Modding Discussion The Onekrins

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Kye-Fa-Sym, Jun 5, 2014.


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  1. Kye-Fa-Sym

    Kye-Fa-Sym Orbital Explorer

    A new idea for the StarBound Community
    A new race that is both playable and NPC's

    Based off the species of once near invincible alien shape-shifters from my aspiring comic series
    They have been greatly nerfed because nearly all the new ones are clones of a lab engineered clone
    And there's only one pure blood left
    So as playable characters they look like Human beings with the same hairstyles (maybe some new hairstyles), clothes with some new fashion sets, same old personalities, with some new quotes and quips .
    The difference is in the Eyes and Teeth, there will actually be teeth shown but im gonna have to do it in such a way so that they dont look goofy
    The Eyes will be two pixels high and sharp jagged teeth like if a human had a child with a shark
    The parents would be so proud
    And they have a species advantage: they have super regenerative healing
    Now to make it non-god mod the Onekrins Healing powers is based on their stomachs
    Onekrins Constantly need to feed on meat and everything, so small stomachs means kill and harvest as much as possible. The idea is on a full stomach you would heal 4 hp per 2 secs
    And on a empty stomach you digest your self at 12 hp per secs
    If you don't like that than eat your friend
    I'm sure they would gladly sacrifice themselves to keep you alive and that's always important
    Or not but if you think the penalty is too steep then let me no
    I'm sure we can work something out
    Also Onekrins Are adepts to combat and have the ability to forge swords and shields from their bones in an instant, doing so will cause severe damage but can prove to be a life saver. Im thinking these abilities act as techs that consumes maybe 5- 10%of your health. I am still thinking whether or not to be one use attacks with devastating power per hit or to have a buff affect that lasts over several seconds or a minute. Give me some feed back on that.

    So,now for the NPCs,
    This is where its gonna get tough,
    Just to get out of the way, Onekrins have keen hearing and sense of smell shit their eyes are not even eyes. They Live under a Mother/Father Monarchy like a hive
    They are friendly to all races except Haman Glitch and Floran, not they will kill you on site if your the aforementioned races they will just act a little hostile
    The reason being ( and you will have to thank Jazz and David for Floran and glitch respectively) Florans somehow have a keen sense of smell and can differentiate from human hormones and Onekrin Pheromones ( and i do mean Pheromones) and Glitch can study the speech patterns and analyze behaviors of Onekrins andcompare them to Humans. And Humans, well... thanks to the original clones eating habits All of his clones Crave human flesh no matter how much they hide it. So to those three races Onekrins will try to deter you from staying too long. Xspecially at night.
    So the Onekrins have their own dialogue just like everyone else and there will be five different groups with an optional 6th
    There will Be the Citizens who are the friendliest out of all the other groupings, they will always greet you and try to act normal like " Hello there human-err Sir/ma'am" or like "Good evening meat-err i mean Sir/ma'am".
    Onekrin Guards Are citizens who volunteered to keep the peace. They patrol the outpost area on the planet they are on and they are hard to kill.
    Researcher Onekrins Are only found in restricted areas ( I ll get to that in a minute) They are just as strong as citizens and will attack you on site.
    Than we have the possessed which are people ( of any race) with white eyes doing labor work.
    Upon contact they will give you and eerie glare telling you to leave NOW, asap, immediately etc. Doing so means you can live. NOT doing so... not so much( get you that real soon

    Then we have the Queen. You can summon her from attacking or angering one of the possessed. You can't kill her.. Permanently...She can be killed. doing so will give you a powerful drop like armor or a the most epic of weapons Armor like the Pioneer or a durasteal weapon. If she doesnt kill you after wards. Once you kill her Possessed body then shelll come running in after you with a bunch of possessed. BUT you do survive, then you will also unleash the full wrath of the entire species onto yourself. They wont stop till your dead which brings me to the most important feature of Onekrin NPC's

    You can only Find them On HARDCORE MODE. And they will spawn on whatever starter planet for your new character.

    Now the reason for this is In this day and age Onekrins prize Unity and Privacy above most principles even feeding. Because they depend on it. They DON'T want a repeat all those millennium ago
    This is what I promised an explanation: Onekrins wanted to Replace Humans and genetically superior race because other factoids I'm not getting into. Any whoo they were not expecting Earth to Go Kablooie from the fucking tentacles so now they are planning to Build their race instead.
    Funny thing is they will do whatever to keep their Identity secret even trying to act normal if you were to attack them. Thats right you can punch them for finite amount of times before they retaliate. To indicate they abused patience is that if any of them emits a screech like one of the monsters. Doing so will rally all Onekrin in the area. ALL OF THEM
    If you manage to kill one a escape then you will be on their shitlist till the day you die. Or until you expose them.
    Now I havent gotten to that yet but im working on it
    Now all Onekrin npcs will warn you to leave xcpet the researchers. Because they dont want you snooping around their outposts or townships or facilities. There will be areas that are completely restricted to you unless you have permission from the queen.( there may be possible side missions for the Onekrins to help them build themselves up)
    But thats it for now... I still have more features if your willing to ask

    And Hey
    I may even ask you for help to so be open ears if you want too help.

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