The tale of Smokey Chap2: The Humble Begennings

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by NovaJ, Apr 29, 2017.

  1. NovaJ

    NovaJ Sandwich Man

    Terrane Protectorate Prison Complex; Cell Block 124

    He had come along way from once young and inexperienced Novakid. He was now the prisoner who called Cell 235 home.

    It was low tide on a lava planet known as Cygnus X-1 and the rumble of prison riot was all that a man could here. Prisoners,outraged and hungry, screamed and hollered at the patrolling guards. All the prisoners that is, except for Smokey.

    “Alright, You guys earned it. No food for a week and that goes for everyone!” a fat,burly guard shouted. This only made the riot more dangerous,which the guard knew. He walked up and down,faces of once sane Hylotls,Glitches,and Apex.

    The double jail doors unlocked and in stepped Captain Groff. A fierce Apex,known to kill, but anything went at this prison.But as this man strolled in one cell broke open, and that cell was Cell 235. An orange lit Novakid standing over a guard, blaster in hand.

    “Ok,this is how this is going to work. You release me and my friends or I,Smokey,will detonate this fully functional explosive device.”

    All guards froze and stared at this seemingly ironic character.Suddenly he sprung up unto to the ceiling with practiced agility. He ran across the roof using anti-gravity boots. The guards striked back and shot at the roof.

    “Get him, we don’t need another escapee.” yelled Groff. Smokey danced on the ceiling then released his grip and drop kicked into Captain Groff’s face.

    The prisoners cheered as Smokey pushed the jailbreak key. Prisoners pummeled the guards as their savior walked picked up a better gun and began his commute to the dock.

    A younger Novakid by the name of Ryder came up behind Smokey “12 days,3 hrs and 25 seconds,Captain.”

    “Great” sighed the exhausted Novakid. “No better sign than the Omega” He said staring up at the marks in the ceiling,which had created an Omega due to his fancy footwork.

    “Where to Captain?”asked the younger Novakid. Smokey turned to the hallway in front of him.

    “Where do you want to go?”

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