Story The Fall Of Earth

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Commander Borges, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Mazeman911

    Mazeman911 2.7182818284590...

    D'aww, i thought Saphira when i first saw your profile picture :p
    also, how are you finding starbound? personally i thought it wasnt as good as it's hype was promising :(
  2. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, but I remember they are doing it in C++, and I know my dad has spent days coding in C++ to make a program hundreds of times simpler. So a hell of a lotta work went into this project. They had to write the coding algorithms for planet generation, armor, damage, hit boxes, ect. ect. And remember, its only Beta. I honestly found the fourty or so hours I've pored into just the first four tiers quite enjoyable, and I know when the full release it will be :rainbow:
    Mazeman911 likes this.
  3. Sir Sasquatch

    Sir Sasquatch Seal Broken

    you can may be use a scenery from a book called the Elemist chronicles (recommended to read) the main character (alien) go on a mission with his crue and get to see an evil species
    that got created by his power without knowing, they destroy his world with all of his friends that he knew.
    the problem he has that he don't have any weapons on his ship and his crew is panicking...
    for more you can ask me
  4. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    I am extremely sorry, but I couldn't understand exactly what you meant.
    I did get the part about The Elemist Chronicles, and I will surely take a look at it.
    However, this project will not use plagiarism in any way, I'm afraid.
  5. Priest_Drew123

    Priest_Drew123 Void-Bound Voyager

    My only question is where is the story?
    ( no mean to sound rude, this story sounds great )
  6. MrJackSC

    MrJackSC Master Chief

    Being wrote as far as I know....
  7. XxSilentShadow2

    XxSilentShadow2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is there any spaces left for the Avian doctor? If so here is my app:

    -Name: Paul Xual
    -Age: 21
    -Race: Avian
    -Job: Doctor as a temporary job but is very good at fighting
    -Basic Psychological Profile: Left home planet to explore and doesn't believe in his god.He also likes to stay hidden and is shy sometimes.

    I think this novel will have a lot of potential

    Heres my guy Paul Xual StarBound Novel Character.png and then add the space helmet that this pic has If you are Illustrating the novel that is

    hope I get the position :D
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  8. MrJackSC

    MrJackSC Master Chief

    A seperate topic was posted (and linked on the OP) for applications, but it should be fine here I guess.
  9. XxSilentShadow2

    XxSilentShadow2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Saw people posting here so I thought it would be alright,sorry!
  10. MrJackSC

    MrJackSC Master Chief

    Don't worry, the other thread was made soon after the beta was releaced and people flooded into the forums and applied. Due to the mass amounts of applicants in a short space of time Borges made another thread.
  11. XxSilentShadow2

    XxSilentShadow2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ok then so I shouldnt be worried?
  12. MrJackSC

    MrJackSC Master Chief

    Probably not : D
  13. XxSilentShadow2

    XxSilentShadow2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Then in that case : D
  14. DionZeromus

    DionZeromus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There still interest in folks joining in? I do a lot of work organizing a variety of other worlds timelines for RP (even work as a semi-staff on a Mass Effect roleplaying forum, often helping with that kind of thing). I submitted my character to the appropriate topic, but I figured I'd also throw my hat out and offer my services to help keeping facts and timelines straight.
  15. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

    I would like to start off by saying: Hello! I'm the Current timeline manager! You don't want my job.

    Why: Borges has provided me with no dates to keep things in order, and there is not enough references in his plots so far to be 100% certain things are in the right order. My (Current version) of the timeline could easily be very wrong or spot on, so until Borges gives dates/time/references the time liner would have a very iffy timeline that could just as easily be wrong as right.

    Essentially: Unlike most major game/books/role-play series, we don't have any definite order of events yet, and so being the time-line maker is difficult.
  16. DionZeromus

    DionZeromus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Eh, just means you need someone who can look at things with a fresh viewpoint! Since I'm sure being part of this for as long as you have, it's all starting to blur together, am I right?
  17. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

    I would like you to keep in mind this group started in *Checks Thread start date* *Then checks recruitment thread date* Uhh... Late September/November?

    Edit: Officially, that is.
  18. DionZeromus

    DionZeromus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've no problem with this Burth. Just thought I'd offer since the recruitment thread did list a request for additional timeline managers. I could do some builds, but I'm still needing to climb back to T3 to really get to work on the base build I'd been working on prior to the wipe.
    Commander Borges likes this.
  19. Assassin8813

    Assassin8813 Void-Bound Voyager

    Not sure if you're still accepting applications, but I'll throw my idea out there.

    Character Application:
    Name: Steel Knight
    Age: 42 Cycles
    Race: Glitch
    Job: Captain of the Guard
    Basic Psychological Profile: Hides his free-will in order to protect the community he was created in from the looming threat of a hostile invasion.

    Here's a pic of what I have my guy looking like.
    Steel Knight.png
  20. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

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