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RELEASED The Random Weapon Randomizer 1.1

The Random Weapon Randomizer, Randomly randomize your randomly found weapons.........Randomly

  1. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Steam gives the option to install games elsewhere from the normal directory. This is not a complex or involved thing, it is literally the click of a button. An EXE doesn't make the installation process all that easier. Not to mention it is my only option if I were interested in a mod that used it.
    Presios Saiyan likes this.
  2. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    It was something we thought would be different and fun and you have to choose a path damn that's soooo .....the same as any installer you'd normally use....if your installer put files where it wanted without showing you...THAT'D be suspicious.... Regardless I guess its against the rules so when I'm off work I'll be reverting anyway...... But if someone goes so far to make an exe a digital signature and an icons on top of the mods they're working on for others to enjoy.....I'd say they're trying to improve things not trying to give you a virus..but I guess common since isn't so common any longer
    Lexicon-Prime likes this.
  3. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    People have done more work for less.
  4. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    Good for them that has no bearing on this
    jellyfish123 likes this.
  5. zaagto

    zaagto Big Damn Hero

    the download link is broken
  6. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    i know sorry been working will be fixed very soon if you go to version history you can get it i unknowingly broke rules and so i didnt get my content deleted i took the files off my dropbox
  7. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    Imblazed247 updated The Random Weapon Randomizer with a new update entry:

    Rule Breaking Package Delivery

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

  9. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    i know but i think you could make some scan to be sure its clean ...either way tho np just thought it was a cool idea to make an exe
  10. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Unfortunately, I doubt that virus scans are foolproof, since I believe that antivirus software primarily works by checking for "documented" malware, and sometimes by checking for "documented" methods for infection. More recent viruses and malware tend to be novel ones that are designed to operate under the radar.
  11. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    fair enough

  12. Jerboy33

    Jerboy33 Big Damn Hero

    Where need drop's .modpak?
  13. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    the usual place but all my works need updating and it will come soon sorry life got in the way
  14. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

  15. Mumpfbrapp

    Mumpfbrapp Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Where is the promised manual, imblazed247?
    You said in april you will do some work on that...
  16. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    also i have said life got in the way of my modding work so that will come sorry

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