The Thread of Randomness

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stryder87, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. One More Day

    One More Day Cosmic Narwhal

    My latest farm is Parsnip Farm. I can do whatever I want, but my sole income will be from selling raw parsnips, I can't sell anything else. Although I can complete quests for friendship, any money I receive from them, along with any money received in a letter in the mailbox or anywhere else in the game, will be used to purchase something that will be trashed immediately, so that it maintains the integrity of the farm's parsnipocracy.

    A few days in and with a little help from the crop fairy I am already maintaining nearly 100 parsnips with a basic watering can. So each day I go fishing first, because each fish I catch leads to a net increase in my available energy when I eat the fish (except occasional trash). Then I water the crops and do other stuff. This has not been planned out at all, and I'm deliberately not looking too far ahead, so I have no idea yet how long it's going to take me to do anything
    • MouseyPounds

      MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

      Interesting idea on Parsnip Farm, but until you get a greenhouse, things are gonna be pretty lean for 3/4 of the year. If I were to do this I'd probably allow selling raw wheat as well.
      • One More Day

        One More Day Cosmic Narwhal

        Yeah, with all the animal stuff I'll need to buy on my pauper's income, it might take two or three years to get the coop/barn/animals for the greenhouse, I don't know yet.

        On the plus side, I'll have lots of time for completionist stuff like the museum, friendship, cooking etc
          plattym3 likes this.
        • Lt. Col. of Truth

          Lt. Col. of Truth Seal Broken

          It's not a secret Haley. Everybody knows you need Cave Carrot.[​IMG]

          Sent from my SM-S727VL using Tapatalk
          • musical74

            musical74 Space Kumquat

            Haley asks for a variety of things that are "for girls only" or "you know what it's for"... she's either EXTREMELY weird or has really odd tastes (she wanted a sea cucumber and said "you know what it's for"...if it's not to eat it, do I really want to know?)

            I've found amusement from the help wanted quests sometimes, I've seen people want a gold bar to put under their pillow as a reminder to a dead relative...was the relative incredibly wealthy or something?
              plattym3 likes this.
            • Fuzzyman

              Fuzzyman Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              The gold bar is to remind them of how they were left out of the will
                Erick648 and Stryder87 like this.
              • BentFX

                BentFX Cosmic Narwhal


                To the game's credit, there was no exclamation mark over the wanted board. I guess it's kind of like the broken Initiation quest, gotta just experiment and see what clicks.

                  Erick648 likes this.
                • musical74

                  musical74 Space Kumquat

                  Yes, I'd like to accept a quest where I have no clue what I need to do! I'm sure it's to a) annoy someone b) remind them of the long-lost relative that they never hear about or c) involves chasing slimes around the mines! Wonder what happens if the slimes think I'm playing a game and play tag though...
                  • Stryder87

                    Stryder87 Giant Laser Beams

                    Had that happen to me too a while back (see post #407 - this thread).
                    I thought it was because I had clicked on the bulletin board that's available in the menu area when you use a certain mod (pulling a blank on the name of it right now). It was the first time I had done it that way and this is what it came up with. Never had it happen using the one at the store. Maybe it was just a coincidence.
                    • BentFX

                      BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

                      Okay, I thought I had seen it somewhere... I even clicked like on it.

                      I noticed it in UI Info Suite, then when it came up blank I went to the bulletin board to see if it was really blank. I use UI Info Suite to check the board pretty regularly and it hasn't happened before. The mod doesn't usually seem to have any problem saying nothing's posted. Possibly wat causes it? That sounds like bad grammar but context matters.
                      • Stryder87

                        Stryder87 Giant Laser Beams

                        Ah yes, UI Info Suite. That's the mod I just started using recently. That's what I was checking it through. Never had it happen 'normally'. I did the same as you, went to the store to check after I got the 'wat' thing. haha
                        • Stryder87

                          Stryder87 Giant Laser Beams

                          Daily ponderings...

                          If there was nothing before the universe appeared, and the universe is still expanding, just what is it expanding into ? :catconfused:
                          • BentFX

                            BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

                            I often ponder, if time and space don't exist in a black hole, does everything that gets sucked in squirt out somewhere else in an single instant? Was our "big bang" the result of someone else's black hole?
                            • BentFX

                              BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

                              48 copper in one go. :D

                              Also, here's one for the 'Splain That! challenge...
                              The salad was already in my hot bar. My energy was squirting and I rolled the mouse wheel while I was catching a Lost Book.
                              • musical74

                                musical74 Space Kumquat

                                Leah will love you for awhile!

                                Regarding the secret notes (I'm not playing the beta so I don't know) are they really surprising things or is it stuff that is quite easy to find on the wiki?
                                • BentFX

                                  BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

                                  Those salads are for ME! It was an old playthrough. I got a treasure chest in a treasure chest on spring 2, so I backed up the save directory and played it out a couple different ways. One of them I bought a lot of salads from Gus. I think for the long run the strategy was good. It was easily the most comfortable early game I've had, and I was deep into the mine long before salmon berries.

                                  As for the Secret Notes, there is some stuff that's completely new, but lots of it is stuff you probably already know.
                                  • Stryder87

                                    Stryder87 Giant Laser Beams

                                    Your farm name doesn't happen to be The Shining is it? I saw that movie... it doesn't end well.... :nope:
                                      BentFX likes this.
                                    • BentFX

                                      BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

                                      Yes Haley, it's nice that Pelican Town has a beach, but if you tell people that while standing next to the fountain they're going to think you're an imbecile.
                                        Erick648 likes this.
                                      • musical74

                                        musical74 Space Kumquat

                                        You mean she's NOT an airheaded cheerleader type? :p Given that she throws away all of her clothes and gets new ones because the fashion is SO last year...
                                          BentFX likes this.
                                        • Lilliput

                                          Lilliput Supernova

                                          ...I didn't really have the highest opinion on Bubblegum Barbie's intellectual contribution to Pelican Town to begin with.
                                            Honor Shipping, musical74 and BentFX like this.

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