The Demon Syndicate

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Clan TDS, Jul 17, 2013.

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  1. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    This post is 420
    also goodnight
    Mailboxhead likes this.
  2. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

  3. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Well, finally updated my signature to point to the new thread.
    If only we could get a proper banner now.
    Britefire and CaptainMcManface like this.
  4. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    Hopefully the final character, god dangit stupid tulpae :rofl:

    Character name: Miku
    Gender: Female
    Bio: Miku grew up with a starnge diesease, her body is incredibly warm. This lead to more problems then not, forcing her to wear slightly less clothes then socialy acceptable. She was raised near the castle and was well known for her diesease, but was very shltered because of it. After so long, even though she was weak, she wanted adventure and made her way, following Cunthia to Xertra's castle.
    Chosen Elements: Fire + Water = Vapour
    Picture: [​IMG]
    Misc. Info:
  5. Sir Sandbags

    Sir Sandbags Void-Bound Voyager

    Good night all
    Britefire likes this.
  6. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    More characters are fun in my opinion! kitteh x3.png
    And that is an extremely cute Kitsune!

    Night Sir Sandbags!
    CaptainMcManface and Squidgi like this.
  7. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Dear gawd, the grammar. And the size!
  8. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    So basicly fanservice: The character?
    Also, Skirt+Stockings+T-shirt+Sweater=Not that much clothes.
    Stu and Improved likes this.
  9. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    No sarcasm. Genuinely
    Also, RP anyone?
    Squidgi likes this.
  10. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Nice first post, but wanted to point out that the tense is a bit off on that, you have it written in the present tense as opposed to the past-tense that the rest of the RP is written, would it be alright if you changed that?
    So instead of "Arache is wandering around in the forest-", it would be "Arachne was wandering around in the forest-" and similar.
  11. Shooting Star

    Shooting Star Existential Complex

    fixed it
  12. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    If anyone wants to rp with Miku, just give me a hollar and I'll spawn her in
  13. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Why the fuck is the character in the picture wearing a jacket then?
  14. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    The weather in that picture could be quiet cold
    We may never know
    It also could be very thin material
    We may never know
  15. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    It could also be Squidgi being lazy.
    We may never know.
  16. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    You guys take pictures wayyyyy too seriously. It only needs to show the general appearance of the character. The clothes shown can always deviate.
  17. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

  18. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    So anyone free to rp?
    Squidgi and i discussed somethings and ive decided to come back to the clan.

    I was planning introducing my new character, A magic elemental called Valerie:
    Note: the following pics show her different forms. She can switch element and gain some power of the element she switches to. However her eyes remain purple no matter what.

  19. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    The time has come...
    This is the new offical canon bio for enigma scrapping the old idiot starbound one.

    Character name: ??? "Enigma" Blackleaf
    Gender: Female


    Chosen elements: Fire and Lightning.

    Enigma as she is called now was born in a rather peaceful village in a rather peaceful nation in the human world.
    Sadly said nation bordered a large and greedy empire wich had slowly started invading neighboring countries.

    One of the bordering countries had recently been invaded by the time Enigma turned 12.
    Her father worked in a reistance group to smuggle supplies past the border but was caught one day.
    Enigma's family arranged for that Enigma and her mother to be smuggled into a more independant country but one that was still almost puppeted by the empire.

    This is where Enigma spent her teenage years. In an old but oppressed city she was forced to grow up.
    Nobody liked her at the school she went though since she was an outsider and she had to endure many years of bullying.
    One year her mother died, Wether it was of disease or just sorrow from the news that their old home nation had been invaded and occupied she never knew.
    After she was thus forced to leave the home in the city and move in at an orphanage she decided to find a place of her own, An old abandoned workshop was where she moved in.

    Enigma spent most of her time here either reading,tinkering with tools or just generarly surviving. She made a decision, In order to survive she couldn't stay there, She had to get outside the borders.
    She swore that no matter what she whould find a way, And through deceit,wit and savvyness she succeeded.
    At the age of 18 after taking the false name "Enigma" Blackleaf and donning both a new outfit and ponytail she left the city.

    However this story wont end as happily as this.
    A few days before leaving Enigma encountered a strange woman. She asked if Enigma wanted "Help" leaving the city.
    Enigma however got suspicious and declined the offer.
    The woman got a bit annoyed but understood Enigma. However she wished her goodluck then they shook hands and went different ways. Nothing more to it. Or so Enigma thought.

    Enigma whould later know that woman as "Xertra". A disguised succubus seeking new recruits for her syndicate. Enigma didnt get more than a few kilometers out into the country before she was transformed into a succubus thanks to a quick spell Xertra had casted before she left.
    Enigma was now at a crossroads. She couldnt go back to the place she absolutely despised even if she wanted nor could she ever go back to living among humans. She could simply live in the country but without other demons she whould most likely get killed by hunters.
    Xertra left her with some rather insanely confusing directions should "She change her ways about coming along". Enigma Blackleaf had no choice but to agree to the ultimatum and journey to the demon syndicate.

    Several months later she's now a veteran member.
    Her apperance is still that of a human tinkerer thanks to shapeshifting allowing her to make that her permanent form. Infact Enigma no longer has a demon form thanks to just repressing it enough.

    She's very skeptical of demons in general and absolutely despises most of them. Slime's come off as uncanny to her and disturbing to her,Driders are plain nightmare fuel and She is slowly becoming paranoid of a certain blue haired kleptomaniac neko stealing her stuf.
    But out of everything in the whole castle the one person she absolutely despises is Xertra.
    Enigma holds a very deep grudge against the succubus queen and is not above fighting or defying her.
    Its at the point where Enigma doesn't even care about being Human or Demon, She is willing to stay just to avoid running away from the inevitable battle against Xertra.

    She's a skilled tinkerer and still knows how to use technology.
    She may come off as strange but she is a human living the life of a demon. Her mind is not adapted to it and due to repressing all demon senses she is basicly a human in all but soul and lack of magic.
    Its worth noting that she is a rather skilled deceiver. Even without succubus or demon powers she is a skilled liar and trickster.
    There's some part of Enigma that just seems to be determined to pursue things for the sake of "Doing them". The desire to defeat Xertra is one of these things. The grudge has gotten to the point where both sides had agreed on a status quo.
    Altough after the argument over Kalissa and attack on the castle by Luna this has majorly changed and Enigma's pure despise of Xertra has resurfaced.
    Stu and Improved and Britefire like this.
  20. Covert0ddity

    Covert0ddity Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey. Hey guys. Now I'm actually back, due to ~4 weeks of vacation, I havn't done much crap. Well. I'm ready to do more, or less, crap. So. Actually back now. Yay. Does. This. Sentence. Have. Too. Many. Periods. To. You. Guys?


    What's up with your guys' new avatars? Where can one such as I get one?


    Book is almost ready!!


    Ominethious and CaptainMcManface like this.
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