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Outdated The More Food Mod [Outdated] v2.2.0 (Spirited giraffe)

Adds food missing from starbound, or variations of existing food! ❤

  1. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

    I'll get right on it!

    I'll update the mod to fix that and the flour conflict!
  2. QActions

    QActions Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello, I'm not sure if you've been notified, but there's a slight slip up in the code related to peanuts. The peanut seed is a perfectly generic item and the peanut butter recipes haven't been changed to say peanutbutter2 and use the peanut butter trap in crafting. Just thought I'd help :)
  3. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

    Sorry. I'll fix that right away!
  4. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

  5. Hydromancerx

    Hydromancerx Big Damn Hero

    I got an error saying it has a conflict with Cinnamon. I don't remember what mod had that already.
  6. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

    Starbooze. I'll fix that.
  7. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

  8. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

  9. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

    :) hope you like them and that there are no problems!
    I was not sure how to add actual trees, so for now at least they are crops. :s
  10. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    Oh lol! So they grow up as real trees or are they small bushes? Maybe you could ask Starbooze author how to add trees to the world gen?

    Please keep in mind that starbooze has red apple, peach, pear trees.
  11. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

    Yeah I think I really should, and while Ii'm at it ask about world gen too. but right now they're as small as bushes. :c
  12. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    That's honestly okey with me either way.

    Please keep in mind that starbooze has red apple, peach, pear trees. So look out for any comp issues :3.
  13. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

    I'll have to test it out just to be sure! I think since they're plants it should be alright.

    EDIT- the peach will probably cause a conflict, so I'll fix that!
  14. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    Excuse me, this is a great mod but i would like to point out a slight misspell on one of your items, its Avocado instead of Advocado.
  15. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    What? What if the Avocado wants to be a advocator huh? Leave him alone.
    Corraidhín likes this.
  16. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

    I'll fix that right away! oops
    EDIT- Wait? where?
    Corraidhín likes this.
  17. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

  18. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

  19. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    sorry! i spoke too quick xD the spelling error was in the mods page, had not checked in game (oopsie) :rofl: im always acting too quick for my own good
  20. TheBigBlueSerpent

    TheBigBlueSerpent Existential Complex

    the mod did have an error though haha. :p
    Corraidhín likes this.

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