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Bug/Issue The model of Alex’s seems strange(SWITCH)

Discussion in 'Support' started by bsqtriddm, Jan 2, 2018.

  1. bsqtriddm

    bsqtriddm Space Hobo

    It was autumn(in game) when my player married Alex, he behaved well in the very first a few days: standing in kitchen or his own room, and I could see his ‘face’(front texture) whenever I entered my house.

    One day I came back home, I saw Alex kept his ‘back’ to me. I hugged him and he responded by a warm hug too, then he kept keeping his ‘back’ to me when I walked away !! That night and every after night, Alex’s texture in house just left one status: keep his back to me whenever or wherever( in kitchen, or in his gym room ,or even in bed !!!).

    Hope you could fix my Alex right. :)
    • bsqtriddm

      bsqtriddm Space Hobo

      Last edited: Jan 2, 2018

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