The future of Starbound

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Kimchi Hiikaru

    Kimchi Hiikaru Tentacle Wrangler

    Tiy dude, do something about Health Regeneration at higher levels because with impervium armors, we need like 2-3 bandages to get 1 bar filled ._. .....
  2. maddaFreak

    maddaFreak Tentacle Wrangler

    And everyone so: YEAAAAHHHHH!!!!

    Many real cool points in your list of awesumniz ... but focusing a bit more on the ships i think will change it all ... *chewing my apple*

    best regards

    TheComfyKnight, kcela and AIex like this.
  3. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    Those are some nice ideas! I'd love to see them implemented :DD
    Lemme address 1 concern tho:
    I don't like how you are obligated to have a tier of equipment before crafting the next one. I like to have the freedom of skipping a tier if I have the guts to go after the materials equipped with crap gear :V
    RyuuTheWuffs, CJx101, AIex and 6 others like this.
  4. illbzo1

    illbzo1 Tentacle Wrangler

    Man I am way excited for larger ships, fewer wipes and airless planets. Maybe give me a reason to craft the space armor?
    AIex likes this.
  5. Zerbyte

    Zerbyte Title Not Found

    And we get all of that tomorrow right? ...right?
    Naun, AIex, vanella and 1 other person like this.
  6. Malicante

    Malicante Phantasmal Quasar

    Tiy, I am truly excited (and shaking with excitement) for what this list would bring to the game. I look forward to this game amazing me for a long time to come.
    AIex likes this.
  7. Tropz

    Tropz Master Chief

    Colorblind mode! Woop! =)
    Jaguarkia and AIex like this.
  8. Starfinder

    Starfinder Big Damn Hero

    This is INDEED GREAT.
    AIex likes this.
  9. Yireon

    Yireon Master Chief

    thanks for the update, looking forward to a lot of these :D
    AIex likes this.
  10. BradleyUffner

    BradleyUffner Void-Bound Voyager

    Please give server side character storage.
    AIex likes this.
  11. Fireb4llz

    Fireb4llz Aquatic Astronaut

    Awesome stuff! Although, perhaps you can make loot chests and dungeons a bit more rewarding?
    NevaR, Jaguarkia, AIex and 4 others like this.
  12. NonBritGit

    NonBritGit Cosmic Narwhal

    Well, I'd say, let's hurry up and get that final wipe over with! That's the only thing keeping me from digging deeper into the game.
    AIex and Ademer like this.
  13. SaitaM

    SaitaM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Awesome job mate! Starbound is getting epic proportions and such a huge replayability level. Endless possibilities! Keep up the fantastic work team!
    AIex likes this.
  14. Gemini221

    Gemini221 Orbital Explorer

    Well i kind of miss the information for randomly generated NPC-quests and that stuff. Or just some other way to interact with them. It would be reeeally disappointing when NPCs just shout out the same sentence and thats it, nothing else to do with them...

    But all the other points sound great!
    AIex and Lazerballs like this.
  15. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    Any word about performance issues being addressed?
    QShadow and AIex like this.
  16. GameDragonZero

    GameDragonZero Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sounds pretty good. A few thoughts
    * I still want you guys to write a book on this when things are mostly done. Honestly I'd buy it.
    * NPC Spawners. You may also want tweakables or more than guards - Doctors, miners, etc.
    * Planet data needs to go in ASAP. It really adds flavor
    * Underground secrets can get a little weird ( a tomb right above the molten core?), so it may be nice to have ones that also make sense.
    * Space Combat is nice, but that may get complex. Save it for Starbound 2: Galactic Boogalo?
    * Spaceship dungeons are great. I'd also suggest asteroid dungeons - perhaps things we see on the nav screen OR find in Maps?
    * Hazards are a great idea - have them affect monsters. May I also suggest plague, and that could affect NPCs?
    * Good on the story missions. Those are sorely lacking.
    * Definitely the change in spawn points and teleporters are needed.
    * I think Starbound may well be the game people play over and over. I'm on my second character, and I'm over 40 hours in and still going . . .

    I think "Galactic Boogaloo" is my new band . . .
    Zouleena, crimison, Jaguarkia and 2 others like this.

    DELTABRLZ Void-Bound Voyager

    Reads List of features.......Yes please!!
    AIex likes this.
  18. Quark

    Quark Big Damn Hero

    I am LOVIN' what I'm reading, Tiy. A lot of awesome features being planned that get me pumped.

    Pretty much every concern I have looks like it's getting addressed, save for one feature I have my fingers crossed for: I'd really like to see an interactive monsterpedia. Something where you can manually scan monsters and add them to your "pokedex", learn a bit about them, where you scanned them, maybe even name them. That would be fantastic, especially for the earlier tiers where you're not allowed to capture them yet.
  19. Icarius Fallen

    Icarius Fallen Void-Bound Voyager

    Here's hoping it ends up at least similar to my previous suggestion. That would be pretty cool, and really make it worth-while to establish a solid homeworld, and possibly even colonies. ( )
    NovastarX, AIex and everfreeDragoness like this.
  20. Clxmj

    Clxmj Poptop Tamer

    Aslong as you keep supporting the game take as much time as you need. Everything sounds promising, just keep the support up <3
    gggooo2050 and AIex like this.

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