Chat The Newer Monthly Event Thread - Dead or alive

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lodish, Apr 30, 2016.

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  1. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    Hot damn that bow tie and suit looks great!
    BloodyFingers likes this.
  2. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    You're welcome, man. It was my pleasure. :D
    *thinks, whether he should like a post with his drawing in it or not*
  3. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    Holy S*** thats dapper
    BloodyFingers likes this.
  4. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    Robogandhi just in general looks like a natural gentleman, those glasses and mustache really give off that vibe. :p
    +20 to Dapper stat.
  5. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

    So...we all gonna have an electro-swing party next month?
  6. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    Depends on how electro we're talking... (I don't actually own any good looking suits, so I had to improvise)
    Dirksen JD lich (-Normal- version).png

    Dirksen JD lich (Evil+ version).png

    And yes, that is what I look like IRL... Just not as fancy...
    Last edited: May 30, 2016
  7. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

    Jareix Cryvix likes this.
  8. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    Oh, right... That kind of electro swing...
    I was thinking of the other kind...
  9. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    I wonder, is it a light reflection in his right eye in the first picture? Because if not, it looks kind of dorky, with how his eyes seem to be staring in slightly different directions. :rofl: Upon closer examination it's obviously not the case, but it still looks kind of funny. :p The second picture is totally badass, though.
    Jareix Cryvix likes this.
  10. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    It's supposed to be a demonic glow in the center of the empty space of my right eye. I put it in just to annoy the hell out of my computer graphics teacher. Same with the grinning shadow. While you're not restricted to reality, she hates it when things are just so slightly off. Sorry it looks dorky though, it's my first non edited-photo self portrait.
    Elldar likes this.
  11. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    Why did you want to annoy her? Is she salty or something? :rofl:
    Ehh, it looks fine, it's just that, from my point of view, the right eye and eyebrow are intentionally different from the left side for a better facial expression. It kind of creates an illusion that one of the eyes is off, which isn't the case upon closer examination. :p
    Jareix Cryvix likes this.
  12. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

    ...I just got that we can call bloodyfingers robotma ghandi. I'm so slow.
  13. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    Gandhi, but yes.
    2nd Lieutenant Raoni likes this.
  14. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

    Wait, you do know his name was mahatma ghandi right? And Robotma ghandi kinda rhymes with that.
  15. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    She's saying you spelt it wrong, it's Gandhi not Ghandi c:
    Elldar, Alkanthe and BloodyFingers like this.
  16. rhomboid

    rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

    did a thing
  17. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    rhomboid likes this.
  18. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    *Opens paint, gets a generic picture of fancy clothes and edits it onto a past avatar, paint crashes*
  19. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Gandhi, Ghandi, roboGandhi, robotma Ghandi, tw@... you can call me whatever, really
    Elldar likes this.
  20. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

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