RP The Demon Syndicate RP

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Clan TDS, Jul 26, 2013.

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  1. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    A waiter arrived bearing a plate of food, Nicholas took the plate and started eating.
    "tell me about the castles troubles"
    He said to Ominethious
  2. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Ominethious sat down with him, knowing his fond amount of Politics, and trying to get the word in his head about Luna he said, "The situation is CRITICAL sir... If you have any combat experience its NEEDED... An Insurrectionist by the name of Luna want's her 'royalty bloodline' to the throne back from Xertra... Meanwhile she came with a few accomplices... most-likely all Succubus, names are Ivory, Katrika, and Lucia... their wearabouts are unknown. However, I've managed to break Ivory's Moral towards her leader, Luna... Now what i need to do is find the other two, and decide whether they live, or die..."

    Ominethious waited for a response, after a time he had gotten off the table to try and find out where that little girl, Ivory, had gone, and to get away from the Food, it was making him crave souls so suddenly...
  3. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    Lucia giggled a little "your fun."
    Amber nodded and sighed saying "I have to go up there."
  4. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Enigma looked around the cavern. She noticed alot of the slimes were grouped togheter in one corner of the spring.
    " Um... I think sneaking past might be the best idea. Ive never seen them this focused on anythign before. "
  5. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    Lucia nodded "okay then, lead the way."
  6. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Enigma started walking towards the entrance to the tunnels.
  7. Con7Rad7

    Con7Rad7 Giant Laser Beams

    "Huh, have fun with that"

    Kara touched her blade to the ground, sending a bolt of electricity along it at It's feet.
  8. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Alysia looked at Amber with concern now. "You're what?? Tar AND Pangea almost got killed up there!"
    She caught movement from the corner of her eye and glanced over at it. Enigma and someone else were heading towards the tunnels. "Ugh.... hold on for a minute," She said to Amber, then rushed on over towards the two succubi. "Enigma! Wait up a second!."
  9. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Enigma heard a voice and looked over to Alysia.
    She was a bit suprised for a short moment since she was always a bit creeped out by how uncanny slimes are.
    " O-Oh um... Hi there Alysia. "
  10. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Alysia caught up quickly. "Th-theres... there's something going on up in the castle," She said in a concerned tone, her voice shaking a bit. She was obviously distressed about it.
  11. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    She looked over at Lucia.
    " Um... Yeah... We are actuly looking for Xertra right now. "
  12. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    "Oh. Right, that's a good idea. My sisters told me she went into the caves." She glanced over at Lucia with a curious expression, her head tilted sideways. "Who's this?"
  13. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    Amber knew her duties. She was princess and needed to be there when the queen wasn't. She sighed going into one of the rooms to put her suit on, coming back out and sitting by Tar for another minute.
    Lucia looked nervously at Alysia "oh, I'm new here, just uh, helping Enigma out."
  14. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Enigma nodded.
    " Well sorta. We are looking for Xertra to help her become a member. "
  15. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Alysia nodded her head. "W-we need to tell her about the attack... and I think she has Kalissa with her too."
  16. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    Lucia nodded "we can tell her when we see her."

    Ivory sat patiently outside of the kitchen for Omin to finish
  17. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Crazyon's feet suddenly detached in a cloud of dust.
    Crazyon then commanded the platform to tilt as he hovered mid-air.
  18. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Ominethious had looked throughout the kitchen for Ivory, only to find her sitting outside the door in the hallway. He then asked Intrigued, "Why did you stay out here, when I told you that you can go find something useful in the Kitchen?" Ominethious wasn't mad at her, he was quite worried if something was indeed wrong... Other than his relations with her...
  19. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Alysia perked up a little. "No.... I want to come with you."
    Ominethious likes this.
  20. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    " Um.... " Enigma replied looking at Lucia.
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