The Sensorysquid

Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by Ymedron, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Nadroz

    Nadroz Title Not Found

    That looks awesome, I'd love to have one on in the game.
  2. Skywad

    Skywad Void-Bound Voyager

    This is probably the only thing with fangs and tentacles I'd let nestle on my head.
    Good work!
  3. Jimmypl

    Jimmypl Void-Bound Voyager

    Hats are only cosmetics :eek:

    But! this isn't Just a hat!! :DD

    i think, even making a similar thing (a predator-'like' animal/Alien) that attaches itself to you as a leach would but instead of draining its host of life, it enables it Enhanced capability's in catching Prey, effectively feeding itself..
    - night vision
    - speed
    - Strength/Agility

    however there would have to be some sort of Animal-is-tic action/drawback (depending on the way you look at it).. like maybe the animation for eating food would be .. unpleasant .. as an example'

    anyway .. just my thought's

    Otherwise Great work' would be nice to see some Pixel art too!
  4. Well, alternatively it would just be a creature that has different functions when tamed, like when its wild it just noms on your head and makes you blind, but when its your pet, it just hangs around on your head and provides these functions as described.
    However its fine if its just a hat, it can be a low-maintenance pet.

    edit: I've been avoiding pixels because I am not very good at low-res pixelart, the constrained lines and compression of details is very hard to do..!
    Tojo likes this.
  5. Яetrospekt

    Яetrospekt Pangalactic Porcupine

    "I like it alot" :catface2:

    Kudos if anyone get's that reference.
  6. Alots are my confidants during the hard times, too.
  7. IamGinger

    IamGinger Orbital Explorer

    Dammnit! I was planning to do a sorta parasitic type creature on ones head. Ah well! Yours was more thought out and prettier. Good luck. :)
  8. Im sure there is room for more than one type of parasitic head-accessory. (even though the relationship between the squid and the host is actually commensalist, as the host does not suffer from the interaction, and if the squid was a functional piece of equipment, it would be a symbiotic relationship instead.)
  9. Gravik

    Gravik Existential Complex

    This gets my vote
  10. youareapivot

    youareapivot Aquatic Astronaut

    This hat is rad as heck.
  11. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    it's so cool yet soooooo cute, man, it's hard to find a favorite hat, everything is so cool!
  12. Asteron

    Asteron Aquatic Astronaut

    Want this hat in a good working order!
  13. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    Those new color styles are really cool. This squid sure makes for some tough competition.
  14. May the maddest hatter win, I say!
    I was thinking about redoing the main illustration to be more consistent with the cuter color-illustration, but laziness is a hard mistress.

    (Thanks everyone!)
  15. Finn_The_Human

    Finn_The_Human Astral Cartographer

    I really like it i think this is the best i have seen so far i would totally go out of my way to get this hat :D
  16. Finn_The_Human

    Finn_The_Human Astral Cartographer

    i get it

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