The future of Starbound

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Zephiron

    Zephiron Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't have any probs with ZQSD (or WASD), but I'm using my "C" button as push to talk when on skype/teamspeak for a while now (I grew used to it that way), and I'm tired of popping up the crafting menu each time I speak x). Besides, I would love to be able to bind the inventory button to another location, maybe Mouse4 or F.
    crimison likes this.
  2. Hydra1442

    Hydra1442 Seal Broken

    so i'am a french guy so f i do some spellings mistake don't leave a comment

    the starbound's team need to add this like the guestwe add in the party can't open chest or destroyed anithing in our ship: just the owner can,because now when we play in server the people of our party (some stanger) came and destroyed all the chest and precious thing !!!

    true story....
    AIex and Tarod like this.
  3. Scorci

    Scorci Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Totally amazing, cannot wait! could you explain the mercenary pod a bit more though? I'm really interested but didn't really quite understand.
    AIex likes this.
  4. Lukesigalos1014

    Lukesigalos1014 Void-Bound Voyager

    Sweet Jaysus yes!
    AIex likes this.
  5. variablenonsense

    variablenonsense Phantasmal Quasar

    I hope that ship combat is optional, or something, because I can't really think how that would work in multiplayer. I have absolutely no interest in pvp and the only way I play is with my boyfriend, so whatever you have planned, I hope it is coop compatible.
    AIex, vanella and gnarlor like this.
  6. Fairawen

    Fairawen Void-Bound Voyager

    Fantastical. All of these things sound amazing. Plus, the Stargate mentions make me go all spastically geeky.
    AIex likes this.
  7. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    Not a typo, I think.
    I think that it was mentioned in one of the old blog posts.

    Basically you could have a "mega server" of sorts by having people host multiple servers and gates allowing people to cross between them.
    neutralentropy and AIex like this.
  8. Raiden Firewing

    Raiden Firewing Void-Bound Voyager

    God bless you, the things on this list seem so amazing! I especially love the idea of environmental hazards and the derelict spacehips.
    Great work there, I really love Starbound so far, keep it up!
    AIex likes this.
  9. acidTOMato

    acidTOMato Space Hobo

    AIex likes this.
  10. xlegionVirus

    xlegionVirus Tentacle Wrangler

    loving this game so far and I see a bright future ahead. Keep up the awesome work!
    Epsilon52 and AIex like this.
  11. jambox5

    jambox5 Big Damn Hero

    Excitement Thrusters at 100% captain! she can't handle any more hype!
    AIex likes this.
  12. Emrenezu

    Emrenezu Master Chief

    Please fix low fps bug and still game crashing while using teleporter and driver seat...
    AIex likes this.
  13. Zephiron

    Zephiron Pangalactic Porcupine

    Il va falloir attendre un peu pour ca, ca ne fait pas partie de leurs priorités. Je suppose qu'un système de contenu instancié verra le jour d'ici peu, cela dit. Au moins pour le coffre de bord. Ce qui paraitrait plus logique, c'est un coffre-fort après tout ! :p

    ...But will she handle the time required for travel to the current point A to this far, far away point B, Mr Spock ? We're running out of it !
    AIex and RvLesh like this.
  14. Delta9Church

    Delta9Church Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This list sums up almost all the thngs I was concerned with, plus a couple nice bonuses. Great work team!!
    Epsilon52 and AIex like this.
  15. Swiftstone

    Swiftstone Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok, so if no one's said it yet, let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for the addition of a colorblind mode. I'm red/green colorblind, and this is something that is often overlooked, and/or deliberately ignored by most developers. If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion or two that may save you a number of headaches in trying to figure out what to do to compensate for each kind and type of colorblindness?

    First, contrast between light and dark, as well as pattern, are king.

    Second, in my honest opinion, you're best off giving us color/opacity control of the HUD, it's aspects, and the cursor that is currently some shade of red, (I think) and therefore invisible or nearly so against a number of backgrounds for me. (The forest worlds being the most glaring example of this.) We've been compensating for our colorblindness all our lives in one way or another, and we each know what works best for us. Give us control, and we can take it from there.

    Third, if you could give us a better way to differentiate between food-plants/useful ores on/in the ground, and what they are imbedded amongst, that would be awesome. Just make it so that if we hold down a button, little identifiers pop up over all useful ores, and food-plants on the screen Diablo style, with a faded marker signifying objects in the background, much as is done with the blocks themselves, and you're good.

    Lastly, thank you guys for working on the options to change our drop-point, scan planets for things, working on the ship size upgrades and map overhaul in particular, but the whole list sounds great so far. We know you guys are working very hard. It shows in both quantity and quality. You're doing amazing things. It is appreciated, and you should be proud of what you have accomplished so far.
    Sopel, Affle, Epsilon52 and 7 others like this.
  16. Eldiran

    Eldiran Void-Bound Voyager

    All excellent changes. Thanks Tiy!

    I would personally recommend Tech Priority as the first thing to focus on, because that has the greatest effect on gameplay.
    AIex likes this.
  17. sirylcat

    sirylcat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Will there be unicode support for chatting at least?
    teilnehmer and AIex like this.
  18. Silvestre

    Silvestre Pangalactic Porcupine

    These are a great list of upcoming features. I hope they come gradually and are well implemented. I can't wait for them!
    I don't know if you realize but these are very nice christmas gifts. :up:
    Delta9Church and AIex like this.
  19. amicable

    amicable Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    oui, et maintenant tu dois seulement admissez les personnes qui sont fiables. :\
    AIex likes this.
  20. Cakewalker

    Cakewalker Subatomic Cosmonaut

    cant wait
    AIex likes this.

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