltosaa Pangalactic Porcupine

    This mod seems really cool. ^.^

    Will this mod be updated for Upbeat Giraffe eventually?
  6. RetroCyrus

    RetroCyrus Void-Bound Voyager

    We hope to update it sometime in the future, yes! My partner and I have stoppe dplaying regularily however, and I personally need to learn how the scripting has changed in the new version; those are the main two reasons why it hasnt been updated yet.

    But be on the lookout to see an Upbeat Giraffe release sometime in the next few months! :party:
  7. baltosaa

    baltosaa Pangalactic Porcupine

    Mkay, awesome. ^.^

    I will be watching this mod 'till then, in that case.... :D
  8. renojonathanr

    renojonathanr Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmm. If you want to make these wings, you may need to recode the levitation status effect, which replaces glide.
  9. RetroCyrus

    RetroCyrus Void-Bound Voyager

    I've been meaning to look into the tech's for quite some time actually. As seen in the credits, the "flying" tech is actually credit to SSStormy; I havent touched the code from that whatsoever.

    Though the way it looks, everything has been revamped, so I may just have to make it from scratch myself. On the upside though, that means that we will have proper tech for next release!
  10. Mr awesome357

    Mr awesome357 Tentacle Wrangler

    it doesnt work for me. im running spirited giraffe. can you help me dont know how to mod

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