<<Let's get started, people!>> << OOC Thread: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/the-amber-roma.101537/ >> You find yourselves awakening in a dark room, with only a few dim, flickering lights to shed any illumination on things. From what can be seen, the room's centerpiece is an oversized teleporter in the shape of some portal-gate from myth. Hanging from the top of this gateway is a note with a message attached: "Hello, my dear friends! Sorry for the gas; I find it's the best way to put people into situations they won't enjoy. Ho ho! Now, as I'm sure you've guessed, you are currently aboard the Amber Roma; at least, what's left of it. Obviously, we can't have this beautiful beacon of advancement and science sit around and degrade in the highly corrosive environment of empty space! So, I need you to fix it. Simple as that! Of course, simple and easy are not synonymous. You'll need to do some exploring to get his beautiful beast running again; exactly why I hired explorers! Ho ho! *ahem* Anyway, there are several teleporters in this ship, organized for the various planets they connect to. Why? Because Romanoff was a madman! Ho ho! One of these teleporters is still operational. You'll be able to get the supplies there to fix the ship a bit, and activate the next teleport. Rinse and repeat until the ship works again. Once you do that, we'll discuss the reward. I wish you well on your endeavors! --Mister E"
*Stands up awkwardly* "Ow... That was unpleasant." *left shoulder sparks* "I can not see anything. I think my -y -y, eyes are broken -n..."
Gale groggily gets up and rubs her head... She then promptly throws up onto the floor... "Ugg... I thought I smelled ingestible tranquilizer in that tea... Along with-" she throws up again... "Along with some god damned ipecac..." She stands up and looks about her surroundings... "Is anyone okay?"
"You're a glitch. Can't you just turn your damage sensor off temporarily? I'm a mechanic not-" pukes again " I'm not a robotics expert... Sorry..."
"I am actually not a glitch, I am a, um... uh... I seem to have lost control of my legs. Wait a moment, where did my cloak go?"
Monte lies in an uncomfortable-looking position on the floor, still out cold. His hat lies to his left, several strange devices spilling out from it. Monte's green eyes flash open under his mask. They briefly dart around the room before he leaps to his feet. "Where-? Who-?" He relaxes from his tense pose and rubs an aching spot on his head. "Urgh. This Signor E. is a fickle fellow." He contemplates for a moment. "I've had worse crowds."
Monte examined the peculiar robot. He'd seen enough Glitch to know that this was not one of them. The construction was too modern. It appeared to be malfunctioning, and its limp arm periodically gave off sparks. Its eyes flickered like a gaslamp that was nearly out of fuel. "Ah, you were the fellow attempting to blend in with the drapery, correct? You don't appear to be in the best of shape." Monte winced as a thrum of pain pounded in his head. "Of course, I don't think any of us here are in top condition as it stands." He gestured to the Floran retching in the corner, and the others that remained unconscious.
The Apex scientist, it seems, has simply been tossed in the corner, leaning against a wall. Neither her bag nor her glasses are still on her, both lying haphazardly nearby. Finally, she comes awake only to realize... "I can't see!" In a panicked attempt to look around her, she inadvertently slams her head into the other wall and curses. "Where are my glasses?" she mutters, dazed; talking mainly to herself, not yet having noticed the presence of others in the room.
Oh, well this is entertaining. Monte watches the Apex blindly fumble for her glasses and mumble to herself, making no move to assist her. I can tell this will be fun already. After growing bored with watching her flail about, he steps over to her glasses nudges them towards her blindly groping hands. Grinning wickedly, he positions himself so his mask will be the first thing she sees upon putting her glasses back on.
"Ah, there they are," she mutters, finally catching hold of the metal frames. She gratefully slips her glasses on. "Now to see where-" The Phobe's grinning mask comes into focus, and she yells and scrambles backward. Having nowhere to go, though, she just ends up cornered, hitting her head on the wall again. Thankfully, she doesn't knock herself out again. "Get away from me!"
"To get away, one first needs to know where they are, and I believe it's safe to assume neither of us possesses that knowledge." Monte twirled around, arms outstretched to gesture about the dim room. "Mysterious, no?" He extended a spidery hand to help the Miniknog woman up. "Signor Spaventra, but you may call me Monte if you wish, Signorina...?" He waited for a name.
"L- Luie. Mam'selle Luie Markov." Still shaken from the trick Monte played on her, Luie accepts his hand. It seems she's finally accepting that he doesn't mean her harm. "M'sieur Spaventra, I... apologize for my..." She clutches at her head, dizzy from standing up so soon. "Ow... have you seen my bag? I need a flashlight."
"The pleasure is all mine, Signorina Markov. I tend to have a certain... effect." Monte scooped up his hat and tossed the few spilt tricks back in before pulling out an eerie glass sphere filled with a bubbling liquid. The liquid cast a green glow over the room. "Is that your bag over there, Luie? May I call you Luie?" He gestured to the rumpled bag lying on the floor. "Now, we were all just recovering from our little excursion at the mansion of our mutual employer. As you can see, this "Mister E." has gathered the most capable souls in the galaxy." Monte pointed out each figure in the room in turn. "So far we have Spacesick Floran, Broken Robot, Little Miniknog, and of course, cordialmente, yours truly."
"What is that?" the Apex asks, stooping to pick up her bag. Her chemist's eyes are immediately drawn to the sphere of glowing liquid. "Bioluminescente? Phosphorescents? Fluorescent?" She quickly lists off similar types. "Do you think... Is it possible that I could have a sample?" Apparently, this is more important to her than where she is, what happened, or who her companions are.
His right eye makes a loud buzzing noise & flickers rapidly as he clumsily rises to his feet, the buzzing then stops & the eye illuminates. "Brilliant! I can see." He exclaims. "At least one eye is better than none."
"ugh... Ipecac... Very powerful cough medicine and gag reflex stimulant... Worse than yarrow... This is why I don't use most earth herbs." she looks about the green lit room and stands up, taking a look at everyone. "Seems like most of all of us are conscious... where's my medical case? I need some ginger beer..." she spots it a fair distance from her puddle of vomit. She walks over, takes out a flask, opens it, and takes a long drink from it... "ahh... Nothing like whiskey and ginger to calm ones nerves..." she takes a look at their environment. "Now... I thought I heard someone on a speaker somewhere... So can someone tell me where the hell we are? I'm a bit concerned as to what's gonna happen..."