Chat The Newer Monthly Event Thread - Dead or alive

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lodish, Apr 30, 2016.

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  1. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    Armin? Is that you?
    2nd Lieutenant Raoni likes this.
  2. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    Armin? Who's that?
  3. 2nd Lieutenant Raoni

    2nd Lieutenant Raoni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    character from an anime called Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)
    (and i dont think Anne looks like Armin though :p)
    Elldar likes this.
  4. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    Ooh, I know who that Armin is, but I don't think that's who he meant (Besides, Armin from AoT was a guy not a girl [​IMG])
    I think he meant you, because I searched up Armin and found this
    2nd Lieutenant Raoni likes this.
  5. 2nd Lieutenant Raoni

    2nd Lieutenant Raoni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    oh nvm XP im dumb
    Firepaw Da Cat likes this.
  6. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

    So are they like, conjoined twins then?
  7. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    Not at all.
  8. 2nd Lieutenant Raoni

    2nd Lieutenant Raoni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What do you mean?
  9. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

    I see 2 torsos and 1 set of legs.
    (For the record I get that one if them is leaning from around a corner or something, I'm just being a butt)
    2nd Lieutenant Raoni likes this.
  10. 2nd Lieutenant Raoni

    2nd Lieutenant Raoni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh XP man im making a lot of dumb questions lately e.e
    Btw , i think im gonna do another version of this drawing but from her point of view
    rhomboid likes this.
  11. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    Heya, I've made a quick sketch for June's event. :rofl:
    DSCF3266 - Copy.JPG
    Would appreciate to get some opinions. What else do you think I can add? :p
    rhomboid, Zebe, Rgbunpro and 8 others like this.
  12. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    Krueger meets death meets the clothier? I like it! Sick looking scythe!
    Elldar likes this.
  13. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    I could try my hand at doing my own avatar for june but I probably won't finish it. Anyone cares to do a fancy robogandhi?
    Elldar likes this.
  14. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    It's not a scyhte though. It's just a cane which transfers his energy into the ground, or something. :rofl: Dunno why would he be doing that, but I needed to include it somewhere - the cane felt most fitting for that.
  15. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    Robogandhi? So you're looking for this, basically?
    BloodyFingers likes this.
  16. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Hmmm, Gandhi wasn't tibetan? That would be a Mecha Dalai Lama.
    I was thinking my old avatar in a suit, top hat, cane and all.
  17. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    Hmm, what was your old avatar, again? My memory of it is pretty dim. I recall a skeleton with a flute, though.

    Edit: Not a flute, but the other instrument that I forgot the name of. Trombone, maybe?
    BloodyFingers and Jareix Cryvix like this.
  18. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    It was a skeleton with a a trumpet. I think he's talking about the robot though.
  19. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    A trumpet, and that was the halloween avatar. I am pretty much a robotic Mahatma Gandhi. I'll post it when lunch time comes.
    Jareix Cryvix and Elldar like this.
  20. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Oh shit... my avatar's original picture is in my PC, not my workplace computer. And my PC is busted.

    I can't get my old picture back! :eek:
    Elldar likes this.
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