Story The Fall Of Earth

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Commander Borges, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

    Every time there's a post here I want Starbound more. I didn't believe that was possible anymore.
    Headphoner and Commander Borges like this.
  2. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    So guys, here's the breakdown of what I have for now (next step on the script)

    After being sent into the future by accident, Savannah finds herself at the exact moment of the Commander's departure. Disoriented and terrified by everything that's happening around her, Savannah makes her way into a transport ship after having her thigh grazed by an energy bullet. Rodrigo and the Commander arrive a few minutes later, and go around searching for her. Rodrigo is recognized as a "legendary soldier" by the Earth Alliance Soldiers. The Commander faces "Pit", one of the higher lieutenants of the Mysterious Invaders, and discovers that Earth is about to get destroyed, and that he must get Rodrigo and Savannah to somewhere safely ASAP. Rodrigo and the Commander follow Savannah's rift energy trace, and ultimately find her. They all board the transport ship, and just as they're about to leave the planet for good, an infiltrated Invader Soldier manages to shoot the Commander in the chest. Rodrigo attacks the soldier and coldly executes him. Although his best efforts, Rodrigo is unable to save the Commander, who, in a last desperate move, throws Rodrigo and Savannah's DNA samples into the ship's Respawner, and gives them his Rift Bender. Rodrigo and Savannah are sent back to their timeline, where they live out theirlives, in order to maintain continuity of the space/time continuum. They die several decades later, only to wake up (together and way younger) inside the transport ship's respawner, seconds after their return to their timeline. Rodrigo and Savannah wake up to their new life, and Rodrigo claims the armor of his great great grandson, effectively becoming the new Commander. As they veer off from an exploding Earth, they meet Headphoner, who was the Commander's 2nd in Command. He too has escaped the explosion alongside some soldier inside the transport ship.

    After these events, I believe Role-Play will begin to exist within the story.
    That means you, Moon Star. You can start developing some Instances, which means starting RPing sessions on Skype or through PMs with everyone that's involved and writing down everything that happens.
    Come to me or Headphoner with any questions you might have!!

    ~Time Lord Borges :fireball:
    Headphoner likes this.
  3. Caffeine

    Caffeine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    -Name: Ivy Cenia

    -Age: In her early twenties

    -Race: Floran

    -Job: Priestess in training

    -Basic Psychological Profile:

    Ivy is a priestess in training from the Cenia clan. Her clan has been living in seclusion for many generations on a jungle planet, the spaceships with which their ancestors had arrived on having become old monuments. Though they know of the stars and life being out there, they never had any need to leave their planet which they call home. Though Floran, their traditions and behaviour is quite different to that of other Floran. They do respect and welcome other races upon being visited and tend to only eat insects which are quite abundant on their planet. Their clan has been named after the goddess that they worship, which is the reason they seperated from the other Floran in the first place.

    As a priestess, Ivy is a devout believer in Sah-Cenia, the great mother of all life! According to her clans beliefs, the whole universe is part of the inside of a big pitcher plant. The day signifies Sah-Cenias great mouth opening and accepting the nutrients from above to bring life to all of the universe. The night signifies the closing of her mouth, giving all of nature the time to digest and use the energy and nutrients they have been given by her.

    Ivy has taken it upon herself to represent her clan to the rest of the universe as she travels the stars with her companion and lover, Celestine. On her way she'll spread the message of Sah-Cenia and spread life on barren planets as to please her goddess. As such, she respects all life but understands the need for killing in defense or for food. She'll usually refer to Sah-Cenia as Mother.
    Commander Borges likes this.
  4. finite61

    finite61 Aquatic Astronaut

    Character Application:
    Name: Jordana Killian
    Age: 13
    Race: Human
    Job: Part-time engineer
    Basic Psychological Profile: Cocky, talks to much
    Commander Borges likes this.
  5. FireCyanide

    FireCyanide Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Character Application:
    -Name: Sam 'Houston' Hale
    -Age: 27
    -Race: Human
    -Job: Scientist & Salesman for Plasmide Industries.
    -Basic Psychological Profile: Was quite a rich, sophisticated, happy character but after his city 'New London' was destroyed by the tentacles he became sullen and withdrawn from life, this is probably because of him seeing his family, friends and children crushed to death by falling buildings as he tried to save them from an inevitable fate, he finally escaped on his company ship which was hurriedly names the Plasmide-Savior
    Commander Borges likes this.
  6. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    We shall be hosting a Crew Application Thread/Contest in a few days. Stay tuned!!
    Captain Radon likes this.
  7. Legius

    Legius Void-Bound Voyager

    Character Application:
    Name: Klak Numi
    Age: 19
    Race: Avian
    Job: Medical Student
    Basic Psychological Profile: Oblivious to compliments; talks to himself.
  8. Klobbson

    Klobbson Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Character Application Form:
    -Name: Karl "Viking" Bardersson
    -Age: Early 31.
    -Race: Human
    -Job: Military. While trained in ranged weapons, he always enjoys drawing his sword and head right into the fray.
    -Basic Psychological Profile: Believes in the old Norse gods, Odin, Thor, Týr, etc. Enjoys a good fight, and going head on. He's quite independent, but loyal beyond question.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
  9. Captain Radon

    Captain Radon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey So i already sent an email to timelord borges but i wanted to apply officially on the thread aswell:

    -Name: Professor Dareon Leswing "Darwing"
    -Age: around 40
    -Race: Avian (male)
    -Job and Bio: Scientist (Biologist), His parents and kolony were killed during an Floran attack, while young dareon was only 6 years old. He managed to survive in an escape pod that his parents launched before the attack and was rescued by Apex, who dispite any racial predjudice raised him to be a Scientist. Since the attack Young Dareon forgot the avian Teachings of Kluex and devoted himself to the study of the fauna and Flora that seemed to thrive on the most planets in uncountable different forms of life, though some of the creatures showed similarities. After Acing the Final Exam of the Apex Capital University at ther mere age of 23 He became the youngest Professor in his faculty, which made his rivals envious. Out of fear of the Miniknog that could get him arrested at any time if one of his colleages was gong to frame him, The Professor fled during an Apex rebellion (which was crashed in less than a week , "all hail Big Ape", and joined a human Starfleet that was willing to take him on to conduct his research throughout the universe. There the crew started Calling him "Darwing" in reference of his Name and his similarity to a legendary human hcientist. The Human government rejoiced in gaining the brilliant scientist, in the hope that he would analyse, understand and eventually find a way to exterminate the tentacle monster infection that made earth unhabitable.
    Psychological Profile: His Tragic childhood has left him scarred with a deep hate towards the florans and a nervosity in closed spaces. He loves to study anything that creeps, crawls, flies,grows and swims, but is not affraid to shoot the creature down with his trusty energy launcher/revolver if the alien threatens his or a crew members survival. He will though take a piece of DNA to klone and study the monster in a less dangerous environment. His attitude towards other races is generally neutral or friendly, as he considers politeness the best way to find willing investors and crews to take him aboard a ship, but avians are judged by their religiousness ( stargazers are strictly avoided in order not to offend any religious beliefs, while any other avian is generally greated as a friend) (same goes for Apex but based on their connections with the Miniknog).HE DOES NOT BELIEVE IN KLUEX! :)O he's a renegade....)

    He generally doesn't take sides in Politics, so depending on who offers him the better funding, equipment etc. he might switch from one side to another, as science is the most important goal there is.

    Hope you like it , this is just a base idea of the Professor, i am open to changes ( Except for the Name-because it's Awesome!) :)
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
  10. Kratos7560

    Kratos7560 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    -Name: Gerone Lornes
    -Age: 19
    -Race: Human (Male)
    -Job: Apprentice Engineer (Drafting and Design/ Home defense Detail/ looks into mechs)
    -Basic Psychological Profile: Tends to be secluded in his own work; Likes to tinker in his spare time, but when confronted by a person he considers to be not a threat, he can be both talkative and friendly. When it comes to combat, he tends to panic slightly, but will stand his ground with whatever tools necessary for survival, unless the threat is too great. He is usually seen with his pet Dog Flynn (Breed: Brittany Spaniel), his close companion for company.
  11. carmello

    carmello Aquatic Astronaut

    Character Application:
    -Name: Regis Methalius
    -Age: 46.
    -Race: Human
    -Job: Ex-Military turned Scavenger.
    -Basic Psychological Profile: A pessimistic wanderer without purpose. Always has his old service rifle. Ethnics are shaky at best, but his loyalty to humanity can never be questioned.
  12. kelko585

    kelko585 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Character application:
    Name: Kelko
    Age: 20-25
    Race: human
    Job: archeologist
    BPP: really likes star wars, that means that he often uses references and quotes, also big green lanten fan, is quite weird and has some social issues.
  13. Badblocks

    Badblocks Void-Bound Voyager

    Can you please cross off or delete the story positions already taken?
  14. ZeBuGgEr

    ZeBuGgEr Space Spelunker

    Character application:
    -Name: Xatheron
    -Age: ??? believed to be over 13.8 billion years old
    -Race: Novakid
    -Job: ??? believed to listent to comands from someone or something divine and does things for reasons nobody but himself can understand
    -Basic Psychological Profile: An extremly bright and white novakid. He has a mark on his right hand that reads in novakid language "Ad Infinitum". Some believe he was there witnessing the formation of the universe and still be here when all the rest will be gone. He is unable to speak any language (he is able to make diffrent sounds but not anything wit meaning), but has the strange ability to make others feel what they believe are his emotions. For him any life is worthless, but he seems to worship the sign on his right hand that always glows in a fiery red fashion. His mark seems to be comunicating to him because whenever he looks at it he taken an important deciscon (durning a fight after looking at a sign he stops and walks away, he starts sprinting out of nowhere, etc.) He is not able to see, smell, hear, fell touch or anything else but he perceives the world through a type of "vision" that no other creature can perceive. He is cold and lonely, and will do anything that the mark tells him to. The sign's nature is unknown but it seems like a rapture in space and time and it is not evil nor good. The few that have seen it directly have gone insane, but Xatheron seems powerless and confused when it is revealed. That is why he usually keeps it hidden under some kind of energy barrier that seems to live the life as Xatheron (if Xatheron is hurt, the barrier is weakened).
  15. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Hi everyone!
    Thanks for all the applications, I'm very happy to see you guys are interested in working with us. However, we will create a thread today in order to organize the recruitment process.

    A friendly reminder though:
    We are not only looking for Roleplayers. We're also looking for artists, people to keep track of timelines, and several other things such as Public Relations, and Human Resources.

    The recruitment process will be harsh, and you shouldn't feel discouraged if you're not selected to be an active part of the series. Even if you're not selected, you will still be able to interact with the story in various ways, such as giving suggestions, and participating in Community Contests in our own Forums, which I will link on the recruitment thread.

    As of now, I ask you to hold onto your applications, as they will not be considered unless they are posted directly to the Recruitment Thread.

    Throughout the course of the series, we will hold several Open Casting Calls for characters, as well as Instance Contests, where you guys will pitch in ideas and "What-ifs", and the one with the highest number of votes will be selected to become an episode of the series. Not only that, but you (as a player) will also get the chance to appear in that episode as a Guest Actor!

    Hold on to your pants!
    Fasten your light-speed seat-belts!
    Because this is just the beginning!!
  16. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

    I'm personally gonna ask for no Novakid, because it pushes back the time we can start the story. But it's Borges' call in the end. I'm just play another character, I don't have the rubber stamp here.
    Commander Borges likes this.
  17. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    I agree. Episodes filmed after full release may include Novakids.
  18. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

  19. Mazeman911

    Mazeman911 2.7182818284590...

    Hi, just wondering, might you be referring to Sapphire from Eragon?
  20. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

    Actually, no lol. Though that is a good book series. I was more refrencing that the color of the gem Sapphire makes me think of Ice, which has things to do with Sapphire.
    Mazeman911 likes this.

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