Chat The Monthly Events Thread - Darkbound

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kaiachi, Sep 29, 2015.


What's March's theme?

  1. Inanimate objects

    10 vote(s)
  2. Chibi/children

    22 vote(s)

    5 vote(s)
  4. Pixellated

    8 vote(s)
  5. Silly hats

    6 vote(s)
  6. Scifi-punk/dieselpunk/steampunk

    13 vote(s)
  7. Floof

    7 vote(s)
  8. Foodbound

    7 vote(s)
  9. Backwater

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Kaiachi

    Kaiachi Tiy's Beard

    In the pitch darkness, clicking and shuffling can be heard...
    I'm your heretical host, Kaiachi. In this thread, we will be planning, discussing, and participating in events in the forums! The purpose of this thread is to organize the events with each other, keeping it in one thread instead of bouncing around merrily throughout other threads! While these may be unofficial events, the whole community is free to participate and throw out ideas for what they find interesting.

    Here's how it works:
    1. The community can come up with ideas or concepts for an event, and will wholly decide on a topic for the following month. If a topic cannot be decided on, we can arrange a vote/tally.
    2. The theme itself cannot break any forum rules, naturally!
    3. When a theme is decided, you could choose to change your profile picture (or anything else you decide), if you want to participate. The picture could be a modified pic, a newly made avatar, or even a picture from any other source of media (as long as you have permission to use it and aren't breaking any laws or copyrights.) Let your creativity flow!
    4. The event would last throughout the month, or as long as you want to participate! You can change your picture when the time is correct for you, no timezone calculation required!
    5. There is no requirement to do any of these actions. If you just want to stick around and talk about it, throw out new ideas, or perhaps even volunteer your artistic talents to make new pictures or avatars for yourself or other participants, you are most certainly welcome!
    6. All ideas, pictures, chat, and anything else that arises MUST be compliant with the IRC & Forum Rules.

    Darkbound (Relten) : Origin


    Humanized versions (Jareix)
    WWI WWII (DrVoodoo)
    Pixellated (Relten)
    Silly Hats (Firepaw)

    • Biopunk
    • Dieselpunk
    • Steampunk
    MeeM (Zetta)
    Super Weaponry (Dusty)
    Inanimate Objects (Zaya)
    Floof (The Squid)
    Backwater (Relten)

    Zodiac (Bloody)

    September 2015 - The Great Bend of September/Gender September. Creator: Elldar
    October 2015 - Spooktacular Monstober Madness. Creator: kisspower12
    November 2015 - Medievember: The Middle Pages (Fantasy and Magic allowed!). Creator: Elldar
    December 2015 - Christmahanakwanzika - Happy Merry Whatever. Creator: Everyone collectively decided this.
    January 2016 - Dualigenderbend. Creators: Genderbending (agreed upon) and Duality (Jareix Cryvix).
    February 2016 - Dystopia/Apocalypse/Fallout. Creator: Relten, Quitaren, and a few others, collectively.
    March 2016 - Children/Chibi. Creator: Mega flapper


    ElldarGenderbentFinal.jpeg KaiGenderbent,Pt2.png JareixGenderbentFinal.png FirepawLady.png AskLaura02(shrunk).png MegaFlapperGenderbend.png ZayaGenderbent.png ShooshyBent.png DamaBend.png JonesyBent.png MinamimotoBend.png GenderbentKus.png CaptainKaroBent.png CupOTeaBent.png FlyingGenderbent.png RhomboidLamineGenderbender.png ShooshyJackalopeBend.png UnbentLaurence.png zayabucketgenderbent.png ZettaBend.png Io GBS 2.png genderbend.jpg

    0HGrarx.png Monster.png G7qxkdI.png Katar(red).jpeg ojUSPxW.png CLlpnaA.png DDUPRP3.png IMG_1881.JPG factoringhalloween.png DSC_0093.jpg 5evrtYV.gif Pk9l9n7.png Spooky Sprinklez.png Monstober_small.jpg spoopyflapper.png Witchhunter.png OfOJFNx.jpg Masked_Fang.png GaltbyZombies_zpsuvte4dkp.png Io M 2.png Spooky_Face.png Slender man.png Creepy.png Pixie Dama(shrunk).png Le scary face.png parapara.jpg parasyte tadpole.jpg Hellcat.png DamaSpooktacular.png ShooshyStrix.png Jmd2Gj4.png Ausleir Aswang (shaded).png karo.jpg kookmonster.png 9558857f199e4e34b22fc7348c37edba.png MaskedWords.png Mikuel.png HfderAl.gif bips spooky.png

    Medieval Elldar(tweaked).JPG E'sRogue.png Mediveal Jareix.png Magicpaw.png cupocreep.png ShooshyMagical.png XL71g9u.jpg Shooshy.png MedievalKaia.png Kaia'sRogue.png MedievalKus.png Sir Nymbus of Galtby Resize_zpsyfgitsgq.png image.jpeg lgCacbQ.jpg medivel nuclear.png medivel nuclear face big.png 1446411365_Magic Medic Close.png upload_2015-11-1_14-2-52.png upload_2015-11-1_14-5-8.png throneknight.gif CSF_wiz.png cfng_float.gif MedievalZetta.png YQ2SLLh.png avalimount.png Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 2.56.47 PM.jpg upload_2015-11-2_18-41-4.png ElvenKane.png Resq0K9.jpg 6i60Y6g.jpg QuitarenArmoredWolf.png fibLR0t.png DSC_0164.jpg skink-evolves-live-birth-eggs_25436_600x450.jpg

    Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 6.29.15 PM.jpg kitty2.png LZpjXPu.png catsnow1.png Penguin Reese.png Firepaw Da Cats'.png Suci and Snowman (1).png Colored.png ChristmasCup.png Zetta's.png Nik Karlus.png swrd1.png Gingelldar.JPG Gumaia.png GuBTQsZ.png Pixel Zaya 4.2.png Untitledrii3.png GrinchKane.png pawangelelfhat.png How to christmas color bg 3.png RgbunproFestive.png nlNI30x.png CF_winter1.png k6Vux2Z.png J4IiD8V.png GenNuc.png BS1WxZa.jpg FirepawMaxitized.png YXP81CX.png Coat Rack.png wMyxsw0.jpg xmasss.png hissmas.png Y47W5yd.gif b08ley8.png

    Screen Shot 2015-12-27 at 1.04.21 PM.jpg Screen Shot 2015-12-29 at 10.22.12 AM.jpg Kai.png oz3Z6xQ.jpg zM1lNEz.jpg Laurence and Laura.png Craven.png duality.png tigerheart.png quitaren.png vAi6Bsz.png Genderbendualitybeard2.png 4SEiz1J.jpg 9p5VVko.png Female_firepaw1.png fmale_crossfang1.png kittyriiandpaw1.png Mankane1.png Screen Shot 2016-01-02 at 9.41.01 AM.jpg u3VsWeR.jpg genderbenduality.png Screen Shot 2016-01-02 at 6.37.55 PM.jpg C8gK96C.png haO2r71.png nuclear Duality robot human face big.png xVnmBpZ.png Cat 3.png Sanity.PNG

    Seewhatyougetlarry.png yeeehaaw.png apathy applied Duality Dystopia Fallout apocalyptic big.png image.jpg lztd2k9.png DSCN1636.JPG

    YHd6DlQ.jpg chib1.png chibi2.png chibi3.png chibi4.png chibi5.png chibi6.png 5c229e9d0573eee663de9d216cb8b4bd.png 6HM48K4.jpg chibi7.png chibi9.png chibi91.png chibi92.png chibi93.png chibi94.png chibi95.png DNP0tXk.jpg N9cblyG.jpg 1JumdAg.jpg 1BRfdX7.jpg chibi96.png chibi97.png chibi98.png chibi99.png chibi991.png chibi992.png chibi993.png chibi994.png chibi995.png chibi996.png S8GGGpP.jpg TFbQ6dt.jpg e0a2ac7949dfba0f29b2cbf9d0afe336.png KaiaChibi.png 3kFx4Jj.png chibseb.png airtohO.jpg 20160312_210613.jpg 0ZFPhYF.png image.jpg nBNquyd.png image.jpg eyesaac.jpg chibigiro.jpg polythemus.png Rgbchibi.png

    123cf45ca17d0200da32616a66598890.jpg oDrUHn0.png Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 9.07.02 AM.jpg AzO3eic.png darkfang.png reltenthing.png

    Self-elected volunteer artists (They are not obligated to draw anyone.)
    Jareix Cryvix
    The Alonne
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
  2. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    Interesting, I'm keeping an eye on this thread.
  3. Vurrunna

    Vurrunna Giant Laser Beams

    I'm watching this warily.
  4. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    *Watches intently*
  5. Kaiachi

    Kaiachi Tiy's Beard

    That's the spirit, good chap! :D

    Well, the next theme is MONSTER, who's in for it? :D I think that fits pretty well with October, as it goes with Halloween. :D Just a couple more days until the official start of the next event!
  6. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    I am!
  7. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    Do I still count if I'm already prepared for Halloween?
  8. Kaiachi

    Kaiachi Tiy's Beard

    Excellent, glad to hear it! So, whatcha gonna do? I figure we'll have people become monsters! Or, maybe with something more simple, act like you're 'dressing up' for halloween! I suppose it's ultimately up to @kisspower12 what the event will truly be!
    For sure! :rofl:
    kisspower12, ZAYABUCKET and Relten like this.
  9. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    I want to be a monster for October!
    kisspower12, Elldar, Kaiachi and 2 others like this.
  10. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    How come my gender-bent char isn't in there? :c
  11. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    I'm going to be playing the mad role of a monsterized version of Aüslēir of course! (As an acrid inspired beast...)
    I really liked that one too...
  12. Kaiachi

    Kaiachi Tiy's Beard

    Sweet! What would you like? :D
    My apologies! I thought I had it uploaded, as it was in the folder, but it is fixed now good sir! @Jonesy I quoted the wrong person when I fixed it the first time, but your she-kangaroo is in there now. :D
    I'm glad to hear it! :D I look forward to seeing it!
    And don't worry, it's fixed now. :D I'm glad you liked it though!
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015
    kisspower12, Relten and ZAYABUCKET like this.
  13. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Oh, this looks pretty interesting.
    *invades thread*
    kisspower12, Elldar, Relten and 3 others like this.

    ZAYABUCKET Spaceman Spiff

    I have no clue what monster I would be. Hmmm?...
    kisspower12, Relten and Kaiachi like this.
  15. Kaiachi

    Kaiachi Tiy's Beard

    Go ahead and give it a good thought or two, you've got plenty of time. :D
    ZAYABUCKET and Relten like this.
  16. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    I have no idea, maybe hellcat?
    kisspower12, Kaiachi and Relten like this.
  17. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

    Well well well, congratulations ladies and gentlemen who are now ladies and gentlemen. I guess things will be a little more interesting nowl
    Elldar, Kaiachi and Relten like this.
  18. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    No god plz no!!!
  19. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    Why not?
    kisspower12, Kaiachi and Relten like this.
  20. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

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