The Demon Syndicate RP

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by zooey, Apr 9, 2013.

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  1. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    "Well, if no one noticed other than me, then probably it might be fast enough to do this..."
  2. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    The rune began to glow green, and a small burst of colored energy appeared over the kitten's hand for a moment before fading.
    "Oh? Well that's interesting..." Lilly mumbled.
    "From the looks of it, I'd say you control water and earth, you can heal people!"
  3. Con7Rad7

    Con7Rad7 Giant Laser Beams

    "Go ahead and destroy it, I really don't have any interest in it." replied Kara.

    "Now then, if that's everything, I believe it is time for you to go, my guards shall show you the way out." Two guards stepped forward, and told the two to follow.
  4. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Iota nodded his head and hesitantly followed the guards. That went a lot smoother than anticipated, but he still felt on edge about this whole situation.
  5. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Kalissa looked to Iota following the guards and moved to follow as well, looking at the guards with slight suspicion.
  6. Con7Rad7

    Con7Rad7 Giant Laser Beams

    The guards led the two to a cave entrance leading to the waste land above the hive.

    The guards promptly stopped there, letting two continue from this point on....
  7. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    "I can heal people?" he looked at her confused. --Being a healer, why hasn't he healed his scarred puffy horrible eye that you can see clearly since he hasn't applied bandages--
  8. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    Azoulas looks around. "We should hurry out of here. I'd rather not fight something that can do this." He gestures to the forest around.
  9. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    "With training, yep!" Lilly replied.
    "Though, speaking of healing, what happened to your bandages on your eye?"
  10. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    He looked at her confused and felt his head. "Oh, I guess they must have fallen off when I got slimed. Not even sure why I wear them" he giggled oblivious of his own eye scar that kept him seeing out of that eye.
  11. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    "Probably to protect that scar, want me to get some more? There should be some bandages in the medical kit here."
  12. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    He looked at her confused. "What scar?"
  13. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    "The one on your eye... Looks like something happened to you, can't say what, but it must've been bad..."
  14. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    He looked obliviously at her. "But my eye is perfectly fine." He pointed to his good eye. "And everyone knows you see out of your eye. If it didn't work, I wouldn't be able to see."
  15. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    As Siercy was reading her book, trying to avoid the "lusty argonian maid" staring her in the face from a book shelf, she quietly dozes off, oblivious to anything going around her.
  16. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    "I mean... Never mind... What do you want your wings to look like?" Lilly asked.
    "Want them to look mechanical? Or to look more like a succubi's wings? Fairy wings pehaps? How they look doesn't matter too much."
  17. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    He looked confused. "Umm.. I dunno. Whatever looks coolest on me." he beamed in glee.
  18. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    "Yeah... But where we will find clues of where the next crystal is? Neither you or Orbos know"

  19. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    "We could go to the town and ask around, if not there we can go somewhere else. Let's just.... Hurry." He says as he shivers looking at the trees.
  20. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    "Heh, okay then! One warning though, when you are wearing these and using them, you will feel anything that happens to them." Lilly said, in a slightly concerned tone.
    "If someone pokes them, you'll feel it in the same way you feel this!" she said, grinning slightlu and quickly poking him on the shoulder.
    "But tjat also means that, if they break while you are wearing them, it will hurt... A lot..."
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