The future of Starbound

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. BradleyUffner

    BradleyUffner Void-Bound Voyager

    Optimization is best left to near the end. Otherwise you spend time optimizing things that will be deleted or never used.
  2. snackrafice

    snackrafice Aquatic Astronaut

    Seriously, you all are incredible. I love where it is, where it's going, the flow of information of updates, the fact you all are literally steamrolling these implementations out so far, and it goes without saying that if other developers demonstrated this kind of response and dedication to their products, we'd all be living in a completely different... sector of the universe. (see what I did there? hur hur, I know, comedic genius)
    teilnehmer, AIex and xnez like this.
  3. kidnamerock

    kidnamerock Big Damn Hero

    AIex likes this.
  4. stefrele

    stefrele 2.7182818284590...

    Nice list but...
    Never sell the bear's skin before one has killed the beast.
    AIex likes this.
  5. el_king

    el_king Master Chief

    I would love to see more different types of guns.
    (Guns that fire beams of light, ball lightnings, spy fire or heat-seeking projectiles. Plasma spears, short-range acid clouds, steerable missiles. The list goes on)
    AIex likes this.
  6. Grimm2769

    Grimm2769 Aquatic Astronaut

    The point of the list is to give a idea to the testers what things are planned and to reassure people that more will come. note that this list is Non-exhaustive. meaning there is more on the drawing board. selling too early would come from posting this with a claim that it would be in tomorrow after we bought it in a patch. then not delivering.
    Epsilon52, AIex and Quark like this.
  7. Haveacold1

    Haveacold1 Void-Bound Voyager

    Any more bird nerfs in the near future? Npcs cannot survive.
    AIex likes this.
  8. mcbamestro

    mcbamestro Tentacle Wrangler

    I'm half joking by asking this perhaps but, do you intend to nerf those insta kill sewer poos?
    AIex, vanella, Lobo and 1 other person like this.
  9. LostCraftGhost

    LostCraftGhost Master Chief

    The list is sheer gaming gold. If you manage to implement half of it, this will already be more than I ever expected Starbound to be. Even this early in the beta I love the small design choices and gameplay quirks. It's amazing how something so simple as a set of stances during char creation can really make an impact.
    Keep it going, Team Chucklefish. I'll be over there mining bones to build my awesome skull castle! :rock:
    Epsilon52, AIex and Grimm2769 like this.
  10. Letalis

    Letalis Subatomic Cosmonaut

    if were going to have planetary kill lasers that annihilate the crust layer of a planet, would it be unreasonable to have a means to tractor in some of the materials that were within that destruction? im down for some borg style assimilation :)
    AIex likes this.
  11. piinyouri

    piinyouri Aquatic Astronaut

    Whew boy, my stomach sunk into my shoes when I read that title.
    I thought something calamitous occurred and the game's development was going to have to be shelved indefinitely.

    Having picked my stomach back up, this was very much needed and very appreciated.
    People need to know what the overall goal or "idea" is for this game, where it's long road will eventually take it to.
    Yes, it is a sandbox style game, but even sandboxes have a structure, and an overlying theme.

    Just don;t carried away in the clouds, so to speak. Focus is key here. :)
    Epsilon52 and AIex like this.
  12. IvoryOwl

    IvoryOwl Pangalactic Porcupine

    I once tried to talk to an NPC and a monster using the chat. It saddened me that it didn't worked. Dreamers gotta dream, right?
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
    Epsilon52 and AIex like this.
  13. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    This is the only part that confuses me. I've only be to the Beta sector, so I haven't met many NPCs nor have I seen any villages or anything, so I'm a little confused.
    AIex likes this.
  14. Tobias

    Tobias Void-Bound Voyager

    Don't suppose we can get a very very rough, y'know like "maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months" ETA on the less wipes thing being implemented? Feels like that'd be a good point to really start investing time in the game
    cosmictruffle and AIex like this.
  15. stefrele

    stefrele 2.7182818284590...

    Err... Yeah right.... I don't want to start a war on the forum. I think you understand what i was saying.
    AIex likes this.
  16. AlexTheRobot

    AlexTheRobot Orbital Explorer

    I think that with the explorable map that leads from sector to sector, the bosses would be placed at specific intervals and would board your ship or teleport you into theirs, where you would then fight. This would stop people who move out too early, and the large amount of bosses would be good for higher level players.

    Also, i think that the story at the beginning shouldn't be just some text or pictures, but an interactive section, whee a different choice would affect your outcome (gear you start with)
    AIex likes this.
  17. Epigenety

    Epigenety Poptop Tamer

    Really, REALLY impressive work! This confirmation only makes it that much more exciting. I really have no doubt in my mind that this game will be a game never to forget, and will probably still be rebooting it in 20 or so years from now :). Most of the things on this (non-exhaustive!! :D) list have been announced/speculated earlier, so when playing the beta, I guess a lot of us already knew big and small things most people are asking for right now will get implemented somewhere down the road (e.g. ship upgrades, terraforming and tier progression being tied to a (story)quest, which makes it a bit less random).

    Also this means that some planets will seem a bit less out of place? The first volcanic planet I explored had around 7 merchants on the surface, all with a simple wooden cart and some lanterns, selling clothes........... Wait what? Selling basic clothing from a wooden cart right between terrifying pits of lava..:rofl:??
    AIex likes this.
  18. Goldenflame

    Goldenflame Void-Bound Voyager

    I won't need the controls changing thing although I'm left handed the current ones are really comfortable!

    not sure about other people.
    AIex likes this.
  19. sketchseven

    sketchseven Big Damn Hero

    All feels really strong, looking forward to seeing this stuff implemented in game - really, really hope that you chase the sci-fi angle with the later techs (mapping drones that follow you around creating an accessible map of everywhere you've been etc.)
    AIex likes this.
  20. Mippy

    Mippy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Awesoooome! Would be nice to add a function to hire NPC guards or mercenaries with money to help you fight enemies!
    Epsilon52 likes this.

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