The Avali Nexus Goes Fourth

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by RyuujinZERO, Jul 2, 2014.

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  1. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    eh screw it.....not everything has to be perfect....
  2. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

  3. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Crap, unrelated issue, I need to go, need some air... hyperventilating crappy indoor air no good... stressing myself out over other things.
    Bye now gotta go!
  4. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    Cya! Uh... Have, fun...?
  5. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

  6. Corosar

    Corosar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    dear god.... take your time its not like we are leaving if its more important its better to get it out of the way before dealing with something not as important we can wait for you to recover from whatever it is causing your stress
  7. Mc Fow1er

    Mc Fow1er Pangalactic Porcupine

    You can have some as well if you like, the kegs a fucking huge after all...
  8. Corosar

    Corosar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *Steps back slowly*
    whoaaa no unlike shadow .... i can not hold my liquor i rather not.... besides a shapeshifting drunk fire breathing dragon would probably be a very very bad thing..
  9. Mc Fow1er

    Mc Fow1er Pangalactic Porcupine

    *looks up at corosar* Well, mine are home brew, though I still prefer apple cider over all the rest. *Walks over to a rather large keg and puts a glass beer mug under the tap and pours a pint of a nice rich golden coloured apple cider* Are you sure you can't keep cider down, it's practically apple juice.
  10. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    *gonzo jolts up as the mist enters him* ... Huuhhh *stareing in front of him. Chest quickly going up and down*
  11. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    *heart pounding, chest heaving, eyes bulging like they're going to fly out of the sockets, classic anxiety*
    Need a job, gotta have a job, don't want what happens if I don't find a job. Only a few weeks to get a job, forced to volunteer at hospital otherwise. Can't stand hospital, hospitals make me sick, too much sick people, can't even visit. Work at one for free? No no no no no, doing all the dirty work, get sick really fast...

    Need a job now... gotta have a job. heheh.
  12. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    Nothing left for me? Boo(
  13. Mc Fow1er

    Mc Fow1er Pangalactic Porcupine

    You can have some of my stuff. *sakes a nice big swig of his pint full of apple cider*
  14. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    Yay, something for me! Hurray! *gulp gulp gulp*
  15. Corosar

    Corosar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *gently licks lips*

    okay maybe one glass of cider... i've handled that before at least....

    ahh that kinda stress... man i feel for you.... phobias baaaaaddddd....
  16. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    you could do household chores, atleast that's what I did during my idle period.
  17. Mc Fow1er

    Mc Fow1er Pangalactic Porcupine

    ... *looks up at corosar* Umm are you going to transform back to an avali or do I have to give you the entire keg?
    ...Would you like me to get you your own pint? Seeing as you just drank mine....
  18. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    No good, required to be out of the house, doing something, making money. Need more money in house... Been couped up too long as well, they tell me. Tell me it's for my own good... What good is losing my lunch over looking for a freaking job?
  19. Corosar

    Corosar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Umm yea.... may be for the best....
    besides don't want to drink you dry of your beverages.

    *poofs back into avali under cover of smoke*

    Smoke helps hide the change. *cough*

    seriously feel for you... i can't handle being in a crowd but i have never had an anxiety attack that bad before... i hope the best for ya
  20. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    Sss-STTREEEEEEETCH! Good morning AVALI PEOPLE! *Yell yawns*
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