Story The Fall Of Earth

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Commander Borges, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Does she have another name other than Sapphire? I kinda think it'd be better if Sapphire was her nickname...
  2. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

    I never came up with another name for her because the original lore I had for her, she was simply referred to as "Project four". But umm maybe... Adrea.
  3. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Do you have a Kik account? If so, add me.
    If not, send me her lore through message.
  4. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    To Headphoner

    Ok, well... Where to begin?

    Invaders refers to the unknown alien race that destroys Earth and many other planets. The main enemies in Starbound.

    Current characters:

    Commander Rodrigo Borges - Human
    William "Billy" Jones - Human
    Ken Sukisaki - Hylotl
    Ben "Headphoner" - Human
    Alnian - Glitch
    Sapphire - Human

    Ok, so the story revolves around some "story arcs"
    Each arc is kinda like an episode made of several chapters, a volume, if you will.
    The first arc is the backstory of the Solar War, focusing on the conflicts between humans and Ariats. How Rod and Ben met, why they take their separate ways after the War and so on.

    The second arc focus on the actual "Fall Of Earth", the hour-long war, the beginning of the Starbound game. How Rod and Ben manage to escape alongside some other humans.

    Still thinking about the next arcs..

    The Ariats and the Solar War:
    An extinct race of 4-armed, humanoid beings that (according to Earth Alliance records) threatened the welfare and safety of the Mojangall Colony stationed in Mars (Aries).
    Their culture was all but erased by the many years of the Solar War. Little is known about their ways or traditions. Their eradication caused serious revolts throughout Earth, ultimately leading to a Global War that lasted until 3 months before the Invasion & Fall. Many believe that this war caused the weakened state of Earth's Military Defense System, ultimately opening the way for the complete destruction of any kind of resistance against the Invaders.

    So, the main characters are all part of the Montezuma Station, which is the name given to the Abandoned Station. Not trying to be a bad guy with the Apex, but I love the idea that the Commander's warfare and strategist skills are only matched by an Apex commander. I want both of the commanders to share the same type of intellectual/strategical conflicts as Professor Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes did.

    Still need an Apex player to fill in the shoes of the main villain. I need a lovable villain, someone who will be loved for his cunning and villainous intellect and skill to deceive the heroes.

    Xenophobia is something I need for every character, in the beginning at least. I want readers to feel how weird it is to suddenly start trusting a walking fish guy or a talking bird-like woman. Suddenly realizing that your only family is a group of aliens from other planets, but that share something with you: the lack of a place to call a home. After all, their planets were destroyed by the Invaders as well.

    I want to use the interactions that we will share as players once Starbound comes out, using Roleplay only once we actually play together. Until then, I want to write the backstory for the next story arcs, filling the great void that is the current Starbound Universe.
  5. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    Did you just copy the email you sent earlier?
  6. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Yep, just need to let everybody know what we're working on..
  7. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    Well, they might not understand when they read "To Headphoner" :p
  8. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Yea, my bad... --'
  9. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Access @rmsborges on Instagram to see what your character looks like. Just finished Commander, Headphoner, Sapphire, and Billy.
  10. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

  11. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    Name: Greener (As he calls himself. His real name is Ikaro, though)
    Age: He stopped counting after 30
    Race: Glitch (Yes, another one)
    Job: He basically explores planets. Currently trying to make all glitches 'get out of their medieval minds'
    Basic Psychological Profile: He loves green and technological people. He is usually friendly to people, but is instant friends to those who like green, like him, or something like that.
    Representation: Go look at my avatar

    I hope this wasn't started yet.
    rmsborges likes this.
  12. Flibflub

    Flibflub Star Wrangler

    Name: Skrorge
    Age: 24
    Race: Apex
    Job: Commander of the Cæsar Leviathan Crew (Main Evil Karma)
    Basic Psychological Profile: The commander of a star fleet willing to crush a planet on whim. Powerful and strong, trained well with ranged weapons, never misses.
    If you accept, I'll start working on some art for this guy.
    rmsborges likes this.
  13. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Liked it a lot. If you want to, you could start working on some art for the story itself.
    Welcome aboard, Commander.
  14. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    We have a villain! :mwahaha:
    Flibflub and rmsborges like this.
  15. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    If you need a description of Greener's back, if that is even needed. He is like the same, except, well, he doesn't have the holes on his chest, and he is technically turned back to you, so there are no eyes neither anything that is on his front, but other than that, its basically just his normal design.
  16. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    There is no limit for the races of characters. Still, I need to think where I can fit Ikaro. Thank you for your contribution. Welcome aboard, Greeny.
  17. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    He maybe meets one of the groups while exploring planets, and decides to do something about it. He isn't going to be a villain, though. So remember that.
  18. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Next items on the list:
    Male Avian Doctor
    Skorge's backstory
    Quostial Revolution
  19. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Hold your horses, kid. We'll find a fit for him. Hero, villain, whatever. He will be where the story needs him.
  20. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    Also, I can send Greener's backstory to you if you want, but he is just a glitch that didn't want to be a medieval knight, like his brother, and ran away into the woods of his homeplanet. He was eventually abducted by aliens, and got in a cell with Bellia, a female hyloyt (I don't have an idea of how to write the name) which planned an escape. She put down all the people in the ship, and took control of it to her advantage. Eventually, she leaved the ship to find a new planet to her to live on, and gave it to him. He then uses that ship to explore planets and change the Glitch species.
    rmsborges likes this.

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