Chat The Newer Monthly Event Thread - Dead or alive

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lodish, Apr 30, 2016.

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  1. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    Firepaw Da Cat likes this.
  2. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    Me too, I need stuff to draw please so like, suggest anything and everything for me to draw.
    Seriously as long as it isn't too hard I'll take any requests.
    I'm creatively deprived.
    Firepaw Da Cat likes this.
  3. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    Draw a feesh
  4. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    image.jpg I drew a platypus using letters from platypus.
  5. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    Feeeeeeeeeeeeshie feeshieeee

    THAT'S NO FEESHIE *Is taken aback*
  6. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    Come here feeshie fe- *Is interrupted by the samon* DAMMIT
  7. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

  8. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    i did it, finally
    EDIT: I seem to be unable to change my avatar
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  9. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    That most likely means that the file size is too large to be made into avatar. It should not be higher than 2 Mbs. Using a common file extension like .JPG and .PNG could help, too. If it's not that, then I don't know what is the problem. :p
  10. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    Its a 300 kB .PNG file
  11. 2nd Lieutenant Raoni

    2nd Lieutenant Raoni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Resolution/Dimension issues? Maybe?
  12. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    Its still not working

    Attached Files:

  13. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    Well, I've put this image to my desktop and it seems that the file extension is actually .bmp, not .JPG. Maybe it has something to do with that. By the way, what is it?
  14. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    It shouldnt be a .bmp, and its my shitty paint avatar for this month
  15. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    I got it to work!... by doing the same stuff i have already done before
    Lodish likes this.
  16. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    Well, I meant more like ''what is that object?''. Because, honestly, I can't tell. :rofl:
  17. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    It was supposed to look a lot better but my brain gave up on even trying after a ton of tries, anyway, its supposed to be ancient Zettan artifact called "The book of everything' and now Zetta has gotten trapped in it
    Elldar likes this.
  18. Elldar

    Elldar Spaceman Spiff

    I understand perfectly. I always imagine something awesome but can't manage to replicate the thought nearly as well. :rofl: And I think that it would look more like a book if it was a 3D model. The same way it is in drafting, a frontal view alone doesn't give you much of an idea of what the object is. :p
  19. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    I tried many times to make it look like an actual book but my brain
  20. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    "A shrubbery"
    Alright so, not one shrub but a bunch of sculpted shrubs?
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