"Very well, I am Ivar Tunich, the greatest geneticist the Minikog has ever seen." He lowers the rod. Tunich listens as the shrill female threatens the Floran, who quickly backs down and looks around the hall. Spotting a rough part of the wall, Tunich attempts to pry open a door that seems to have had wallpapering try to hide it. Despite his best effort, he cannot open the door, although it looks like it does not look like it would slide into the wall. Motioning to the others, Tunich overs an idea. "These other doors may be locked, but perhaps we can open this one? Who is the strongest among you?"
"I'm average, if being able to lift an Avali gatling cannon is average that is." Henry didn't really consider himself very strong, and he doubted that he would be able to pry the door open.
"I see." Tunich makes a mental note of the Avali's confidence. He turns to the Novakid. "You, Novakid. I am aware your race can expel spare plasma through your brands. Would you attempt to use this ability on the locked door here?"
"I can...? O-oh yeah.. I can, sure..." Neptune said. He walked to the door, attempting to open it. The plasma somehow opened the door, and kept it open. "Heheh...! WHAT THE FUCK?!" the woman shouted, "Q-quick, get in!" Neptune said.
Without giving the Floran a second glance, Tunich walks through the hole the Novakid had melted in the door. "Die as you wish, then." Tunich walks down the narrow hall, lit only by the interface from his helmet. The walls are metal and spider webs proliferate the walls and ceiling. Tunich was now sure this was no regular institution. At the end of the hallway Tunich finds another door. He reaches for the handle apprehensively.
Henry decides to follow Tunich. He slowly walks through the door, wondering if the voice will do anything to stop them.
Henry jumps slightly at the sound of the roar. "Uh, Tunich? Now might be a good time to get that door open..."
Hearing the Avali's words and the roar echoing down the hall, Tunich pulls on the door's handle and the door opens inward. This room is dark too, but the light from his helmet allows some insight to the contents of the room. Desks line the four walls, each one holding up a centuries old computer on it: each one looks to be inoperable. The walls have streeks of grime on them and more cobwebs coat the corners and the few office chairs scattered about the room. Striaght ahead is another door. Tunich motions out into the hall for everyone to come this way.
Henry follows closely behind him. Once everyone is through he shuts the door and locks it. He looks around for anything that could serve as a decent barricade.
The Floran runs to one of the rooms darker corners and somehow blends in with the shadows, almost being invisible.
With Henry's help, Tunich pulls one of the nearby tables in front of the doorway of the hall they three had just exited. His breathing is heavy, not used to regular manual labor such as this. That sort of thing was only for assistants and interns. "Would you like to find out?" Tunich chuckles at his dark humor. He turns to one of the nearby computers, and tries to start it. Nothing happens. "Feh, this is what happens with outdated technology. It is useless to everyone. Come, we must find some way to contact the outside world." With that Tunich heads for the second door.
A mask lied on the floor. It seemed like a Novakid one, identical to the one on the gate. It was painted yellow.
Reaching down, Tunich picks up the stone mask. His suit reads it to have no known contaminants. This was odd, considering it should have been sitting in this hallway for many years, gathering all sorts of dangerous biological substances on it's surface. "Novakid, come here. Do you recognize this design? It has a pattern similar to the brands adorning your race's face."
Tunich scoffs in reply and shoves the mask into the Novakid's arms. "There, you shall carry this meaningless object for now. We must head forward, and hopefully, upward." Tunich strides into the hallway, but on the lookout for anything dangerous.